
Sunday, February 23, 2020

What is My Life's Purpose?

Our souls crave to express themselves in a positive way while we navigate our Earth life journey.*

What is My Life’s Purpose?

This is a question many of us may ask in some form. This can be in the form of asking it directly; or seeking and searching for….something more. Another form could be flitting from job to job.

What are you supposed to be doing? What is your life’s purpose or your soul plan?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, though there are some one-size-fits-all baselines for us.

 Experience being a human, which includes tactile experiences, emotions, relationships, etc.

 To learn. From learning ...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 16, 2020

United States Begs To Be Healed

I’ve written before on how we’re working on clearing up, healing and releasing our pasts. I’ve touched briefly on clearing up, healing and releasing the past of our country.

I’ve been asked to elaborate on the clearing, healing and releasing the past of the United States of America. What are parts of the past that need healing? The following is my interpretation and view of the energy.

The energy of the United States begs to be healed and released. The more its requests are ignored, the more the imbalances pile up. One way this is presenting is by bringing that unhealed past into our now. Because it’s a country that needs healing, a lot is focused on our government – but make no mistake – it’s the people of the U.S. that are allowing the imbalances remain and grow.

This is in no way a complete list and is generalized. This lists some of the past issues that are “now” issues needing our attention.

  • Creating fear and/or using fear to remove more rights and to make the people compliant to being confined (or denied entry) or other rights being violated... Read More
by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Energy Update – February 9, 2020

~ Know Self ~

Since January 1st, people may have experienced something that they were presented with or confronted with that upset their balance. This may have been because something battered or upset a belief or understanding one had or has.

We’d been previously asked to know Self. Know who you are. Your energy. Your thoughts. Your beliefs. This was preparing us for an onslaught of information and misinformation coming at us at a phenomenal rate. This includes attempts at any possible negative energetic manipulations.

By knowing self, and standing strong in self, this information overload – while possibly a bit...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Your Meta Questions – February 2, 2020

~ Portals ~

Q. What is a portal?

  A portal (aka doorway, wormhole, vortex), for the purposes of this article, is an opening or doorway from another dimension or plane to ours. This, depending on where the other end of the portal is located, can allow earthbounds (ghosts) to travel from one location to another – or – allow beings from “other” places to come here.

Q. I watch several paranormal or ghost shows on TV, and they all seem to find portals located in closets, dark basements, or attics. Why?...Read More

by Jan Toomer