
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Coming Together



  I stood at the sink washing dishes when I had quick flashes of being elsewhere and elsewhen. These flashes showed me, what looked like rapid video clips, in different lifetimes, starting with me being an Asian Martial Artist, practicing.

Then a snapshot of this lifetime, followed by that lifetime, and yet another.

I have had glimpses of past lifetimes* throughout my life, but this time was different. Much more vivid, as well as showing me talents and abilities. Another new aspect is I could FEEL the ability or talent I was seeing.

This is a deeper connection in accessing other lifetimes now, while being in this...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Cursed Dagger and Dragon: Clarima Syd Jones


Cursed Dagger and Dragon: Clarima Syd Jones

by Jan Toomer

A Reader, officially ranked Level IV out of V with the World Paranormal Organization, Clari works part-time with the local police department as a paranormal consultant and currently works, as needed, on the local PD's cold cases with Detective Morris. She also has her own private practice. She's often able to Read the energies connected to a case, person or place and may provide a clue or another perspective to help the case move forward.

But lately things have gotten a little personal. Someone's trying to kill Clari; one person almost succeeded. Clari finds out the Grigori are also after her, and she has no idea why any of this is happening, but she's determined to find out.

Available on Amazon -- Cursed Dagger and Dragon 


Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke in Time



Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke in Time

by Jan Toomer

For many years, I fought the metaphysical aspects of myself. What I wanted was a normal vocation and normal life. I wanted to be an archeologist or child psychologist. I am neither. I was born a multi-talented sensitive who ended up having a stroke and losing touch with some of my abilities. I then had to work to get my abilities back.

I think there were two main obstacles I had to overcome – myself and what society then deemed as normal and acceptable.

A stroke can be a curse or a blessing in disguise, but I had to decide which it was for me. In the process I learned I needed to be true to myself, and to find and nurture my passion.

It wasn’t until around my late thirties that I began to seek what my real passion might be. I searched for three years only to realize I’d been doing it my adult life – doing what I do now.

It took having a stroke to face and overcome those obstacles. Now I work on  being myself – my full self – including my quirks that showed up after the stroke, my metaphysical abilities and all. I’ve done this while working on honoring my physical limitations and those quirks. I’m definitely an ongoing work in progress. I continue to explore “Who am I now?”

I share my experiences and offer some insights from my own journey in hopes that my story may they help you through yours.

Available on Amazon -- Re-Writing My Future


Take Time to Relax



 A single shoe in a dryer and the dryer is turned on. The uneven thumping of the shoe as the drum spins, dropping the shoe again and again.

You cringe each time it thumps. You tighten up because you know it’s going to thump again, but don’t know when. And you can’t wait for it to stop.

That’s the visual I have on how some people have been feeling these last two weeks.

It’s time to take a breather.

Twisted and Tight

I went to my chiropractor appointment and the doctor told me that I was twisted and tight. I said, “Yeah ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 16, 2022

What Is Wrong With Me?



 This is a question I have heard a lot these last three weeks or so.

If you’ve no medical issues (see your Dr. for that) or mental health issues (see a therapist with this) – then I’m pretty confident that answer is “Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you.”

  • Can’t concentrate and/or can’t start or complete a task, especially “expected” tasks.
  • No desire to do “this” or “that”.
  • Drifting
  • Perhaps unable to figure out what you did all day / the day went quickly
  • Not wanting to engage with the mundane.
  • Bouts of not wanting to engage with those not of energetic or spiritual “like-minded” people.

We Are New

Many of us are attempting to fit into the old patterns and old energy. Why? Because that’s what is...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, October 9, 2022

They Need Our Help





Since the 2020 lockdowns, the children and teens/young adults have struggled. I would like to address the teens/young adults, mainly because they have fallen through the proverbial cracks.

About ages 17 through mid-30’s (generalized) are really struggling. A lot of these beautiful souls are energetically expressing hopelessness, having no direction, fear and thoughts with, “What’s the use? Why should I continue and/or try?” These souls in human form are in dire need of balancing and hope. But it’s more than that.

Energetically and spiritually, these young adults have not had a lot of experience with 3D Earth (duality, negative and positive) and are here for the coming 4D and 5D Earths. They are here to bring about the changes to 4 and 5D and they don’t have the past experiences to navigate a rather hostile environment.

This means these younger star children or starseeds are not well-versed in the trauma energy produced on 3D Earth. Their energetic and/or electrical systems are overloading and it is creating meltdowns and chaos within them. They are emotional receivers and boy are they getting bombarded with the general populace’s own roller-coaster emotional overloads. And anxiety, anger and depression energies are through the roof. Some are also trying to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and it needn’t be that way. They need our help. *

If you are a seasoned adult (*grin*), can you remember the transitional time from...Read more

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Holding the Light




I’m still hearing from some people their concerns about all the negativity happening as well as their fears of lack, the fears of unknown, etc.

I understand that the chaos and uncertainty is attempting to be pushed onto and into us and is loud and in our faces.

So let’s look at some possible analogies:

  • The yelling entitled person
  • The persistent fear-mongering
  • The squeaky wheel

The yelling entitled person is someone so full of fear that they try to intimidate and controls others (often fixating on one person). This is (energetic interpretation) due to feeling of not having any control in their lives, or of that someone is having more (more fun, more stuff, better clothes, etc.) than the entitled person (their own perceptions). They are bullies pure and simple.

The persistent fear-mongering from our governments and the media are to maintain the chaos and to create more chaos, all in the name of controlling the masses.

The squeaky wheel is the one who yells the loudest, but is not necessarily the most critical or important at the moment, but everyone listens and tries to appease them to shut them up.

While the bullies, fear-mongers and the squeaky wheels are in-your-face and demanding your attention...Read More

by Jan Toomer