
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Chasing Shadows & Rainbows

Shadows shift and change with the movement of light, creating a sense of movement. This can light your imagination…what’s hiding in the shadows? You imagine what it may look like, this thing lurking in the darkness. What does it feel like? What might it do?

You build, color, and animate it with your thoughts – feeding it with your mental imagery. Then you are no longer chasing shadows, you are creating your reality with them.

You have built a stage to play out the scene you created…all started by chasing shadows. The dark space, hidden from light, ready and willing to receive and accept your fears – to help shape, mold and bring them to fruition through your own thoughts.

Chasing Rainbows

Okay, I know that may sound froo-froo, but bear with me.

Chasing rainbows, for today’s article, does not mean a self-induced...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Some people get upset talking about politics of any kind as well as religious or other beliefs. Humans will defend their beliefs sometimes loudly, angrily, or violently. Why?

People want to be heard, and some people crave external validation. Some feel they have to be really loud or aggressive when sharing their views or beliefs.

While corporate America (generalized) wants to reduce humans to faceless, nameless, money producing numbers and stats, and many government officials do what they want instead of what the people they are supposed to represent want, people are feeling less and less in control. Fear is building, some becoming aggressive in their fear and their need to be recognized, heard and validated.

The human race has been raised to... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Our Tribe

Labels are tricky things. They help us communicate and provide an approximation of what we’re talking about with another person or people. Why do I say approximation? Because we each, individually, take labels first as the broad generally accepted definition and then assign them a more personal definition based on our own experiences. That means my complete definition of a particular label may mean something slightly different than yours.

For example: Family. Family can be defined as a unit consisting of parent(s) and child(ren); those who share blood ties or a legal bond.

But your individual definition goes so much deeper. It includes your history with your...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 1, 2019

One Bad Apple

I think we’ve all may have had, at least once, that one client, patient or customer who keeps coming back, but does so with a surly attitude and unkind words.

I want to make this very clear…it’s not you. How can I be so sure? Thank about it…if your service was truly bad, they wouldn’t have returned, nor would your other clients.

I’ve seen, and heard, some people’s days go dark from one such customer. Why? Because their unkind words or attitude was accepted into the practitioner (massage therapist, chiropractor, energy healer, doctor, etc.), and then believing that they did do something wrong or that perhaps the client is right. In response to the accepted negativity, the practitioner may have begun thinking, “I don’t know why I bother. No one listens to me / my recommendations / guidance.” Or they felt...Read More

By Jan Toomer