
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Top Articles for Reality Undefined Blog 2023



What were the top articles read on Reality Undefined blog for 2023? I've broken it down for the year - however, all but April, July and December, the top read article for 2023 was "Please Don't Feed The PK Manifestation" -- so starting with February, I showed the second most read article after "Please Don't Feed The PK Manifestation". Please note: just because they were the most read that month doesn't mean they were posted in 2023.

April, July and December show the most read article for that month.

January 2023

February 2023

March 2023

April 2023

May 2023

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023

December 2023

Thank you all for your continued support! I appreciate you all!

by Jan Toomer

Energetic Etiquette




I absolutely love this title, but it’s not my creation. Thank you, Steff!

Energy workers (should) know that we don’t work on anyone without receiving their permission first. This is Energetic Etiquette 101.

But what about those who can’t verbally give us their permission? We ask the person’s (or animal’s) Higher Self for permission. In other words, you ask energetically.

Now what about doing energy work on places or situations? You can energetically ask the location for permission. In both of these two instances, you will receive a “yes” or “no”; please respect the answer you receive.

For energy work on a situation, I recommend you offer the Light – with the intent that those who wish to receive it will partake of your offering. Those not interested will simply ignore it.

Energetic Etiquette

Etiquette is defined in part by Google as, “…code of polite behavior in society…” So let me ask you this: What is the etiquette of not just doing energy work on a place, but what is the energetic etiquette for visiting a place?

When you go to visit family or friends, you usually let them know you’re coming, right?  It’d be no fun...Read More

by Jan Toomer



Sunday, December 17, 2023

News and Views from the Other Side – December 17, 2023



    ~ You, the Public, Have the Power ~

Over the last few months, I’ve had special – uninvited – guests appear in my space/energy. I say “uninvited”, but my Team (following my stringent protocols and boundaries) has allowed them to approach me.

Some have approached me before (over the last 10 years or so), but I have to say, I brushed them off and sent them packing

Today, I agreed to listen.

Their message is generalized – it does NOT pertain to everyone, so please keep this in mind as you read their message.

Now, mind you, these are not their excuses that they are providing, nor can what some of them did while alive be forgotten – but their combined message should be heard. So as to not prejudice, I have not provided the names of these beings that approached me.

The beings (the deceased, former humans) that approached gave me an overview going back to about the 1940’s to present. They showed me the degenerative energies that spread like cancer over the movie and music – or entertainment – industries. The depravity and how it grew until it can no longer be contained or hidden – and we’re physically seeing this today on stage and screen.

What we are seeing on stage and screen is only the tip of the iceberg – so much more goes on behind the scenes.

*Again, this is a generalization! NOT everyone in the entertainment industry falls under this or is ensconced in this! *

So the message is kind of two-fold that these beings would like to present. Now on to their message.

* * *

The Message

The messages in our movies and songs remains important today when those movies or songs reminds us to honor one another, regardless of social, economic, religious or gender status.

Each individual...Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer


Monday, December 11, 2023

An Abridged Experience


I recently had an incident occur that irritated and frustrated me – and, quite frankly, I was irked at a particular person in charge for not accepting responsibility for the ineptness I encountered.

After I distanced myself, I found myself ruminating over the experience (see, I’m human, too).

I was in my hotel room and getting ready to step through the bathroom doorway to head into the main part of the room when the floor began undulating and the bath towel on the towel rack was swaying back and forth. My first thought was, “Oh, it’s an earthquake.” I grabbed the door frame and looked over to the sink. Neither my water bottle nor the sink towel showed any disturbance at all.

I checked the sleeping area and nothing was moving there. I then heard a man’s voice, loudly and clearly, say, “Jan”.

I re-checked the bathroom and everything was still, but I did notice an unknown-to-me energy signature signifying a massive use of energy, and it felt like it had been an attempt to open a wormhole.

Two days later, while meditating and talking with my Team, I saw an odd looking craft over the shoulder of one of my Team members. I asked what that was and was told it was a spaceship. I heard, “He wants to talk to you.” The ship disappeared.

The person I was irked with energetically popped in and said... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Breather



 As the end of November creeps closer you may feel…relieved, expanded, and/or lightened energy.

Can you feel it?

The Forerunners

Also called the path-makers, the way-showers, the ground crew, etc. These are the Lightworkers, energy workers and the like who have been boots-on-the-ground; clearing the way and setting up the new foundation for the new energies that are evolving and have evolved from 3D density to a higher frequency while in a physical body.

And we are tired. We have worked long and hard. Are we done? Well, not exactly, but for now, we don’t have to do any heavy lifting so-to-speak.

Take a Breather

We are taking a breather – it’s time.

Can you feel it?

Although 3D Earth still has a lot of stuff happening, we have been given a...
Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, November 13, 2023

It's All in the Heart




Humans have lived from the brain, ego, and in fear for a very long time.

Now we’re transitioning to moving into and living from the heart. This transition may be a little rocky until we adjust; we may occasionally feel emotionally sensitive.

What does that look and feel like? Well, for me, I feel my – and others – emotions a lot stronger than a year ago…and that’s saying a lot for an empath.

Since we’re moving more into the heart – which is stronger compassion, empathy and a lot stronger connection to emotions – one may experience stronger reactions to grief, praise, beauty in one’s world and perhaps feeling “moved” a lot stronger.

A friend called recently and told me some sad news about her horse; I teared up.

In the same call, she complimented me, and I teared up again.

But There Might Be More

Because we are essentially becoming more sensitive, this might include feeling and/or reacting more to shifts and changes on Earth, with Earth.

All the earthquakes, volcanic activity, tornadoes/twisters, or hurricanes and typhoon energies can create..Read More

by Jan Toomer 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Tech Detox





We went to the hot springs for a few days. Hubby suggested I needed to relax. I told him I wasn’t sure if I would be able to. I asked my team to help me unwind, unplug, rejuvenate and have time to write to finish my third book.

When we got to the hot springs and settled in, we found their Wifi was down. In all the years we’ve visited there, we’ve never experienced being Wifi-free.

In the early afternoon, we walked down to the desk and asked about the internet connection. They hadn’t realized it was down. Unfortunately, they informed us, the IT guy was gone for the day. I did have 5G on my phone, but don’t use that for surfing or for social media.

So Hubby soaked a lot and read in between soaks. I wrote a lot.

Late the second day, we were informed the connection had been reestablished, but the Wifi wouldn’t reach our room.

Showing Me How It’s Done

The resort cat spent quite a few hours sleeping next to me on the sofa. Every once in a while, she’d wake up, reach out to me and place either her paw or her head on my leg and go back to sleep. Perhaps she was showing me her way of relaxing.

I completed my book (A Prophecy Revealed – expected to be out January or February 2024), and when we got back home, I sent the manuscript out for a final critique.

Did my Team make sure I had no distractions by disabling the internet connection or was it coincidental? I don’t believe in coincidences.

Back Home

When we got back home and I finally checked in on social media, I was shocked by how hard I was struck by what I had previously been desensitized to.


Our right to speak freely has been muzzled. I know, they say...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Energy Update - October 15, 2023



  ~ Prickly – Argumentative ~   

Wow! The energies we just traversed the last 14 days had been intense. Headaches, insomnia/exhaustion, digestive issues, crying / weeping / teary-eyed, as well as reminiscing the past again.

But this coming week is going to be a bit bumpy again. Though Mercury doesn’t go Retrograde again until December 13, 2023, we are certainly in its sights. We are experiencing the energies of Mercury as though it were Retrograde. To read about what those “symptoms” look like, please visit Mercury Retrograde…it’s pretty much what we’re going through now.

The keywords and phrases for this week are lean towards:

- agitation, prickly

- argumentative or looking for a fight

- “I’m right; you’re wrong” energy and attitudes

- verbally bashing others because they’re not blindly following the “script” being provided to them

- being a lemming*

In other words, the energies will be poking the proverbial bear...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 8, 2023

These Great Times



 Okay, I know a lot seems to have kind of gone sideways; I get that.

Well, yeah, we’re feeling pretty tired.

Sure, it appears that world has gone bonkers.

Yeah, it sometimes feels like we’re living in the old lawless west where it’s a free-for-all.

Isn’t it great?

No, I haven’t lost it…well, I’m pretty sure I haven’t lost it. grin

Remember, we chose to be here during this time to help the planet raise its vibration or frequency. Let’s take a look at these great times.


It may seem like total and aggressive chaos, but it’s...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 1, 2023

It’s Not Your Decision – It’s Their Decision



 A few years ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He spoke at length with his doctor and then he dug into and researched alternatives. He decided on Immunotherapy (a form of chemotherapy).

As he was well into his treatments, someone asked me, “How could you let your husband do chemo?” Let? Really?

It’s simple, it was not my decision. Let me say that again. Not. My. Decision.

I expected my husband to research options and make an informed decision, and that is exactly what he did.

I have no right to tell my husband, or any other person, what they should or should not do to THEIR body. I’m not living in it. Period.


“Lucy” shared an experience with me where an energy healer shamed Lucy for considering surgery for her chronic spinal problems and pain. She told Lucy that Lucy didn’t try Reiki enough; didn’t believe enough. Lucy wanted to explain and share every western medicine and alternative action that she tried.

I want to be perfectly clear here: Lucy did not owe that energy worker, or anyone else, any explanation or reason as to why she was considering surgery. It is no one else’s da*n business. Period.

Lucy lives in...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Not All Poltergeist-Like Activity is Caused by a Ghost



 Not all paranormal poltergeist-like activity is caused by a ghost; there may be something else going on.

There are different “feels” of a house or home. I don’t mean how one decorated their home. What I’m talking about is the mood of the actual structure.

There are also different ways a home or house can “feel” wonderful or unpleasant. Today we’ll look at egregores (thought forms) first and then a house’s mood.

An egregore is a non-physical entity that can be created by one or more people, and sustained by a group of people’s beliefs, thoughts and/or fears, usually (but not always) created unintentionally.

Displaced Energy Egregore

One example (simplified) may be poltergeist activity triggered by a living human’s unresolved (usually negative) emotions that the human has displaced. This displaced energy starts off resonating through one’s home. The displaced energy can build up and eventually create a thought form and/or poltergeist-like activity. If the egregore continues to be fed by people’s thoughts, fears, beliefs and/or imagination – also known as collective energy – the egregore may begin to build a type of consciousness or begin to think. It knows to seek more energy to feed itself. Since it is created from displaced energy, it cannot create its own; it needs to seek energy to maintain itself.

As an egregore “grows”, it may assume a black mist and/or a black blob or shadow-person form.

Group Consensus Thought

This is another way an egregore can be created ... Read More

by Jan Toomer



Monday, September 18, 2023

Energy Update - September 18, 2023


    ~ Being Triggered ~

I was having multiple surgeries in my mouth (in the same spot) so, yet another day of hoping we were done, I went in for a follow up appointment.

When the doctor walked into the room, my heart sped up and my palms were instantly coated in sweat. My physical response startled me, and in true Jan-fashion blurted out, “Oh, I don’t think my body likes you right now!”

I had been triggered. My body remembered what had happened the last five visits over a four month period when I had been with that doctor, and now my body went into a stress memory response.

Being Triggered

The energies coming through – starting September 11th and then amped up on September 15th (and will continue) – are bringing to the surface stuff we hadn’t yet healed and released. Just when you think your storage warehouse is empty…surprise! Out pops another unresolved thing.

These can be from distant past to current past, and they are being triggered now. The energies are pushing it out for us to see and/or feel it, heal it and release it.

It’s my opinion, or perhaps experience, that these triggers are not subtle at all. Oh, and when triggered, one major response is anger; but it’s not limited to anger. Grief, fear and other fear-based emotions can surface.

We are also revisiting the past in other ways as well – especially reminiscing about someone or some incident or event from our past – and it’s not limited to traumatic events or experiences; we are also reminiscing on the positive and happy ones as well.

Healing and Releasing

For any triggers coming up...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, September 11, 2023

A Birthday Gift


When I wake up in the morning, and before leaving my bed, I connect to, and greet my Team. This is part of my morning ritual, if you will, to make a conscious effort to connect with them.

On my birthday, I connected with my Team as usual…except this time was different. As I connected, I heard, “Happy Birthday!” from a chorus of beings. So many beautiful beings. I thought it was very sweet and began to thank them, but they weren’t done. They gifted me with overwhelming waves of pure unconditional love. Yeah, I cried. I cried because it was a birthday gift so beautiful, it touched me on a soul level.

And it reminded me that the purest form of love, Unconditional Love, is something that we all crave while on our human existence journey.


While the birthday gift was awesome, it came with the realization of how powerful unconditional love is.

Accepting or receiving unconditional love while being in a human body:

- Fills one’s being.

- Helps re-balance one.

- Reminds one of our interconnectedness.

- Is healing and soothing to one.

- Is granted to each one of us – we just need to accept it.

- It is just plain old awesome energy!

We Are One

If any aspect of One (person, people, or groups) is doling out ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, August 21, 2023

Energy Update - August 21, 2023



    ~ Training Wheels Are Coming Off ~

As the energies amp us to help us (our physical bodies; emotional traumas that are still hidden within our bodies; our energy fields, etc.), we are feeling worn-out, and some may even be questioning their decision to have carnated here during this phase of Earth’s transitions…and of humans’ transitions.

Our Teams request that we hang in there. Though many of us don’t have the Grand Picture of how things are to transpire, please know that your Higher Self does have that information. This means you knew what was going to transpire before you came into this lifetime.

- Have faith in your decisions and knowledge you had before coming into this lifetime.

- Stay out of fear.

This is very important. More changes are coming, but don’t buy into the fear.

There are some who will once again try to cultivate, then fan, fear as well as separation, and are relying on that fear and separation so they can remove more human rights while people are distracted with the planned diversion.

No fear. Stand for Truth. Stand for harmony and balance.

We humans are stronger than, not less than.

5D Mother Earth

Back in February, Mother Earth gave the go ahead to ground fully into the 4th Dimension. Well, she has now...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Speak Your Truth



Your truths are yours.
My truths are mine.

Sometimes they overlap – and sometimes they don’t.

But, it still remains:

Your truths are yours.
My truths are mine.

Why am I bringing this up? For a few reasons, but for today it was because I was recently asked why I allow acrimonious, mordacious, or incensed comments on some of my posts or shared posts.

I allow this because they are commenting on their truth. It saddens me when someone responds to an opinion, or another’s truth, with such scathing; these are emotions based in fear. But, that was their truth as that time. That doesn’t mean I like or agree with them, but I will respect their right to feel the way they feel.

However, having said that, I will not allow if comments crank up to bullying, targeting, or verbal/physical attacks.

“I’m sorry, but…”

If someone starts a sentence or conversation, or inserts this, they are not... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Don’t Try So Hard



 When we push, we are working from a place of fear.

  • I’ll be too late
  • Others will get ‘there’ first
  • I’ll be left behind
  • Others are ‘ascending’ faster than me

There are also those who are trying so hard to create, manifest, or amp up their abilities.

My advice? Don’t try so hard.

When you move into fear (lack, being left behind, etc.), you block yourself.

Go With the Flow

What does that even mean?

Have you ever watched a creek flowing? It has lots of obstacles, but, unless it has been dammed, it will continue to flow. It doesn’t fight against the rocks, it glides around it…it flows.

It’s No Mystery or Secret

Spiritual growth, ascending or whatever term you use, doesn’t require a mystery school, secret rituals, or special ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Interacting with Other Frequencies


How are we able to be considered living in 4D (fourth dimension) and still interact with 3D (third dimension)?

Just a reminder: Moving from 3D into 4 or 5D in a physical body has not been done before on Earth, so there’s no previously written instruction manual. I think the closest we come to that are the articles that are on my blog and on other similar blogs that you’re welcome to work through…or create your own.

We go through these steps and then share with others. My steps aren’t necessarily going to be the same as Susie Q’s or John P’s steps. Listen to yourself to see what feels right to you.

Moving through the 4D and 5D energies /frequency/dimension is all about what’s going on within you. Fourth and Fifth Dimensions are not locations; they are frequencies. We “ascend” frequencies from within.

Interacting with Other Frequencies

And yes, we still do interact with the third dimension, but it appears we have a system to do so. We can overlap commonalities. We share space with 3D, 4D, and 5D frequencies (for example) when we have compatible thoughts, goals or interests. Let’s use eating out at a restaurant as an example.

Being in, or having 3D, a 4D or 5D frequency doesn’t...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Energy Update – July 16, 2023


     ~ Emotional Roller Coaster Ride! ~  

Holy moly! I really wanted off the roller coaster ride this past week!

For me, it started with the Icelandic volcano eruption. Some energetically experienced the Icelandic volcano eruption Monday or Tuesday (depending on where you live). We can experience the energetic precursor to eruptions as:

  • A feeling of anxiousness /  anxiety / edginess
  • Sleep disruptions or insomnia
  • A feeling of pressure building and it disappears after the eruption occurs. This is in sync with the pressure building within the volcano and a release as it erupts.

Then we had a wild ride on Friday, July 14th. Many, me included, were all over the place. My emotions were confusing me. I ranged from cranky, angry, sad, calm, impatient, and unsettled. I was also extremely exhausted, severely clumsy, and frequently felt out of it or of being elsewhere. And I was getting really annoyed with my inconsistent self that was triggered by…who knew what. Ugh.

Finally in the evening, like someone flipped a switch, everything settled.

What the heck?

Hubby suggested that we had a day of being bombarded by some hefty activity going on with the sun and with Earth. Come to find out, he hit the nail on the head.

The Schumann Resonance

This is Mother Earth’s heartbeat energy, and on the 14th, her heartbeat ranged from 0 Hz to 34 Hz. In other words, she was all over the place. And guess what? Earth’s resonance is closely related to our – humans’ – brainwaves, hence our emotional and energetic roller coaster ride.

This means the frequencies covered Delta, Theta...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 9, 2023

AI or Human Created?



 There are a lot of discussions on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and where it may go. One of the questions about AI is how will we be able to tell if something is AI or human created, or a mix?

Eventually, and I believe not far off, we may have trouble discerning if a face or visual is AI created or human created. Is there a way to tell the difference?

AI or Human Created?

Well, remember how I discussed in last week’s article that we are supposed to know our own energy and our self and to listen to self? Here’s yet another instance as to why. Many can already feel if an article or visual seems off somehow; it doesn’t feel right. Listening to self is so important.

The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

There are some cultures who believe photographing their people steals a portion of their soul. Energetically speaking, I find that looking at someone’s photo, I make a direct connection, or energetic line, to that person or being.

For example, a photo of someone can:

  • Usually tell me if they are dead or alive
  • Show some physical or mental health imbalances
  • Tell me they lie
  • Show fear that they are trying to hide
  • Show they are hiding abuse
  • Show me if they are cruel
  • Show me their lack of self-esteem or self-confidence
  • And so on.

And how is a photograph energetically able to show this? It’s... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 2, 2023

How Can I Be Sure?



  When I asked my Team, “What should we write about today?” I kept hearing the first two lines to The Young Rascals 1967 song, “How Can I Be Sure”.

How can I be sure

In a world that’s constantly changing?

~ The Young Rascals

How can we be sure when things are so topsy-turvy now-a-days?

The Team has been offering guidance through these articles over the years, and it all seems to be coming into play. Some of the messages had been:

  • Know your energy.
  • Know yourself.
  • Listen to self.
  • Keep your energy vibration high.

It seems like there’s so much chaos these days…so how can we be sure of anything?

Does it help if I say... Read More

by Jan Toomer


Monday, June 19, 2023

I’m Not Worthy


  So many people on the planet Earth have this thought or feel this deep within.

“I’m not worthy of success/money/happiness.”

But I’m here to call, “B.S.!” This feeling or thought is nothing more than programming you accepted/received as you navigated early in this life. It’s a programming that I’m asking each of you to stop believing in; stop feeding that falsehood.

Each and every one of us are worthy!

I understand, it’s easier said than done.

There was a saying my mother used on me: “I believe in it, just not in you.” It didn’t matter if we were talking about my abilities, whether energetic abilities or music abilities; my success or happiness, etc., she worked to negate my worth, and I accepted it in my youth.

She had told me that I was so flawed that she couldn’t see how anyone could ever be my friend.


A “Gift”?

Perhaps the one or ones who worked to tear down your self-worth were ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 11, 2023




 Violet Flame of Transmutation

Many energy workers had learned about the Violet Flame of Transmutation; sometimes called “sacred fire of transformation” or “violet flame of transformation”. The Violet Flame of Transmutation is said to be brought to us by St. Germain.

Remember, energy itself is neither positive nor negative until assigned a polarity through intention, thoughts, actions or words, and its assigned polarity can be reversed or neutralized.

Violet Flame of Transmutation is used to transform the unbalanced and/or negative energies removed from a being or location; to neutralize the energies so as to not affect anyone else.

Violet Flame of Transmutation is often used by energy healers for their clients.

Some healers transform the energy on their own, such as what’s done in the Shielding exercise.

So what we just discussed are some of the names and uses of the Violet Flame of Transmutation, but did you know that some people transmute energies without conscious thought? These are natural Transmuters.

A Transmuter is able to ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, June 5, 2023

Energy Update – June 5, 2023



 ~ Feeling More ~  

So much has been occurring with the energy downloads. Many have been:

  • feeling exhausted (a common place for the ongoing energy upgrades/downloads we’ve been experiencing for a few years now)
  • weepy or teary; easily “moved”
  • digestive upsets or unease
  • experiencing time exponentially speeding up or losing “touch” with time
  • having bizarre and/or very vivid dreams
  • thinking of someone you’ve not thought of in a very long time
  • experiencing increased energy sensitivity
  • communicating with one’s Team is easier, clearer and/or louder
  • having a feeling of being “more”
  • more able to interact with 3D without being drawn into the drama; standing more firmly in, and maintaining control of,  your own energy

We are experiencing some or all of the above as we continue to take in more energy assistance and downloads from Other Beings, the sun activity, and our Teams and Higher Self.

I ask that you remember that, as far as the 3D is concerned, the higher frequency we become (detaching from 3D and increasing frequency within 4D), the negative aspects of 3D also increase (equal opposites). This can be seen and felt in increased bizarre behavior, violence, feeling of lack, fears, etc. in those who are not able or do not wish to leave 3D yet. To stay in the 3D energy is a choice, and we shouldn’t judge others’ decisions. We have no idea what the next person has set up to experience on this Earth school.

Our path is to continue to adjust to the incoming energies (yes, I too am tired), but we got this. This is what we ... Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, May 14, 2023

Remembering Who You Really Are



 If I asked you right now, “Who are you? I mean, who are you really?” how would you answer?

As touched on over the years, our first inclination is to respond with labels; labels that we’ve accepted from others or even assigned to ourselves to help us feel like we “fit in”: wife; husband; partner; child; grandchild; sister; brother, or parent. But since we seem to wear multiple masks, we can add more labels: secretary; judge; stock broker; Staff Sergeant; cashier; student; realtor; mechanic; energy worker; IT specialist; graphic artist; etc.

We also have labels for our religious beliefs: Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, agnostic, etc.

And then there are the labels for social identities: race, class, gender, ethnicity; disability; socioeconomic status, and more.

Who Are You Now?

As we continue to work on our soul growth, we are asked to take a look at ourselves without the labels and masks.

If you take a look at self without those, how would you answer, “Who are you now?” There may be some unease; fear; a reaction along the lines of “This is a load of crap!” and walk away; confusion; or maybe intrigue.

So who are you now without ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Pardon Me, Your Multidimensionalness is Showing



Yeah, I know, ‘multidimensionalness’ is not really a word, but as you know, I’m not beyond creating a word that I feel fits, so I’m sticking with it. *Grin*

Multidimensional First

First and foremost, we are spiritual energy beings. We are physical humans second. This means we truly are multidimensional beings…all of us.

And people’s multidimensionalness is showing more and more.

Pardon Me, Your Multidimensionalness is Showing

  • One way it’s being seen or experienced is seeing, sensing or knowing the non-physical. This can range anywhere from seeing a being or movement in your peripheral vision to outright seeing those on the other side.
  • Some are reporting that dreams are becoming more intense and with a lesson or message.
  • We leave our bodies every night. As our physical slumbers, our energetic self goes out for training/schooling, working/assisting or playing. Our conscious minds work to make sense of it, so it deems those experiences as dreams.
  • But, I think, what’s really cool is actually utilizing our ability to work multiple dimensions at one time, and to be consciously aware of it. Okay, maybe at first it’s a bit confusing which in turn may feel a tad bit scary…but I think it’s really cool.

Having said that, energy healers and readers have been doing it for a long time. Energy workers energetically step out of the physical realm to work outside of the physical realm and work to reestablish flow, balance and/or harmony for their client.

Story Time

Many years ago I attended a message service at a church which welcomed spirituality. I was so excited. I’d never been with so many people like me before.

We were instructed to write down a question on a small piece of paper that they provided, fold it and place it in the container they designated for this purpose. Then, during the church services, a reader would, at some point, channel answers to some of the questions without actually reading the slip of paper.

At the time, I had been working with a non-physical teacher that my Team had introduced me to and his name was White Eagle, so I wrote my question about White Eagle.

Anticipation grew, and when it was time for the message part of the service, a woman came out, put her hand into the container, withdrew a folded slip and without reading it, began answering the question or providing a message.

After that, she asked if that resonated with anyone. The person would raise their hand and thank the reader.

This cycle was completed time and time again. I was starting to feel a bit down. Surely there wasn’t enough time to get to everyone’s questions, and like everyone else, I was hoping mine would be addressed.

I watched as the reader’s hand went into the container again. She pulled her hand out and hesitated, and then asked if...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 23, 2023

How Do I Allow?



 By acknowledging that others have the right to their life journey without your judgment or criticism*. This, however, doesn’t mean that we accept abuse in any form.

Sometimes it’s Hard

Sometimes it’s hard to listen to those who wish to complain and yet do nothing to change; they stay in a perpetual loop in victim-mode energy. They just want to whine and not change.

We can respect ourselves and respect others by accepting everyone’s right to their experiences. We can be a shoulder to cry on or lend an ear to listen to someone’s venting and still not try to rescue them. Gentle suggestions may be offered, but the decision is theirs, not ours.

With the victim-mode scenario, if it were me listening to someone who wants to stay in that mode, I’d be done. I don’t want to play in anyone’s victim-mode sandbox.

I can allow them the right to keep playing, but I can walk away a no longer engage.

I may sometimes sound cold or dispassionate, but I assure you I am not.

Allowing is Not

- Entitlement. No one...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Feeling Lighter?

The energies coming in of late have been intense, so much so that it sometimes overloads one of my ears. It’s not painful or long lasting, just intense.

But with the intensity, the energy is still carrying a sense of calm, peace and of being supported.

With this feeling of being supported, I asked, “Supported by whom?” But before I share that answer, I want to share a part of a discussion that happened last week.

Ant View Versus Hawk View

Ants are mostly ground (or near ground) dwellers, as opposed to hawks who soar the skies.

The ant’s view is what is in the immediate area – what’s literally in their face – and they have difficulty seeing around or beyond the immediate obstacles.

Hawk’s visual acuity is reported to be about eight times better than our (humans). Hawks can see a bigger picture of the landscape.

Many humans live seeing their immediate environment, or the here-and-now, in their day-to-day life, but our landscape, if you will, is much bigger, grander and exceeds the physical boundaries of Earth...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, April 10, 2023

Your Meta Questions – April 10, 2023



  ~ About Shielding ~ 

Q. Why do you teach people to shield? Isn’t that promoting fear?

. There are two things I wish everyone knows how to do.

 1. Learn at least Reiki 1 (doing Reiki for self).

 2. Learn how to shield.

When I share something about shielding in my articles or when I teach someone how to shield, I see it as an important first step in re-empowering self. The shielding technique I share is multi-purposed.

1. Re-empowering self by not only taking responsibility for self, but empowering self with a technique that affords self more control over one’s own energy field. And one’s energy field can and will affect the physical.

2. The technique I offer aids one in energetically centering and balancing self.

3. In today’s world, fear is fed to the masses daily. As children growing up, we all took the fear because our programming was, and is designed so we’ll accept it. Fear of punishment, fear of authoritative figures, fear of rejection, etc. So fear is usually already present before I even meet someone. No, I don’t feel I’m promoting fear. To me, shielding techniques, again, are to energetically aid in self-empowerment; to take back control; and hopefully to begin energetically releasing one’s fears.

4. A lot of people, when they first come to me, are not only in fear-mode...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, March 26, 2023

It's Never Too Late



 Today’s article comes from an unlikely contributor; one who desperately wants his message to get out.

This gentleman had led an angry and violent life and died a violent death in prison. So how can I call him a “gentleman”? Because he is. He’s a very gentle soul who has healed from this last lifetime and would like to share his message; what he’s learned.

* * *

It’s Never Too Late

“I was an angry man who I thought I had to hurt others before they hurt me. I lived and died in violence. I hurt people and it didn’t matter to me about anyone…even myself.

“I was wrong.

“It’s never too late to heal. It’s never too late to let the Light in. It’s never too late to help others…no matter where you are in your life.

“It’s never too late to change; to change one’s heart; to change one’s perspective. And I’m gonna tell you how and what ... Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Cursed Dagger and Dragon: Clarima Syd Jones



"Cursed Dagger and Dragon: Clarima Syd Jones" by Jan Toomer

What if you were called on to repel trespassers from another Universe and close the wormhole they opened? The godfather of the Underworld tasks a paranormal investigator who, with her friends, faces foes -- human and otherwise. Can she save humanity and herself? 

Book information can be found at:


Producers can find the pitch packet at Storyrocket: 


 #Storyrocket #producers #movie #webseries #paranormal #adventure #mystery #supernatural

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Beautiful Gift



 Mid-week last week brought an interesting…event, if that’s the right word. There was a shift of energy – energy full of love, hope and support. What’s interesting is…wait; I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me back up.

Several months ago, my deceased daughter who is on my Team, kept telling me that I needed to spend more time with some others on my Team. I laughed and told her that I spend so much time with her because she’s always right there, usually in my face.

After she told me this, I had a picnic for my whole Team – kind of like a family reunion.

A little a month ago, my daughter’s presence and energy was gone. Having had experiences with other deceased family members, I know that they sometimes go off for more training for whatever they are working on in their soul work, so I didn’t think too much about it.

Some others have mentioned feeling a void or ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 12, 2023

A How-To Guide for 4th Dimension ~ Part Two ~



 Maneuvering the 4th Dimension, Cont’d

Ascending / Awakening / Shifting

I’ve been asked so many questions about this topic; is also known as ascending, spiritual awakening, shifting to 4th dimension or 5th dimension, so I’d like address it.

What It Is Not

  • It’s not about a location.
  • It is not (normally) an abrupt noticeable change.
  • It does not make one person better than another.
  • It is not limited to humans or Earth beings in general.
  • It is not a one-size-fits-all process.
  • It does not have a time limit.
  • It currently does not look any different physically.

What It Is

  • It is a shift in perception.
  • It is... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 5, 2023

A How-To Guide for 4th Dimension



  ~ Part One ~

Congrats on reaching Level 4 in the game of Earth! You’ve survived navigating the extremes of duality in the 3rd Dimension. You’ve started your journey of overcoming the societal programming; are remember that 3rd Dimension is an illusion; and that the physical existence is temporary and not who you really are…rather like playing a role on stage or playing in a video game.

Those of you reading this are: straddling the third and fourth dimensions; in the fourth dimension; or straddling fourth and fifth dimensions. Any of these are perfectly fine for you and your journey.

Also, most light workers, energy workers, etc. have come to Earth in this lifetime from a higher frequency and/or dimension…anywhere from 6th dimension on up; however, this doesn’t make us any better than anyone else.

Mother Earth recently anchored herself (in February 2023) into the 4th dimension, and it is now stable to do your grounding into the 4D Mother Earth.

A How-To Guide for 4th Dimension

In this guide, we’ll discuss what you’ll continue to work on what 4D is about and some suggestions on how to maneuver through the 4th Dimension. We’ll also take a look at Ascending/Awakening/Shifting: what it is and is not; and a sneak peek into the 5th Dimension. Please note that none of this is all inclusive.

Continuing to Work On

Even if you’re partially, mostly or completely in the 4th Dimension, you will continue to work...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, February 13, 2023

Do You Respect Yourself?




 As we’ve discussed over the years, we’d been programmed (by society) to not listen to self and to not trust self. And, over the years, we’ve been asked to start listening and trusting self.

So let’s take it a step further. Do you respect yourself? Let’s take a look at an example: I’ve been told I’m blatantly honest. I can agree with that with the understanding that my honesty comes from a place of my truths and life experiences.

Why am I honest? Because in my younger years, I’d been in relationships with narcissists, and the narcissists seemed...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Energy Update - February 7, 2023



  ~ Mother Earth is Ready ~

For those of you who have been grounding into yourself (as opposed to grounding into Mother Earth), Mother Earth’s energy says she’s...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Energy Update - February 5, 2023




 ~ Putting It into Practice ~

The last two weeks have been…interesting.

The energy we’re in right now is moving fast forward, and with it, new possibilities are presenting themselves now and in the near future.

With these current energies, I’ve had days of only wanting to eat vegan broth and drink water. My stomach wanted nothing else. Other days, I was ravenous. I wasn’t sick or out-of-whack, I was adjusting to the energies that are being brought to us to “upgrade” our energy and physical bodies.

I’ve also had bouts of temporary exhaustion that seemed to come out of nowhere. I respected what my body was asking of me; I’m not a nap kind of gal, but I would sit and zone out or relax while my body needed to do what it needed to do.

These energies continue to be brought in from solar flares, CME’s, and yes, even the pole shift.

Putting It into Practice

Over the years, the Team has brought us information to prepare ourselves for

- Healing and releasing the anchors that kept us tied to the 3D

- To know ourselves and our individual energy; to trust self, and more.

Why have we been guided and encouraged to do this? Why did we need this? Because of where we are now…now we’re putting it into practice.

Many may:

- Have felt the shift from being overwhelmed – aka triggered – by the 3D drama to experiencing viewing it...Read More

by Jan Toomer




Sunday, January 29, 2023

Trust the Process



  There’s a story I heard when I lived in Louisiana. The story was told, pre-Katrina, as a kind of joke. I don’t know who created it, but did my best to remember it as it was told to me.

* * *

The residents were warned that the hurricane was going to impact their city and the city recommended everyone evacuate.

One man said, “I don’t need to leave. G-d will save me.”

The waters rose, and a member of the rescue team approached in a boat. “Come on! I’ll bring you to safety!”

The name shook his head and said, “No, that’s okay. G-d’s going to save me.”

The waters continued to rise and the man had to climb on top of his roof. A helicopter came by, saw the man and hovered close enough to drop the man a ladder. “Come on! We’ll bring you to safety!”

But the man...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 22, 2023

A Bit of This and a Bit of That





I wrote an article. I didn’t like it. I wrote another and didn’t like it either. This means I missed my own beginning of the week deadline and decided to skip this (past) week.

I wrote a short poem, and it just sits on my desk.

I couldn’t figure out what the deal was. Am I at the “same story – different day” stage? I mulled it over. Nope, that’s not it. I’ve so much bouncing around in my brain, but it doesn’t seem to want to settle on one topic.

Frustrated, I sat with my Team and asked why I couldn’t seem to pick one topic. From that conversation, I came to the conclusion that I was just over-thinking things, thus making everything more complicated that it really should be.

My Team asked me, “If you’re having all this going on in your head, what makes you think others aren’t experiencing the same thing?” I love my Team.

So this article is a bit of this and a bit of that.

Ability Hyper-Sensitivity

I’ve recently been delving into more uses for essential oils and also trying to decide which herbs and veggies I’d like to plant this year.

I’ve also been working on the electrical/energetic aspects of our 4th and 5th dimensional bodies and how the physical body is working on – through energetic downloads – preparing for a lighter, completely unattached to the third dimensional existence.

With these updates / downloads, my “clair’s” have become even more sensitive. Clairaudience ... Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Pets Do Grieve



  “My mother’s dog came to live with us after my mother passed away. The dog just lies around; his eyes are vacant like he checked-out; he won’t eat and doesn’t interact with us, not even for snuggles.

“I don’t get it. He’s known us for his whole life. What’s wrong with him? And what can I do to help?”

Pets Do Grieve

It doesn’t matter if it’s a dog, cat, bird, rodent, reptile, fish, horse, etc. They are part of the family and will grieve the loss of someone in their family – whether the loss is due to death of a family member, or the animal has been abandoned.

Your mom’s dog has been with her companion (your mom) for most if not all of his life. The dog is grieving. He lost not only his human companion and his pack, but he also lost his home. He’s grieving and depressed.

You can address this with your veterinarian who may prescribe a short term anti-depressant for the pet.

Acknowledging you and the pet’s grief can help you both.

If it were me, I’d invite the memory or essence of...Read More

by Jan Toomer