
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Look the Part

I had the TV on and a commercial come on for men’s hair color for grey hair. It said it was to help you be a “…better man…and look the part”.

I inherited early graying. At nineteen I had a round grey patch behind my right temple. Not only did the patch grow each year, but I also kept my hair short. This meant I had to get my hair colored every three weeks. And in between those colorings, I watched my hair grey more and more until my next hair appointment. It was like watching myself age every three weeks.

And with every coloring, my scalp and eyes burned from the chemicals. Then my scalp itched for a week.

I had stopped coloring my hair until an elder male relative told me I was “too young to have grey hair”, and said I should color it. So I went back to coloring. I had to “look the part”, right?

A few more years of playing that game, I stopped permanently.

I don’t begrudge anyone for...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, December 22, 2019

News & Views - December 22, 2019

News & Views From the Other Side

~ The Light Is On and Ready ~

We know this year has been a difficult one at times. You may feel as though you’ve not progressed, but we assure you, you have. And we are all proud of you.

Another surge of energy to support you and aid you began on the 20th. How is this affecting you?

On a personal level, each person may find the energy targeting...Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer

Monday, December 16, 2019

Membership Renewal Time?

I saw a post making its way through Facebook. Though intended to be funny, it struck a chord in me.

“Dear Friends
     Your Christmas gift this year is me. That’s right, another year of friendship. Your membership has been renewed.”
~ Unknown

Again, it was intended to be humorous, but in reality we do have the role, and the responsibility to decide who to keep in our life and who doesn’t get “renewed”...Read More

 by Jan Toomer

Sunday, December 8, 2019


If you take a look back from your past to today, you may begin to see how what you’ve experienced had progressed over time on a path to bring you to where you are at this moment.

These can be broken down to physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual paths, keeping in mind that, though they are all interconnected, we are able to follow a line as it progresses.

A simplified exercise is to look backward to see...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Energy Update – November 10, 2019

 ~ Know Self ~

Many have had a feeling of disconnect, like being set adrift, possibly not knowing which way is up or maybe which way to go.

Energy-wise, we have a bit longer before we become more settled in this newest energy.

* * *

You catch a glimpse now and then of a small burst of...Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer

Monday, November 4, 2019

Psychic Attack - Part Three

Accepting responsibility is not about accepting blame or guilt. When someone attacks you, it was THEIR decision.

It’s your decision to either remain in victim-mode or to accept responsibility for your energy. This means the care, management and maintenance of your energy. It also means making decisions as to what kind of behaviors and energies you will and will not allow into your energy, your life, your reality.

Energetically you can only control you. Your energy, your perspective and your...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Psychic Attacks - Part Two

Hitchhikers, also known as attachments, are those who intentionally or accidentally get stuck in a living person’s energy field. The most commonly recognized attachments were discussed in Attachments, Part 1.

We are looking at today are those entities we brought with us from elsewhere or else when. Also those we may have gotten from someone else.

That’s right, we can bring an entity with us...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Psychic Attacks

Not every disturbance is a psychic attack during sleep time, though they to do occur.

- Hypnagogic (going to sleep) or hynopompic (waking up) hallucinations can occur, in essence, in dream time.

- Sleep paralysis. The standard thought on this is the process where our physical body paralyzes our muscles so we don’t act out our dreams. Sometimes we wake up while the sleep paralysis is still “on”. This can lead to fear or terror since you can’t call out or move. This usually only lasts a few minutes, though it may seem a lot longer.

- Meridian Clock. Chinese medicine uses this tool to determine yin/yang imbalances, and involves the organs “times”. One “symptom” is waking every night at the same time.

Energy-wise – Simplified

- When we sleep, we leave our bodies and we go off to learn, teach, aid others or just...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Blindly Follow

So much seems to be going on and possibly throwing some off kilter. Politics, both personal and business relationship upheavals, and even the weather.

We don’t know who to trust. It may even seem like nothing around us is stable or reliable anymore.

And isn’t it wonderful?

Okay, before you decide I’ve gone completely off my rocker, let’s take a look at why I think that.

We’ve talked about our programming from birth on up, and how we were trained to listen to pretty much everyone else but ourselves. We’ve even been encourage to follow the majority. In other words, “Don’t think for yourself. Let us do that for you.”

Yeah, well those days are coming to...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Energy Update - October 6, 2019

~ October Brings New Beginnings ~

September was a doozy! It was about reconnecting with our past. Many of these connections had been formed in third dimension energy.

The energy last month asked us if we wanted our current or past situations and relationships – which had their beginnings in the past – to remain with us while we move forward.

We were guided to dig deeper into our past, to see the relationships and situations that hadn’t had closure. These have been sitting in the background, waiting for us to make a decision. We were encouraged to re-establish a connection, even if it just was to think it over, to see if we wanted that energy (person or type of experience) back into our lives. Or, are we done? If we decided to not carry it forward, we were asked to close and release it.

But September was also about seeing and facing our fears, nightmares, and scary past experiences...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Chasing Shadows & Rainbows

Shadows shift and change with the movement of light, creating a sense of movement. This can light your imagination…what’s hiding in the shadows? You imagine what it may look like, this thing lurking in the darkness. What does it feel like? What might it do?

You build, color, and animate it with your thoughts – feeding it with your mental imagery. Then you are no longer chasing shadows, you are creating your reality with them.

You have built a stage to play out the scene you created…all started by chasing shadows. The dark space, hidden from light, ready and willing to receive and accept your fears – to help shape, mold and bring them to fruition through your own thoughts.

Chasing Rainbows

Okay, I know that may sound froo-froo, but bear with me.

Chasing rainbows, for today’s article, does not mean a self-induced...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Some people get upset talking about politics of any kind as well as religious or other beliefs. Humans will defend their beliefs sometimes loudly, angrily, or violently. Why?

People want to be heard, and some people crave external validation. Some feel they have to be really loud or aggressive when sharing their views or beliefs.

While corporate America (generalized) wants to reduce humans to faceless, nameless, money producing numbers and stats, and many government officials do what they want instead of what the people they are supposed to represent want, people are feeling less and less in control. Fear is building, some becoming aggressive in their fear and their need to be recognized, heard and validated.

The human race has been raised to... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Our Tribe

Labels are tricky things. They help us communicate and provide an approximation of what we’re talking about with another person or people. Why do I say approximation? Because we each, individually, take labels first as the broad generally accepted definition and then assign them a more personal definition based on our own experiences. That means my complete definition of a particular label may mean something slightly different than yours.

For example: Family. Family can be defined as a unit consisting of parent(s) and child(ren); those who share blood ties or a legal bond.

But your individual definition goes so much deeper. It includes your history with your...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 1, 2019

One Bad Apple

I think we’ve all may have had, at least once, that one client, patient or customer who keeps coming back, but does so with a surly attitude and unkind words.

I want to make this very clear…it’s not you. How can I be so sure? Thank about it…if your service was truly bad, they wouldn’t have returned, nor would your other clients.

I’ve seen, and heard, some people’s days go dark from one such customer. Why? Because their unkind words or attitude was accepted into the practitioner (massage therapist, chiropractor, energy healer, doctor, etc.), and then believing that they did do something wrong or that perhaps the client is right. In response to the accepted negativity, the practitioner may have begun thinking, “I don’t know why I bother. No one listens to me / my recommendations / guidance.” Or they felt...Read More

By Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 25, 2019

News & Views – August 25, 2019

News & Views from the Other Side

Q & A’s With the Other Side

Q. Home come some of the beings on the Other Side don’t have a sense of humor?

Q. You’ve (the Higher Selves, the Other Side, etc.) been providing us some great information, but there’s a lot of, “we recommend you do this,” or “we don’t recommend you do that.” What about being human? What about the fun stuff or the lighter side of being Lightworkers?

Q. Why has it been so difficult lately to see beyond, or above the negative stuff happening?

Read More for answers.

Channeled by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hold the Light

Many may find themselves caught in a dichotomy between outrage and peace within concerning the state our country is in.


We may fluctuate between compassion, understanding and allowance to anger, frustration and incredulity.

Allowance doesn’t mean turning a blind-eye, nor does it mean letting someone walk all over you or over others.

The energetic art of allowance, to me, is to ...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 11, 2019

What Can We Accomplish Together?

We are still in the time of clearing up the past. Many have done hard work in healing and releasing their personal past – but we still have work to do on healing our bloodline, our ancestry, our lineage. How can I be so sure? Reading and watching social media and local newspapers.

One of our multitude of jobs we accepted for being in this time, in this lifetime, is to heal and clear our own family bloodline and ancestry. No more perpetuating the trauma energies.

Don’t get me wrong. The atrocities of man against man were and are horrific, and should not be forgotten. But neither should they be stoked and kept afire.

The troubled energies from those abused, terrorized, tortured and killed, since the beginning of third dimensional living as humans, is crying out to be healed.

The being who may still be trapped in the lower energy of anger, anguish and hatred, unable to cross over because of their pain from their lives and their deaths that are unanswered for, are what we are supposed to heal and release…for them and the generations that followed.

They need healing...Read More

By Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 4, 2019

We Do Not Cease to Exist

The frail older woman’s voice quivered, not from her advanced age, but rather her fear, as she told me, “I’ve wanted to die for well over fifteen years now, but I’m afraid.”

“You’re afraid of dying?” I asked.

“No. I’m afraid that I’ll have to see my husband again, and I don’t want to.”

My brows crinkled in confusion. “Why are you...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Saturday, August 3, 2019

August 2019's Reality Undefined Newsletter

The free August 2019's Reality Undefined Newsletter is out!

If you want it emailed to you, the sign up is available on the right hand column on the blog. Please note: You must click to receive emails to receive the newsletter -- it is an emailed newsletter.


Sunday, July 28, 2019

Can You Hear it Now?

We’ve all experienced them whether we are consciously aware it them or not.

Energy downloads, updates, or whatever you care to call them.  A lot comes in on a high pitch whine in your ear. Others ride the waves with the heavy gravitational pull of the full moons. And others yet come in with the assistance of a push from solar flares and different planetary alignments.

We’ve felt waves of nausea and/or had feelings of wonkiness or dizzy spells during some of the more packed energy downloads. We’ve had short bouts of feeling awkward or even clumsy in our own body. And sometimes we become super energized and may have trouble sleeping. All while our physical bodies and energetic bodies processed and integrated the new information and energy changes.

Many who understood they were receiving downloads also knew tons...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Beauty in All

In this time of turmoil and separation, we ask you to look at your thoughts of others in regards to separation, and ask yourself why you think that way. And does it fit the real and true you?

Was it a belief passed on to you as a child – programmed into you from your environment? Was it presented to you later and you accepted it? If so, why did you accept this? Were you, and are you, afraid to stand up against the beliefs around you that don’t fit the real, base you?

Those you are against, do you know why? Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Sound of Silence

We, humans, are programmed from childhood to “do” from the moment we get wake up until we go to bed. We live with both physical and mental noise – music, videos, social media posts, conversations, sound pollution around us and then there’s our own constant internal chatter.

We are so busy, filling every second of our day. We bombard ourselves with sounds, noise, and activities to keep our attention outwards – because if we stop, then what? What will happen?

Someone asked, “Why am I afraid of the silence?” Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Paranormal Investigators – Finish the Job

A paranormal investigation, also known as a ghost investigation or ghost “hunting”, is the process of investigating a location to capture evidence or debunk the claims of a haunting.

* * *

PARA  -- prefix with many meanings, including: alongside of, beside, near, resembling, beyond, apart from, and abnormal.

…alongside, beyond -- from Greek para- from para (prep.) "beside, near”

NORMAL -- conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

PARANORMAL -- Beyond normal explanation.

* * *

There are quite a few groups who are investigating to prove, or disprove, through EVP’s (electronic voice phenomenon), audio recordings, videos, still photography and thermal imaging. They may also utilize gadgets such as spirit boxes, spirit boards, flashlight communication, and other electronic devices.

People call investigators because they usually want help. Capturing evidence...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Heavy Loads

I’ve heard from many that the energies we’ve been soaking in for at least three weeks has been challenging – mentally, physically and spiritually.

Yes. Yes it has. My hand is up as well.

We’re tired. We feel drained and worn out. Some feel done.

I get it.

And I want to say, “Good job! Keep going! We can do it!”

Someone asked what our Teams had to say about what we’re going through.

First, the amount of gratitude from...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 16, 2019

No More Hiding

The last solar storm packed quite a punch. I’m pretty sure no one escaped what it came here to do… to help us release any:

  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Fear
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Frustration
  • Shame
  • …and More

We all have that small part of self that we’ve kept hidden in the...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 9, 2019

How Did God Get His Name?

My Thoughts by Sandy Gibson

How did the Supreme Being, come to be called GOD -- have you ever wondered who named God or where the name came from?

Have you ever questioned how God can be everything to everyone, always?  Have you ever wondered how that can be so? 

Every area on the planet, with ... Read More

by Sandy Gibson

Monday, June 3, 2019

Energy Update – June 3, 2019

~ More Focus ~

Since last week’s massive energy wave, people have reported headaches, really loud ear ringing, super vivid dreams, feeling out-of-whack, emotional and having yet more of their past coming up. This surge will continue on.

I know I’ve said this before, yet here I go again…every time I think there’s nothing left to purge…surprise! Another round of emotional purging arises. This is one of the major reasons for these intense energy waves – to aid us in releasing.

Remember, we’re releasing not only this lifetime’s... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, May 27, 2019

We Have Become the Frog in the Pot

I’m proud to be an American, but I don’t see much of America alive today.

Service members are supposed to receive health care until their death. That was part of the deal when they signed up to protect our country. But benefits are being skewed, unfunded or dropped all together. Many retired service members are being ignored, mistreated or punished for having served their country. Our country. America.

When did you stop noticing the changes?

The Frog in the Pot Story

If a frog is dumped into...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 19, 2019

News & Views – May 19, 2019

News & Views from the Other Side 

~ Choices ~

Your frustrations, fear, judgments, and concerns are heard loud and clear.

Each individual is being given the opportunity to heal their...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Weaving Them Together

The articles on the Reality Undefined blog are usually connected in a way to help us with what we are currently going through, what we may soon experience, and all in preparation for our next step in growth.

The team who works with me on writing these articles likes for the articles to be...Read More

 by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Forgetting to Breathe

As computers became more prevalent in our work and homes, it started becoming necessary to work with ergonomic chairs, keyboards and the like, and to work on getting up and walking about every hour. Sitting so long at a desk or at a computer means sluggishness in both the physical body and energetically…and our breathing.

Forgetting to Breathe

We all seem to do it off and on. We forget to breathe. I don’t mean stopping breathing or holding our breath for extended periods of time; I do mean not taking full breaths. As we get wrapped up in work, play, chores, etc., we forget to breathe. Our breathing can become shallow or... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Power Versus Empower

When I work with someone or even just having a deep conversation with someone, I can be surprised by the information coming through me from the Teams.

Such was the case recently when a friend and I were deep in conversation. We both received a quick lesson on the energetic differences between “power” and “empower”... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Karma Balancing Today

We’ve talked before how karma is the balancing of wrongs, and that now karma is having to be dealt with this life; no more carrying over to next lifetime.

Karma is not really and “eye for an eye” as far as, for example, Mr. Smith murdered Mr. Oak, so next lifetime, Mr. Oak gets to murder Mr. Smith. This can’t happen because it would become a never ending cycle. Now Mr. Smith has to murder Mr. Oak, and repeat.

In life reviews, Mr. Smith will feel as though he is Mr. Oak, what Mr. Oak experienced because of Mr. Smith’s actions. Then will Mr. Smith understand he created an... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, April 15, 2019

Akashic Records Class

I am now offering Akashic Records classes in Las Cruces and El Paso.

Most people have to wait until the turmoil is over before they can learn more about the event or experience they just had. Or, they have to die to gain a bigger picture about the life they just lived.

But what if you could get some insight about this lifetime while you’re still living it?

What if you could access a past life or lives information that may shed some new understanding on where you are now in this life?

The Akashic Records – or Hall of Records – is where this information is stored and this class gives you the steps to access your own records enabling you to explore a bigger picture about your life.

Check it out!

Jan Toomer


I am now offering Talks/Intensives in #lascruces #elpaso:

* Wormholes - Quantum Jumps and more!

* Soul Fragmentation & Retrieval

* Open Question Night (or Day)

Check it out!

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Energy Update - April 14, 2019

~ Harmony ~

There are so many layers of growing, adjusting and learning we are doing right now, so I chose the two biggest “labels” to discuss here. Everything else is tied to, or subsets of one or both of these…all while our bodies are working to adjust to the energies coming in.

1.    We are being asked to recognize disharmony in our life and to take constructive steps to bring balance or harmony back.
2.    We are busy creating and manifesting, especially in regards to moving and/or staying in harmony.


I’d been waking up after only a few hours sleep and was very tense. Instead of trying to work on figuring out why I was stressed, I exercised the kinks out and “pushed” my tired way through the days.

When I finally took the time to actually look...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Questions About 5D

Q. What is 5D?

5D refers to the fifth dimension.

We’ve discussed 3D, 4D, and 5D before, but here’s quick and simplified recap (of what I believe):

3D = third dimension. In our case, it refers to third dimensional Earth dense physical experience on this planet of duality; one of the hardest (if not the hardest) school planets.

4D = fourth dimension. Kind of like a training space, where we accept responsibility for our own thoughts, actions and words. This includes working through, releasing, healing one’s own past, and past lives. No, you don’t have to believe in past lives to be clearing them. And no, you don’t have to be consciously aware of everything that you are healing, clearing and releasing from your past and past lives for it to work.

It is where we practice instant manifestation, to prepare us for 5D. Many fluctuate between 3D and 4D while learning how to accept responsibility and being manifesting. 4D must be mastered before stepping fully in to 5D.

As we progress on mastering 4D, we may occasionally dip into 5D.

5D = fifth dimension. Here you instantly manifest what thoughts, words and actions you have put out. You are creating your own reality…you…by your own thoughts, actions and words.

Q. What else may be experienced in 4D...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Solfeggio Frequencies

Since everything is energy, I believe that tones, music, sounds and sound frequencies – all energy frequencies -- can affect us in a negative or positive manner. One example would be music. What makes you feel calm? For me, it’s meditation or Reiki music. What makes you feel agitated? For me, head-banging and rap. What stimulates you? I like ’70-‘90’s classic rock.

The same can be said for tones, sounds and sound frequencies. Some can create confusion, anger or frustration. Some can being a calming influence and some can stimulate you.

Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Do You

The energy during this time is pretty intense and one of the things it’s asking of us is to “do you”.

Many say they feel more in their head right now – and it varies from depression, all that is wrong, not having control over ‘X’ (someone or some situation), to physical care...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, March 4, 2019

My Virus Reached Out To Me…

…and boy does she have an attitude.

I didn’t buy it at first…why would a bug I picked up over the previous weekend reach out and communicate with me?

Okay, that really wasn’t the first question I thought. My first thought was to ask, “Are viruses sentient?” If this one is reaching out to me, then it has to be a sentient life form, right? And that question opens up a proverbial can of worms.

So back to getting contacted...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 24, 2019

See Behind the Illusion

I like the movie “Wizard of Oz”, especially when the curtain was pulled aside and revealed that the wizard was not so big and mighty; he wasn’t at all as the illusion portrayed.

During our growth process, as we heal our pasts and take responsibility for our own life, we are beginning to see even more behind the formerly mass accepted 3D illusion of reality – except...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Your Meta Questions – February 17, 2019

~ Energy Changes ~ Energy Work ~

Questions addressed in this article:

Have you noticed any changes to the energy in your energy work?

What has the newest energies made available to us?

Where is all of this leading us?

Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 10, 2019

No Place to Hide

We take another step towards becoming who we really are, and seeing others as they really are.

What does that mean?

When we were born into these bodies, we distanced ourselves (in varying degrees) from our real selves – the self not limited by the 3D playground rules. We played the separation game; the label game; the hierarchy game; the duality game; the materialistic game; the fear game; and the density game, to name a few. All of which basically aided us in voluntarily cutting ourselves off from our inner/true self and each others true selves.

We’ve touched upon telepathy (communicating using...Read More

by Jan Toomer 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Energy Update – February 3, 2019

~ Up Its Frequency ~

The energy we are working with now is asking we continue to heal and release our past. In addition, our physical selves are asking, and in some cases demanding, to be taken care of.

Some are finding that their body is being forthcoming in what it doesn’t want. Even if you’ve recently adjusted your dietary intake, for example, your body may be indicating that it wants more healthy changes. And changes aren’t limited to foods; all of our five senses are speaking up.

These may come across as one or more of the following ways (barring any physical ailments):

  • nausea and/or sudden intolerance (or increased intolerance) to smells of foods; scented products, including deodorants, perfumes, room fresheners, soaps, scented candles, etc.
  • noises and sounds now discordant...Read More
by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Not One Size Fits All

We are constantly being presented with an opportunity to either move beyond separatism or to pick a side, such as:

  • Us vs Them
  • Light vs Dark
  • White vs Black
  • Democratic vs Republican

So I’d like to go on record and say this in a short and clear manner ----

There are no sides. That is nothing but a Third Dimension illusion...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Your Higher Self Wants You to Know

You ache with loneliness
You act of out frustration
You cry out for help.

I walk with you always
I work to soothe you
I am here to aid you.

Your guilt weighs on you
Your fear deafens you
Your grief numbs you.

I lift you up
I speak to you
I guide you.

Your societal indoctrination disconnects you.

I cut the tethers you accepted from society.

You say you’re lost and adrift.

I say you’re now free to go where you want.

You search outside of yourself

But I Am within you – and have been with you always.

I Am your higher self – seek me within yourself…

For we are One.

* * *

As most of you know, my articles are mostly either suggested by my team or channeled completely.

The team can guide me with a topic or sentence; provide a mental visual of a scenario to show me what they wish to discuss or share; or, like with “News & Views From the Other Side”, they provide detailed visualizations and/or dictate the feelings/words.

Today’s was a bit different...Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer

Monday, January 14, 2019


Do you have any regrets?

Opportunities you ignored? Relationships you walked away from? Didn’t say, “I love you,” or visit before a loved one died? Job you were afraid to take?

Do you have a trigger (or triggers) that overwhelm you with emotion? You may or may not consciously know why you have that trigger or what the root cause is. Or, does the trigger bring back intense memories?

Some words to describe regret are: sad, repentant or disappointed, usually about something that had, or had not, happened.

I Had No Clue...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, January 7, 2019

News & Views – January 7, 2019

News and Views From The Other Side

~ The Truth Can Be Heard and Felt ~

Today, we’d like to talk about how you may be able to tell lies from truths. We are addressing this because you have so much information and disinformation available at your fingertips. So how do you tell what is truth to you and what are lies?

When you are able to step back, be objective and not be drawn into the drama, re-direction and ...Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer