
Monday, December 20, 2021

Energy Update - December 21, 2021


As you all know, I quit doing Energy Updates because there have been so many accurate energy updates out there from other people. But I decided to do one today.

I've heard from quite a few people these last three to four days about them feeling out of sorts. So, here is your energy update for today.

  • Cranky
  • Angry
  • Frustrated
  • Annoyed
  • Head feels full or with pressure
  • Teary -- crying easily or at just about anything
  • Depression that's not "norm" for them
  • Exhausted (though this seems to be pretty much all of us all of the time)
  • Have trouble focusing - which can lead back to crankiness
  • Forgetful
  • Feel disconnected
  • Keyword "Overwhelmed"

Okay, we've just had a... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Don't Be a Butt



Each year I thank service members for their service and sacrifices. And, each year I think their family members for their sacrifices. Why? Because the service members sacrifice a lot to do what they can to help protect our country and rights. And, as a service member’s wife, I know that the family members sacrifice a lot as well so that the service member can do their thing.

I am not trying to downplay either party’s roles; rather, I acknowledge and appreciate both.

This brought me to mulling over our covid-era, then on to thinking about the Great Resignations, as well as people redefining their lives.

As we are all aware, the Great Resignation (and other factors brought to us) has put a squeeze on all of us and pretty much every service-to-the-people out there.

This also means that those still in ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Endings & Beginnings



 Last week we took a brief look at T.S. Eliot’s No. 1 Quartet of his “Four Quartets” and his poetic thoughts on linear time.

This week I’d like to take short snippets from his 2nd Quartet (East Coker) and his 4th Quartet (Little Gidding). Please keep in mind that I am sharing my interpretations and that I’m barely scratching the surface of Eliot’s writings. It’s my hope that you might explore, and interpret these, on your own; see where they take you.

Eliot began East Coker with:  “In my beginning is my end” and he closed the poem with, “In my end is my beginning.”

In his 4th Quartet, he wrote:
“What we call the beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.”

Pretty cool, right? On planet Earth, we can find...Read More

 by Jan Toomer

Sunday, December 5, 2021

3D Time Trap



Some people struggle with the concept that ALL time is happening simultaneously – past, present and future.

Having had a group consciousness decision to play out our lifetimes on Earth utilizing a linear time format, I can see how the whole “it’s-all-happening-now” concept is hard to swallow. When my team first brought it to me, I really struggled. My younger mind went around and around, making me feel like I was stuck on a perpetual mental merry-go-round with no way to get off.

I finally placed my conundrum in my stewing pot of my virtual stove top in the back of my brain, and told my brain, “When you have worked it out, and you can present it to me in a way that I can understand, let me know,” and promptly turned up the heat to let it simmer.

A few years (yes, years) later, I had a spontaneous epiphany... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Peace Within

 You can’t find peace outside of self if you don’t have peace within your self.

On the surface it sounds like a catch 22*, and yet, it makes perfect sense.

These last few years – and continuing today – has and is about clearing out our pasts; our unresolved, unhealed, and/or ignored pasts that creates the feelings of unhappiness, being unsettled, angry, fear, etc. It’s why we don’t experience peace within.

And, personally speaking, I feel that we cannot come at the external problems in our world while we ...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Where Are You On The Scale?



 Where are you on a scale of zero percent up to one hundred percent? The responsibility scale can be applied to an individual / self, and groups or organizations, businesses, your local town, city, state governments, federal government.

This is based on my energetic observations and interpretations and is very generalized. This scale is for visualization only – it is not to scale, it is an approximation and not set in stone.


I’m talking about accepting responsibility for your reality.

0% - Victim-mode. Thrives on drama. If life is too calm, will create drama; this is done to re-emphasize that they are a victim. Is great at trying to draw others into their dramatic play, also known as manipulating. “Happiness” is dependent on being in the spotlight as a victim and/or stirring others up.

In victim-mode, the “victim” is giving away their power to others. This is necessary to maintain the role of being a victim. “Suzy Q wronged me”, “They won’t let/allow me to____”, “My boss did ____ to me”, etc.

They want to whine about the grave injustices done TO them. They want others to get ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Your Meta Questions – Nov. 7, 2021



 ~ Earth Regulars, Aliens, and Soul Purpose ~  

(Questions asked in this article:)

Q. Are aliens/other world beings going to save our planet?

 Q. How do you know and remember so much about life, energy, other dimensions, other lifetimes, etc.?

Q. Are you alien?

Q. How do I know if I’m one of the Volunteers or if I’m a Regular?

Q. What’s my soul purpose?

Q. If I’m doing my soul’s work by just being me, why do I feel like something’s missing? Like I should be doing something, but don’t know what it is?

Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, November 1, 2021

I Grew Up With Aliens -- Part Three


  Questions and Answers

Q. You’ve hinted but never shared so much about aliens before. Why now?

Simple answer? I’m older and don’t care what others think about me and my experiences. You believe or don’t believe. I’m good either way. ~ Grin ~

Seriously though, I think people on Earth need to realize that it’s not all about humans. What we do environmentally, emotionally, we treat other people and animals doesn’t just affect us here on Earth – which should really be enough in it’s self to have us stop. The ramifications of our selfish, greedy, harmful, etc. acts and energies are far reaching – far beyond Earth.

I can’t imagine how hard it is... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 24, 2021

I Grew Up With Aliens -- Part Two



 Part One

Before me was a large round room, kind of like an amphitheater, but without the rows of seating. There were steel-looking tables all throughout the room. Each table had a human being on it. There were also some beings who looked like Rutha as well as some extremely tall, lanky human-looking beings with shocking white hair who stood around each table.

I was confused and concerned. What was I looking at? Were the abduction stories right? Were the aliens experimenting on humans? I saw my mother on one of the tables and felt alarm prickle throughout me.

“It’s okay, Jan. Come. Let’s see your mother.”

Again, the people on the tables were in a non-responsive daze. Rutha explained, “Your mother and father have cancer in their bodies. We’re working on them so they won’t die of cancer. We’re also working on and monitoring all these people and their families. We help where we are able and allowed.

“Each being gave permission before they... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, October 18, 2021

I Grew Up With Aliens




 I’m writing this so that the silent ones – those afraid of sharing, or perhaps even believing in their own experiences – won’t feel so alone. I’m not looking for validation, criticism, or anything else. I’m just sharing my experiences. You’re welcome to believe my story or see it as fantasy.

My story doesn’t seem so “out there” as it did when I was growing up. Back then, it caused quite a stir when I started talking about it...but I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start at – well, when I was pre-teen.


* * *

My eyes were open...why? The room was dark, so I wasn’t sure what had disrupted my sleep. I wasn’t afraid, just curious.

The room lit up with the brightest light I have ever seen, yet it felt familiar and I was excited. It was time!...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Belly of the Beast - Part Two



 Part One

NOTE: Some may find this article disturbing.

I saw misshapen and mostly unrecognizable human beings, each one in it’s own room. The echo of moans and screams etched into my brain. “What is this? What are they?” I demanded as my mind became overwhelmed with the horrors I was looking at.

“Come. Let’s go to a quiet place so we can talk.”

Atlantean Warning

He led me back up the stairs, down a different hallway, and out to a beautiful courtyard.

I sat.

He waited until my breathing calmed a bit before he spoke again. “As our people became more dense, we weren’t able to create and undo as we once could. Those unfortunate beings were what happened when those scientists who worked in the Hybridization Section continued on even though they realized they were losing their abilities. They didn’t let the volunteers know. Those volunteers are permanently misshapen and are in constant pain. We are unable to undo what has been done to them. And, if they were unfortunate enough to be cognizant, are now insane.

“Some of your human scientists in your time have been doing this... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Belly of the Beast



 Part One

Though we’ve currently no physical presence or proof of Atlantis, it may be that some humans maintain cellular memories. This article is, therefore, speculative only and is based on my interpretation and understanding of the energy of my communications with “Others” (non-physical) and my memories of some of my lessons/instruction from the Others during dream time.

Please note: Some may find this article disturbing.

* * *

When Atlantis became to be, human energies weren’t as dense as they are now. Atlanteans remembered how to manipulate and work energy. This meant that initially, Atlanteans were able to harness and direct energy, making it possible to utilize it for flying vehicles (perhaps today we call these UFO’s – Unidentified Flying Objects; or UAP’s – Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon), as well as other applications using energy, such as creating and mixing.

Today, science is able to splice genes, clone, gene editing and/or genetically modifying or altering an organism to mix – some of which is at least theoretical, or had been accomplished in a petri dish –with a different organism to create something new. But what our conscious memory doesn’t realize is that we’ve been here before – “modern” man ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, September 27, 2021

In Your Dreams

As we progress with our spiritual growth, especially with the energies present now-a-days, we may find our dreams becoming more vivid, detailed and informative.

Many are now beginning (if they hadn’t already) to remember most, if not all, of their dreams of late.

These dreams can:

  • help us to problem solve
  • be instructive (or show us what we’re able to do, if only we’d allow ourselves)
  • show us snippets of work we do when we’re out-of-body during our sleep time
  • help us with seeing and understanding some... Read More

 by Jan Toomer



Monday, September 20, 2021

Committing to the 4th



 I recently gave up my 2006 Durango – which I had loved – because it was tired and needed a lot more work than I could give it. This was followed by my two printers in my office – who were also elderly – who just quit working.

Some old energy electronic items can no longer keep up and be upgraded to the newer faster energy. I held on to them for as long as I could. I’d committed myself to them and worked with them until they could no longer do it.

I’d committed myself for over 50 years to be the bridge between 3D and other. But had slowly pulled away from the 3D part, and have been working for the last few years bridging the 4D/5D with the other.

I tell other people along the lines of...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Return to Sender



 Can you feel it? An opening. A hint. A glimpse. An uplifting. A lightening.

But some are feeling or experiencing anger, fear, frustration and/or anxiety.

First,  please make sure you’re shielded. It doesn’t make others’ emotions go away, but it can help you to not absorb others’ emotions; so you don’t take them into you.

If that didn’t help, then you may be experiencing a purging of old angers, frustrations, fears, etc. of your own. These could have been triggered by feeling others’ emotions, or perhaps it’s just time for you to release them. These may be feelings you suppressed long ago and now they want your acknowledgment and to be released.

I recommend acknowledging and releasing them – maybe by transforming them into a pink cloud and watching it drift away. Or, you could thank...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Following the Fear


 I’ve heard form quite a few energy workers (lightworkers, etc.) that they’ve been experiencing some wild or vivid dreams – but some of those dreams lean toward, or are downright, nightmares.

I’ve also heard from some who feel overwhelmed with the fear-spreading and/or fear-mongering; the separation of humans; the treatment of animals; and/or the treatment of Earth.

The nightmares, and everything mentioned in the previous paragraph, are fear-based. They are the anchors keeping beings tied to the 3D earth; the anchors keeping one trapped in the duality and separation games. A fear-based sandbox to play in.

I’ve even seen long term spiritual-minded people playing in the fear-based sandbox and following the fear.

Picture This

Many humans, like many other animals, are...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Having Spiritual Faith



 Spiritual faith may be, in my reality, different than religious faith. Or maybe not. I ask you come at this article from your own belief system.

When you recommend to someone to “have faith”, it may bring the conversation to a screeching halt. The person may say, “What has G-d ever done for me?”, or, “How can you have faith in something or someone you can’t even see or quantify?”

Faith, according to Google: 1) complete trust or confidence in someone or something. 2) strong belief in G-d or in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

How, indeed? I personally cannot prove to someone that love exists. I can prove that wind exists if it’s a windy day. But then again, it’s not my job to prove anything to anyone. I can, however, provide a way to perhaps present a different view or perspective.

I’d ask, “Who DO you trust?”

In the past, I’ve received a rather aggressive ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, August 25, 2021




We each experience loss – and grieve – daily. We may not be consciously aware that we have daily losses; we are however actively aware of any losses on a larger scale, such as losing a job or the death of a loved one.

I’d like to discuss the daily losses first. The daily loss we all experience is the end of each day, only to start anew the next day. Granted, there are some days we are relieved or glad they ended.

But there’s also other small losses (as perceived by our energy). Having to end a riveting conversation with a friend; the last bite of your favorite food; the last sip of the fabulous creamy hot chocolate on a cold day; the end of a good book.

There’s also seasons. When I lived in the Midwest, we had four defined...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 8, 2021

In A World That's Constantly Changing



How can we feel centered and calm in a world that's constantly changing? Sometimes feeling displaced, out of sync or out of step with the world. Or perhaps within yourself.

As we all experience the changing world, we struggle with once again trying to fit in it. But maybe we're looking at it incorrectly...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Paths Are Cleared



If you've been working for many years at one thing, or if you've been wearing multiple hats, you may have been feeling the pull to just stop.

“I'm so tired.”

“I'm worn out.”

“I'm burned out.”

“I feel like I'm being pulled in so many different directions.”

“I'm just spread too thin.”

These are along the lines of what I'm hearing from others...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 25, 2021



We are in some unusual times and having never-experienced-in-our-lifetime happenings.

Once such thing is the shortage of people to work in restaurants, stores, hospitals, clinics, and just about any business of service. One side affect to these employment shortages means more pressure is put on those working. This in turn has the possibility to bring about burnout. And energy workers are not exempt from burnout.

I'm not downplaying or lessening anyone's business, art, skill, talent or ability. I am, though, going to use energy workers (aka alternative health care services) as an example.

When the lock down was about 8-10 months in, the alternative practitioners became ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Next Step


 We've been manifesting for our individual realities for quite a while – some even doing so consciously. This is the next step – to manifest consciously as we go along.

If you're having troubles with this concept, one way to look at it is...there is no tomorrow. The whole thing of linear time being an illusion aside, since we're in our “creating my reality” with our thoughts, actions and words, what we do, think and say today (aka now) is creating our individual “tomorrow”.

If you're dreading your tomorrow, you are mandating that you want stuff to...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

It's the Journey



 As a lot of us are working to find our balance once again, I too am exploring, resting, and “tasting” to see what flavors I want in my life and how to present beneficial articles. Rest assured, most – if not all – will continue to be metaphysical, spiritual and/or paranormal in nature.

I touched in with my Team and asked about what we were writing about for this article. Instead of an idea, I was given along the lines of, “No longer writing about the steps to move forward.”

“Okay, why?” I asked.

They said that the steps have been repeated – especially since 2012 to this past April-ish – on my website. They remain available for those just starting they journey with the steps, and for those who wish to refresh.

I asked, “So what will be the focus of the articles now?'

“On what's next.”

Well, that narrows it down. Yep, I was a bit snarky about their reply.

I do know that I'll continue to touch on “themes” brought to my attention by you all. But beyond that? I'm excited to see where... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Needs Versus Wants



 As we step further in to creating our own reality and our own tomorrow, we may come across needs versus wants.

Needs – in my mind – are what is necessary for survival of the human self. This can be food, water, shelter, clothes, companionship, love, creativity, etc.

Wants – again, in my mind – is anything that is not needed for survival. Stuff we adorn our walls, shelves, rooms, and self with; the keyword being “stuff”. Excess or extra.

When I was younger I knew I needed the basics for...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Not Abandoned



 In one of my cerebral days I connected to my team and asked, “What will happen to those who have had the currents shots and those who have not?” I was not, and am not, looking for blaming or shaming anyone for their decisions.

The answer I received was, “Each individual has made a choice.”

I asked again, and received the same answer.

I let it set for a few days and then asked for clarification.

“The lessons coming to Earth  – heavily since 2012/2013 – were, and are for each individual to accept responsibility for their own thoughts, action and words; and to trust and listen to self... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Haze of Uncertainty



 Living in the haze of uncertainty seems to be a popular theme again. Some people are feeling a bit like floating in limbo – stuck in an in-between space, not sure where to turn. Why is this happening?

Energetically, we are working on:

1. Restructuring the physical world and learning new, healthier ways.
2. Turning inward and learning to KNOW your own energy. What's yours and what's someone else's.
3. Trusting self over anyone or anything else. Please read that again and give it some thought.

Pre-Covid, the Other Side had really pushed for us to... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, June 7, 2021

Blue Wolf Reviews -- Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke In Time


Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke In Time

REVIEW BY Janet Mawdesley June 7, 2021, 9:00 am

Having a stroke in your early thirties is a lifestyle altering event, let alone when you are a person who was born with the additional skills of a multi-talented sensitive. Jan Toomer is such a person and when she suffered an event that saw her in a coma for two weeks, returning to everyday life seriously unable to remember much of her former life, unable to understand what had happened to her and unable to continue life as a ‘work-aholic’, her life changed dramatically.

In Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke In Time she documents her journey, her frustration at remaining undiagnosed for many years and the incredible help and hope she discovered on her healing journey. Intimate times in her life are shared, not in self-pity but as a means to reach out to others caught in a similar situation, offering her journey and understanding to all in an effort to help others.

Beginning with her abusive childhood as a child with unusual abilities and a parent who did not understand filled with fear and hatred, she details her life as her various skills developed, not for one minute understanding that not everyone could ‘talk’ with the frogs in the swamp at the end of the garden, and that trying to fly down the stairs was considered as seriously dysfunctional.

Her teen years were spent trying to escape from these ‘gifts’ and once she really ... Read More

Sunday, June 6, 2021

What A Mess That Was




 The weather was nice when you bee-bopped into the grocery store to get your shopping done.

You came across:

An angry man muttering to himself in the canned goods aisle.

An old woman scowling as she looks over the baked goods.

A woman trying to keep track of the cost of the items going into her cart while her kids are bickering and whining.

A man with hunched shoulders trying to not make eye contact with anyone lest they see the emotional pain.

The cashier whose smile doesn't reach her eyes.

When that angry looking man stopped in front of the green peas was reading the labels on each brand...Read More

By Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Devil Has My Name



 I was awakened by a man talking to me.

“The Devil has my name.”

“Um...what? Who are you? Do you know what time it is?” I scrubbed my face in frustration. Sometimes the deceased or ghosts forget that the physical body needs sleep.

“The Devil has my name,” he repeated.

“I don't get it. What does that even mean?”

I felt his energy shift as he prepared to tell me his story...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Dark Side of Self



Why have I been writing so much about abuse, civil and human rights, narcissism and self doubt? Because we are working on healing and releasing the past, both for ourselves and Earth. Not only are we supposed to be working on that, but we are also working on bringing peace and balance to our whole self. This means no more ignoring the dark side of self.

Now this doesn't mean feeding the negative or dark side of self, but it does mean acknowledging that part of yourself.

We live on the physical planet of Earth. Three Dimensional Earth is the hard school or knocks. Earth is the planet of duality: yin yang; negative positive; dark light; fear love.

In these unprecedented times, all of the negative traits of... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Letter To My Father



 Many know of my past struggles with my mother and how I used Ho'oponopono to heal the imbalanced energy – not only within myself, but also my energy to and towards my mother.

This past year I received pictures and other Jan-related items that my mother had kept. In the items was a letter I'd written to my father and sent in a packet , though my resume and a brief on my family was missing.

I did have hopes back then when I wrote it and mailed it to Dad, but, as shared in my book Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke in Time, it appeared to have been intercepted by my mother. She replied rather aggressively to the letter I sent to Dad.

As I re-read these, I realize I hadn't been triggered. I really did heal...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Monday, April 26, 2021

Beware the Cult Mentality



 Over the last few years the Team shared messages of how we should be aware of elitism, separation, segregation and the repeated message to be careful of “us vs them”. They also worked to remind us to think for ourselves and not blindly follow anyone.

Today they bring the message again, only this time they've added, “Beware the cult mentality”. Cult mentality isn't only found in religion or religious beliefs.

Tina Rodia for Penn Today wrote, “Cult is a term that doesn't refer to religion at all, but is ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Perfection Theme



 Themes, for me, are when two or more people bring up the same topic in a short time – usually within a week. That is when I get the nudge to share it here.

The one that came over the last two weeks is the theme of perfection.

Perfection Theme

We are often very quick to acknowledge and forgive others' imperfections – but man, we are harsh on ourselves for our own imperfections. And by harsh, I mean we chastise, belittle, demean or even secretly loathe our own lack of perfection.

Why are we like this?...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Selfies Everywhere



 I look around and see so many people – of all ages – with their face in their phone.

  • Taking selfies everywhere.
  • Using apps to transform their faces into someone or something else. (Okay, this is kind of fun once or twice.)
  • Showing off for the camera – often unaware of their surroundings (breaking things outside of their camera view; falling or tripping, etc.) so they can post about themselves and /or to boost their loves or likes online.
  • Faking their selfies so they can pretend to be somewhere other than where they are.
  • Children as young as pre-schoolers are performing for the camera!

The energy of those habitually doing this, “Me, me, me...” carries the same type of...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 4, 2021

I Stayed




 The silent victim is the one hidden in the shadows, embarrassed and scared to let others know what's going on. And afraid of what the abuser may do to them if they try to leave.

*    *    *

The relationship started off wonderful and pure. Once we got married, little things showed up...just enough for me to question myself. Did my spouse mean to snap at me?

I'm probably over-reacting or being overly sensitive.

I brushed it off.

The changes and outbursts were few and far between at first, but an unease was growing within me. A light gray mist clouded my mind as I struggled to figure out what I did wrong to trigger my spouse.

I stayed.

Screaming, yelling and berating me at home increased. Then it slowly began...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sabotaging Self with Self-Doubt



 When you are practicing your abilities, or strengthening your metaphysical abilities, one of the toughest things you work on is getting out of your own way.

By this I mean we are programmed from birth on to listen to others, not ourselves. Metaphysical and/or energy work demands you listen to you. This can create some inner turmoil, and the self-doubt that we were raised with really rears is ugly head.

A part of inner self may say, “You don't know what you're doing,” or “It's just your imagination...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 14, 2021

It's Time For Intolerance To End



 A question posed to me: How do you let go of intolerance and judging and move into tolerance?

Let's take a look at intolerance; what does it mean and what does it create?

Intolerance is an unwillingness to accept an energy, action or behavior, or belief that's different from yours.  

Having a negative opinion about someone's beliefs, views, ideas, skin color, appearance, social status, gender, etc. because it's not the same as yours and you feel you are better than them because of it is judging.

Both judging and intolerance of others behaviors are rooted in fear. Perhaps it's a fear ... Read More

by Jan Toomer


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Suicide Sucks



As you know, our daughter JoAnna committed suicide in 2009. Though her physical death occurred in 2009, she actually started her death process on September 11, 2001 – also known as 9-11.

We were lucky in that we knew why she killed herself, but it didn't make that act of finality and the physical loss any easier. So many survivors don't know the reason for their friend or loved one committing suicide. Either way...suicide sucks.

Many survivors, regardless if they know the reason behind the suicide or not, are left with so many questions that often no one has any answers to. And then there's the risk of the survivors sinking into the rabbit hole of guilt. “Maybe if I'd done ______ differently.”*... Read More

by Jan Toomer



Monday, March 1, 2021

Here Are Your Fears


That's right – we are experiencing and facing our fears.

The energies has worked to help us release the past and learn new ways. And one way to help us is for our fears to be brought to the forefront. This is done on an individual scale, but also progresses to town, city, county, state, region, continent and global. Yep, that's a lot of fears. And we, collectively and individually are responsible for all of them. That's one of the reasons why we are here.

Since we hadn't cleared, healed and released all of the fears, they are provided to us to see. For example: think about reductions of rights (that were guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution). Do you feel it in your body? Sit with it.

Now pick something... Read More

By Jan Toomer

I'm Back!

 I appreciate your patience while I took a two month blog hiatus; the first major one in over 10 years.

I'd been working on a few different projects as well as lining up some others. I'll be sharing once they are finished.

While taking a break, I was able to step back a bit from the turmoil and focus on my own energy and make some decisions.

I'm excited to see what transpires with the new stuff coming here and for the blog!

I'm back, so off we go!
