
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sabotaging Self with Self-Doubt



 When you are practicing your abilities, or strengthening your metaphysical abilities, one of the toughest things you work on is getting out of your own way.

By this I mean we are programmed from birth on to listen to others, not ourselves. Metaphysical and/or energy work demands you listen to you. This can create some inner turmoil, and the self-doubt that we were raised with really rears is ugly head.

A part of inner self may say, “You don't know what you're doing,” or “It's just your imagination...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 14, 2021

It's Time For Intolerance To End



 A question posed to me: How do you let go of intolerance and judging and move into tolerance?

Let's take a look at intolerance; what does it mean and what does it create?

Intolerance is an unwillingness to accept an energy, action or behavior, or belief that's different from yours.  

Having a negative opinion about someone's beliefs, views, ideas, skin color, appearance, social status, gender, etc. because it's not the same as yours and you feel you are better than them because of it is judging.

Both judging and intolerance of others behaviors are rooted in fear. Perhaps it's a fear ... Read More

by Jan Toomer


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Suicide Sucks



As you know, our daughter JoAnna committed suicide in 2009. Though her physical death occurred in 2009, she actually started her death process on September 11, 2001 – also known as 9-11.

We were lucky in that we knew why she killed herself, but it didn't make that act of finality and the physical loss any easier. So many survivors don't know the reason for their friend or loved one committing suicide. Either way...suicide sucks.

Many survivors, regardless if they know the reason behind the suicide or not, are left with so many questions that often no one has any answers to. And then there's the risk of the survivors sinking into the rabbit hole of guilt. “Maybe if I'd done ______ differently.”*... Read More

by Jan Toomer



Monday, March 1, 2021

Here Are Your Fears


That's right – we are experiencing and facing our fears.

The energies has worked to help us release the past and learn new ways. And one way to help us is for our fears to be brought to the forefront. This is done on an individual scale, but also progresses to town, city, county, state, region, continent and global. Yep, that's a lot of fears. And we, collectively and individually are responsible for all of them. That's one of the reasons why we are here.

Since we hadn't cleared, healed and released all of the fears, they are provided to us to see. For example: think about reductions of rights (that were guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution). Do you feel it in your body? Sit with it.

Now pick something... Read More

By Jan Toomer

I'm Back!

 I appreciate your patience while I took a two month blog hiatus; the first major one in over 10 years.

I'd been working on a few different projects as well as lining up some others. I'll be sharing once they are finished.

While taking a break, I was able to step back a bit from the turmoil and focus on my own energy and make some decisions.

I'm excited to see what transpires with the new stuff coming here and for the blog!

I'm back, so off we go!
