
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Interacting with Other Frequencies


How are we able to be considered living in 4D (fourth dimension) and still interact with 3D (third dimension)?

Just a reminder: Moving from 3D into 4 or 5D in a physical body has not been done before on Earth, so there’s no previously written instruction manual. I think the closest we come to that are the articles that are on my blog and on other similar blogs that you’re welcome to work through…or create your own.

We go through these steps and then share with others. My steps aren’t necessarily going to be the same as Susie Q’s or John P’s steps. Listen to yourself to see what feels right to you.

Moving through the 4D and 5D energies /frequency/dimension is all about what’s going on within you. Fourth and Fifth Dimensions are not locations; they are frequencies. We “ascend” frequencies from within.

Interacting with Other Frequencies

And yes, we still do interact with the third dimension, but it appears we have a system to do so. We can overlap commonalities. We share space with 3D, 4D, and 5D frequencies (for example) when we have compatible thoughts, goals or interests. Let’s use eating out at a restaurant as an example.

Being in, or having 3D, a 4D or 5D frequency doesn’t...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Energy Update – July 16, 2023


     ~ Emotional Roller Coaster Ride! ~  

Holy moly! I really wanted off the roller coaster ride this past week!

For me, it started with the Icelandic volcano eruption. Some energetically experienced the Icelandic volcano eruption Monday or Tuesday (depending on where you live). We can experience the energetic precursor to eruptions as:

  • A feeling of anxiousness /  anxiety / edginess
  • Sleep disruptions or insomnia
  • A feeling of pressure building and it disappears after the eruption occurs. This is in sync with the pressure building within the volcano and a release as it erupts.

Then we had a wild ride on Friday, July 14th. Many, me included, were all over the place. My emotions were confusing me. I ranged from cranky, angry, sad, calm, impatient, and unsettled. I was also extremely exhausted, severely clumsy, and frequently felt out of it or of being elsewhere. And I was getting really annoyed with my inconsistent self that was triggered by…who knew what. Ugh.

Finally in the evening, like someone flipped a switch, everything settled.

What the heck?

Hubby suggested that we had a day of being bombarded by some hefty activity going on with the sun and with Earth. Come to find out, he hit the nail on the head.

The Schumann Resonance

This is Mother Earth’s heartbeat energy, and on the 14th, her heartbeat ranged from 0 Hz to 34 Hz. In other words, she was all over the place. And guess what? Earth’s resonance is closely related to our – humans’ – brainwaves, hence our emotional and energetic roller coaster ride.

This means the frequencies covered Delta, Theta...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 9, 2023

AI or Human Created?



 There are a lot of discussions on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and where it may go. One of the questions about AI is how will we be able to tell if something is AI or human created, or a mix?

Eventually, and I believe not far off, we may have trouble discerning if a face or visual is AI created or human created. Is there a way to tell the difference?

AI or Human Created?

Well, remember how I discussed in last week’s article that we are supposed to know our own energy and our self and to listen to self? Here’s yet another instance as to why. Many can already feel if an article or visual seems off somehow; it doesn’t feel right. Listening to self is so important.

The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

There are some cultures who believe photographing their people steals a portion of their soul. Energetically speaking, I find that looking at someone’s photo, I make a direct connection, or energetic line, to that person or being.

For example, a photo of someone can:

  • Usually tell me if they are dead or alive
  • Show some physical or mental health imbalances
  • Tell me they lie
  • Show fear that they are trying to hide
  • Show they are hiding abuse
  • Show me if they are cruel
  • Show me their lack of self-esteem or self-confidence
  • And so on.

And how is a photograph energetically able to show this? It’s... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 2, 2023

How Can I Be Sure?



  When I asked my Team, “What should we write about today?” I kept hearing the first two lines to The Young Rascals 1967 song, “How Can I Be Sure”.

How can I be sure

In a world that’s constantly changing?

~ The Young Rascals

How can we be sure when things are so topsy-turvy now-a-days?

The Team has been offering guidance through these articles over the years, and it all seems to be coming into play. Some of the messages had been:

  • Know your energy.
  • Know yourself.
  • Listen to self.
  • Keep your energy vibration high.

It seems like there’s so much chaos these days…so how can we be sure of anything?

Does it help if I say... Read More

by Jan Toomer