
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Top Articles for Reality Undefined Blog 2023



What were the top articles read on Reality Undefined blog for 2023? I've broken it down for the year - however, all but April, July and December, the top read article for 2023 was "Please Don't Feed The PK Manifestation" -- so starting with February, I showed the second most read article after "Please Don't Feed The PK Manifestation". Please note: just because they were the most read that month doesn't mean they were posted in 2023.

April, July and December show the most read article for that month.

January 2023

February 2023

March 2023

April 2023

May 2023

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

November 2023

December 2023

Thank you all for your continued support! I appreciate you all!

by Jan Toomer

Energetic Etiquette




I absolutely love this title, but it’s not my creation. Thank you, Steff!

Energy workers (should) know that we don’t work on anyone without receiving their permission first. This is Energetic Etiquette 101.

But what about those who can’t verbally give us their permission? We ask the person’s (or animal’s) Higher Self for permission. In other words, you ask energetically.

Now what about doing energy work on places or situations? You can energetically ask the location for permission. In both of these two instances, you will receive a “yes” or “no”; please respect the answer you receive.

For energy work on a situation, I recommend you offer the Light – with the intent that those who wish to receive it will partake of your offering. Those not interested will simply ignore it.

Energetic Etiquette

Etiquette is defined in part by Google as, “…code of polite behavior in society…” So let me ask you this: What is the etiquette of not just doing energy work on a place, but what is the energetic etiquette for visiting a place?

When you go to visit family or friends, you usually let them know you’re coming, right?  It’d be no fun...Read More

by Jan Toomer



Sunday, December 17, 2023

News and Views from the Other Side – December 17, 2023



    ~ You, the Public, Have the Power ~

Over the last few months, I’ve had special – uninvited – guests appear in my space/energy. I say “uninvited”, but my Team (following my stringent protocols and boundaries) has allowed them to approach me.

Some have approached me before (over the last 10 years or so), but I have to say, I brushed them off and sent them packing

Today, I agreed to listen.

Their message is generalized – it does NOT pertain to everyone, so please keep this in mind as you read their message.

Now, mind you, these are not their excuses that they are providing, nor can what some of them did while alive be forgotten – but their combined message should be heard. So as to not prejudice, I have not provided the names of these beings that approached me.

The beings (the deceased, former humans) that approached gave me an overview going back to about the 1940’s to present. They showed me the degenerative energies that spread like cancer over the movie and music – or entertainment – industries. The depravity and how it grew until it can no longer be contained or hidden – and we’re physically seeing this today on stage and screen.

What we are seeing on stage and screen is only the tip of the iceberg – so much more goes on behind the scenes.

*Again, this is a generalization! NOT everyone in the entertainment industry falls under this or is ensconced in this! *

So the message is kind of two-fold that these beings would like to present. Now on to their message.

* * *

The Message

The messages in our movies and songs remains important today when those movies or songs reminds us to honor one another, regardless of social, economic, religious or gender status.

Each individual...Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer


Monday, December 11, 2023

An Abridged Experience


I recently had an incident occur that irritated and frustrated me – and, quite frankly, I was irked at a particular person in charge for not accepting responsibility for the ineptness I encountered.

After I distanced myself, I found myself ruminating over the experience (see, I’m human, too).

I was in my hotel room and getting ready to step through the bathroom doorway to head into the main part of the room when the floor began undulating and the bath towel on the towel rack was swaying back and forth. My first thought was, “Oh, it’s an earthquake.” I grabbed the door frame and looked over to the sink. Neither my water bottle nor the sink towel showed any disturbance at all.

I checked the sleeping area and nothing was moving there. I then heard a man’s voice, loudly and clearly, say, “Jan”.

I re-checked the bathroom and everything was still, but I did notice an unknown-to-me energy signature signifying a massive use of energy, and it felt like it had been an attempt to open a wormhole.

Two days later, while meditating and talking with my Team, I saw an odd looking craft over the shoulder of one of my Team members. I asked what that was and was told it was a spaceship. I heard, “He wants to talk to you.” The ship disappeared.

The person I was irked with energetically popped in and said... Read More

by Jan Toomer