
Friday, April 26, 2024

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Energy Update - April 14, 2024


A pile of pastel colored sticky notes, each one has "Change" written on it.

Well, we’ve been through some stuff, eh? “Conspiracy theories” abound as does the misinformation and misdirection being put out to the masses.

Except for putting small informative videos on my website, I’ve been pretty quiet.

So when I sat down to write today, I had a mix of feeling overwhelmed by what all has been in my head this month as well as having a desire to just sit back and chill (I am recovering from much needed surgery on my jaw). I looked at my husband – I guess her saw the “Where do I start?” look on my face, and said, “Talk about the wonky energies and how things have changed”. Boom! There it is! So many changes. So let’s take a look a few.

You Feel It, Don’t You?

Yep, a lot has changed, and it’s not done yet. But, as usual, the biggest message is, “Stay out of Fear!”

Just this month, the energy on Earth has shifted at least three times, and the month isn’t over.

There have been so many “natural” disasters across the Earth that the underlying feeling of Earth energy, I think, can be boiled down to “unsettled and chaotic”. Now don’t get me wrong, chaotic is not always a bad thing. It can:

  • stir up things to bring it out of the dark and into the light to be seen and dealt with.
  • make us uncomfortable enough to change our thinking;
  • make us what to change our ways;
  • make us get out of a rut or to get off of the scripted merry-go-round.
  • be freeing, revealing, enlightening, and give us the needed momentum to “do something about it”

On the other side, I’m saddened by all the devastation, destruction and loss of life. And that part of me is really annoyed at all of the suffering across our world because -- in my opinion – we didn’t get off our collective duffs and do something sooner so we didn’t have to go through this.

Spilt milk and all.

Back to the changes.

Feeling a Void

Do you feel like something – or maybe someone – is missing?

This whole month, the act of connecting to my Team has been…off. Usually, in the past, I would get this wonderful whoosh of uplifting energy; then I would see and feel the light flooding into me. I would focus, expand and call in “the highest and holiest aspects of my Team”, and voila! There was my Team.

Not this month.

No whoosh, no bright light, no visual of my Team.

Finally, I asked my Team what the heck was going on? The whole process felt empty…Read More

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Metaphysical - Other "Clairs" - Video


A surreal scene with a woman with brown hair and wearing a blue light jacket. Her hair has been whipped into her face by the wind. In her outstretched right hand is a swirling orb with pink and white energy spinning off of it. It has Metaphysical  - Other Clairs  in white in the upper left hand side.

In this video, we take a look at some not so well known Clair abilities.


Other "Clairs" video


by Jan Toomer



Friday, April 5, 2024





In this video, we take a look at Claircognizance, which is the ability of having clear knowing. A "knowing" is when the information is just there, within you.


Claircognizance Video

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Spiritual 31 - Love or Fear?



We see a silhouette of a woman walking away from us in clouds, her right arm swinging as she walks. She is walking towards a bright white light with rays extending outward. In the bottom center reads, "Spiritual - Love or Fear?"

 I've written about Love versus Fear many times, in many ways, over the years. We take a look at it once again in this video because we are going to be faced with making the decision to move into love or fear pretty soon.


Love or Fear? Video

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Bloopers #1

 It's okay, we all make mistakes...and now I'll share some of mine.

Enjoy the video!

Bloopers #1


by Jan Toomer



Metaphysical #14 - Empathy


Empaths have the ability to feel other's emotions as though they were their own. 

Metaphysical #14 - Empathy video 




 by Jan Toomer

Thursday, March 28, 2024

A Snippet From “Prophecy Revealed”

 Here’s a snippet from the draft of my next upcoming book, Prophecy Revealed; the second book in the World Paranormal Organization series. This is the conclusion to the first book, Cursed Dagger and Dragon (available on Amazon). 


* * * *

That evening, after a quick shower, Clari got comfortable on the couch to dig around in the box her father left her. Her hand brushed something metallic, so Clari let her fingers seek the metallic item out. She grabbed it and pulled it out of the box. Oh, a bullet casing? Her psychometry ability kicked in.

The memory-vision played out as though she was thrust into a movie. She watched as the scene played out through the eyes of the female character, Hope Jones, a seven or eight times great grandmother. She experienced this vision as though she was Hope Jones.

Clari Felt the sun beating down on her as she dug into the hard packed red earth. Her bones and muscles fought against the work. “I think I’m getting too old for this,” muttered her great times eight grandmother. Hope loosened the dirt to mix enough compost in to enrich the soil. It has been a while since she gardened and it was her hope to grow some vegetables this year.

* * *

She Saw Hope Jones standing outside of her home as she overlooked her future garden. Clari, still holding the shell casing, was connected to the past and to Hope’s experiences that were imprinted onto the casing.

She could Feel Lucas “Luke” Jones, walk up behind her. “Hey. What’s wrong?” he asked.

Hope kept her attention on the horizon. “Something is coming. Something dark, and filled with evil. And it’s heading straight for us.”

The husband stepped forward, into her sight line. “Do we get the guns?” Even though her husband had a few more years on her, he still stood a good foot taller, putting him at six foot five, so she had to crane her neck to see him. His solid build contradicted the uncertainty and concern in his hazel eyes.

“No. Guns won’t help us with this one, honey.” Hope’s joints ached; her seventy-plus years had started slowing her down.

His frustration was evident as he paced in the dirt. “Maybe I should at least get my sidearm. I don’t like this, Hope. Not one bit.”

Her gentle smile broadcast her understanding. She knew he worried that, since they lived so far out in the desert, isolated, they had to defend themselves. And his preferred method of defense was firearms.

She didn’t dare tell him it was a squad from the dictator’s personal army. She knew he’d be hauling out more aggressive forms of self-protection. She sighed. They were so different, he and she.

They both stood, watching, as the dust plumes rose from the ground, marking the squad’s progress to their home. Comprehension dawned and the husband swung to confront her. “Dang it, Hope, why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve had the perimeter protected!”

Unfazed, Hope gently touched his arm. “Luke, it wouldn’t have mattered. This is more my stuff than yours.”

“What does that mean?” he demanded.

Hope’s eyebrows rose and she waited.

He leaned forward. “You mean they aren’t human? But they’re kicking up dust as they move, so they have to be real, right?”

“Oh, make no mistake. They are real and they are human. And dangerous. But guns won’t change anything. We just wait, Luke.”

The dust cloud moved closer until Luke and Hope had a clear visual. They saw twelve men marching towards them. Each man was dressed in black from head to toe — black hat down to black boots. Each wore black sunglasses. Each carried a semi-automatic. Each had a belt that carried various “tools” of the dark army’s trade. These tools promised pain and misery.

Soon, the dark army halted before them. One soldier stepped forward, out of their formation, and announced, “We are here under the authority of our Supreme Ruler, Robert Chamba. You are to surrender your property and belongings and come with us.”

Luke clenched his fists and spoke through gritted teeth. “I do not recognize any dictator in the United States of America. Get. Off. My. Property.”

As Hope stepped forward, she could see her reflection in the soldier’s sunglasses. Her dirty blonde hair was well wind-blown. Her squinting chestnut brown eyes were the only indicator of her determination. She addressed the soldier. “Please remove your glasses. I like seeing the eyes of the person I am talking to.”

The soldier reached up and removed his sunglasses.

Hope searched his black eyes. “What is your name, soldier?”

Read More 

by Jan Toomer

Friday, March 22, 2024

Energy Update - March 22, 2024




 In this video:

 What's the energetic stuff going on and taking a look at the elephant in the room...aka the eclipse.

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Metaphysical #19 - Psychic or Energetic Vampires


 I share my thoughts on what psychic or energy vampires are and offering one technique to possibly stop it.


YouTube Video 

Jan Toomer

Metaphysical #27 - Why Can't I See?



Video - YouTube

Some people over the years had asked me to teach them to "See" the other side, including deceased loved ones. This video explains why sometimes it doesn't work.


by Jan Toomer

Monday, March 18, 2024

Step Out of Fear



Brown Scrabble tiles letter side down except for the letters that spell FEAR


 First, I’d like to remind you that there are only two main emotions. Sure, we have loads of names for varying degrees of those two emotions, but there are only two: Love and Fear.

Simply put, if something is not of love, then it is of fear.

How can you tell which one you’re feeling?

Love emotions, such as appreciation, joy, feeling love, happiness, etc. all have a smooth energetic look and feel. It may feel calming, uplifting; we can feel in awe; we can come with a feeling of peace or gratitude.

Fear emotions lower our vibrations so we may feel heavier. We may feel scared, angry, or hostile. We may have a sinking feeling in our stomach; feel like we’ve a heavy weight in the pit of our stomach. We may have a sense of doom, dread, wrongness, unease. In general, it’s uncomfortable.

Why Am I Bringing This Up?

Every day we have decisions to make.

We talked about “Let the Truth Be Known; Let the Truth Be Shown”, and it’s a bit uncomfortable when one realizes with the truth being revealed, that we’ve been living within formerly well-hidden lies.

There’s a lot being uncovered and exposed to the masses, all while certain “institutions” are working hard to propagate and perpetuate fear amongst the humans.

Each day, amidst chaos and questions, we have a decision to make…live in fear or love?

Fear = giving away one’s power and energy to someone else; feeling hopelessness or powerless.

Love = keeping your energy and power; feeling hope and faith.

There are a lot of changes coming, both to Earth and in our daily lives, and it can appear to be scary. Our innate ego-self – not the full of one’s self ego, rather the ego self that watches for danger and works to keep us safe – is not one that is aware that, though change is not necessarily fun, it isn’t always bad. Yes, it can be uncomfortable during the change process, but again, it doesn’t make it bad in the long run.

Also, please remember that we volunteered to be here, during these times of the truth being revealed and the changes coming to earth and humans. We came here to help the energies transition from old, dense third dimension to the lighter, new energies of fifth dimension and beyond. But we also have to finish shedding the old, heavy, ucky stuff.

This is where Love and all of its subsets come into play. Keep your energy and power. Stay in touch with your faith – whether it’s in the Creator, your Higher Self, or what your heart guides you towards.




Sunday, March 10, 2024

Energy Update – March 10, 2022


Scrabble letter tiles on a table with a light gold tablecloth. A green letter stand reads Update.

    ~ Changes ~   

The keywords for now are (these are not necessarily bad things):

  • Changes
  • Upheavals
  • Shifting
  • Decision-making
  • Path creating
  • Patience

The energies right now are pointing towards changes both human and Mother Earth.

It’s human nature to (generally) not like things to change, but, to quote John Maxwell, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” Without change, things become stagnant and perhaps unhealthy. Having said that, some changes may come that are decidedly not healthy. This is where your spiritual teaching comes in. What’s the real purpose? What’s the truth of this? And asking these without judgement or fear.

We can also ask and seek and answer for these questions: What good can we do to shift things to a healthier way? What good can we get out of this and make it beneficial to us? How can we be the voice of clear thinking and speaking?

One the things I’ve talked about before is how it’s not the hard things we go through that creates imbalances or what some term “karma”; rather, it’s the way we handle it. If we handle things with hate, anger, judgement, go into and remain in victim-mode, etc., then we create an imbalance in us. If we rise above it, we can act (instead of react) with clear vision and thoughts.

I feel (as of right now) that from April 6th to around June 6th, we will be in the energy of upheavals, changes, and shifting. These may require us to move into decision-making mode and create new paths. And coming together to help one another – not go into “us versus them”. And we are being asked to stand tall, stay out of fear, and expand our Heart Center.

We got this.

Now, the way my insights sometimes works, the upheaval or change may be a casual blip in one’s life. This has happened to me many times where my Team asks me to be ready for a major change. Well, to me, I felt like I blinked and missed it; but to the other side, it was a monumental pivotal moment on my path. shrugs

The other energy coming through this week is so similar to Mercury Retrograde that I thought I missed the start date of Mercury Retrograde. I did not, but the energy is definitely Mercury Retrograde-like. We have communication glitches: including electronic, written and verbal communication. We also have one step forward – two steps back feeling; agitation and/or frustration, and all the other joys of Mercury Retrograde without having Mercury Retrograde (which goes Retrograde starting April 1st). This started last week and will go through this coming week. So, patience please.

Even though I gave time frames and/or dates, please know that we are truly in a time of changes that are not going to stop at the end of this week or the end of June; changes will be going on as we move forward.

And if it helps any, no matter what kind of changes we’ll be experiencing, I am excited. I feel like, “Finally!"



by Jan Toomer




Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Metaphysical #11Vid - Clairaudient


 Let's take a look at clairaudience or the clairaudient. Clairaudience, or clear hearing, is the ability to hear beyond the physical sense of hearing. Video.




Energy Update Vid - March 5, 2024


 Energy update for March 5, 2024.




Introducing Short Videos

I have started making and posting short videos on some different platforms. They are all metaphysical, spiritual or paranormal topics. I have found this to be an efficient way to share small topics for easy listening. Feel free to check them out.

I will also occasionally post the videos on my Google Blog here.


TikTok: @jantoomer

Rumble:  JanToomer

You Tube:  @jantoomer3828

Reality Undefined Website:

 Facebook: Reality Undefined LLC

Monday, February 26, 2024

A Message from Xavier - February 26, 2024



A dark sky with dark blue clouds on the left and breaking through the clouds is a large spaceship. The right side shows lighter clouds with white, pink and purple.


 Xavier was presented or brought forward to me by my Team of guides. The following is a message from Xavier to the human race.

* * *

Many are breaking the shackles and cycles of fear on Earth and we commend you for that. We have been with you all from reset cycle to reset cycle, but this time is different for you all. So many more of you are in touch with your own self.

There are many of us – different beings from a multitude of “places”, who are available to work with humans who are ready and willing to work with us.

Some have called us the Galactic Federation, the Galactic Council, Star Brothers, and other names...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Energy Update Vid - February 26, 2024



A surreal scene with a woman with brown hair and wearing a blue light jacket. Her hair has been whipped into her face by the wind. In her outstretched right hand is a swirling orb with pink and white energy spinning off of it. It has Metaphysical Energy Update in black in the upper left hand side.

 A YouTube video Energy Update for February 26, 2024

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, February 18, 2024

What If I Hadn’t Listened?



An antique diamond ring sits on a pile of diamonds. The background is slightly blurred, so the focus is on the diamond ring and the loose diamonds it sits on.


 (This article may contain a trigger.)

I was listening to classic rock and a song came on that brought me back to some of the scarier, yet I survived times. That led me to ask myself, “What if I hadn’t listened to my inner warning bells?” One incident stood out to me that really highlighted this question.

Now mind you, my experiences are not typical and I can’t tell you how I would handle this type of situation today.

Story Time

I worked at a radio station when I was 18 years old or so and still living at home. Though the station employed a few females, the majority were men.

As I did every work day, I parked in the back of the building and headed for the back door which opened up to the kitchen. Unlike most days, I opened the door one day and stopped. I was greeted by the sight of a lot of men with no-nonsense energy and wearing dark jackets that read “FBI”. These men were going through the kitchen. It was total chaos and I didn’t understand what I was watching.

The freezer door stood open and was empty. An agent was at the sink and putting everything, including ice cubes, in a strainer and running hot water over it while other agents emptied the fridge and cabinets. They all stopped and turned to look at me. A silent agreement went through the room and all but one agent went back to what they were doing. One single agent left the kitchen.

I decided to go in so I moved forward and pulled the door shut behind me. I figured I’d just take my lunch to my desk until the FBI was done doing…whatever that was.

I headed down the long hallway to go to my desk and was intercepted by Teddy Bear. No, that wasn’t his real name. He was a large man, tall and wide; his frame was a bit intimidating to others. He was also a part-time sheriff. But I had learned early on that he had one of the most beautiful energies I’d seen in a long time, and told him that I wasn’t intimidated by him. I let him know that I knew he was just a soft teddy bear inside…hence the name.

He told me he needed to talk to me, now. He escorted me into an unoccupied room where he motioned for me to sit down. He sat across from me. “Are you okay, Jan?”

“Well, yeah, just a bit confused by all the FBI people here. What’s going on?”

He explained that the FBI had interviewed everyone at the station except me, and that he requested for – and was granted – permission to interview me.

“Okay, about what?”

He took a slow deep breath. “Have you been out with, or dated, DW?”

This seemed rather random to me. “What? No, I haven’t.”

“Are you sure, Jan?”

“Yes, I’m sure. I’ve not been out with him ever.”

His energy moved into sheriff investigative mode. “What’s your relationship with DW?” ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, February 5, 2024

What are We Looking at for February?



An old green manual typewriter with an piece of paper in it that reads "Update"


 Energy Update – February 5, 2024   

~ More of the Same, But Possibly Stronger ~

Yep, February is still pushing us forward, and the energies presented us are even stronger.

Yesterday and today, I have been having the feeling of energy building up again, just like we felt in January. These are the incoming energies to aid us as well as us feeling the tension, angst, fears, anger, etc. from those in the world living in fear and projecting their fears.

I spent my morning contemplations (meditation) sending calming and healing energy to the world for those who wish to accept it. But, I am still feeling a bit of anxiousness from out there in the world.

Let’s Talk Dimension Energies

Let’s use a graduated scale for this part. We all are pretty well versed in 3rd Dimension energies and most of us can’t handle that energy anymore.

But what about 4th Dimension energy? Yeah, we spent some time there. But it’s not 3, 4 and 5 Dimensions – there are graduated energies within each. For example, in 3rd Dimension, you have those strictly in survival existence, followed by (simplified):

  • Those that are in survival mode yet have a knowing that it doesn’t have to be this way.
  • Those who not only know that it doesn’t have to be that way, but are actively...Read More


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Energy Update - January 28, 2024



A portion of a black keyboard where the Return key is replaced by a blue Update key.


   ~ Feeling It ~

I know a lot of you are feeling it – and that’s the key right now…Feeling it.

We truly are in a time of having truths censored – so it’s more important than ever to feel what the truth is. But, you have to stay out of fear. Fear is giving your energy, your energetic power, over to someone else. No more. Own your own energy and energetic power. No fear.

* * *

Okay, some wonderful being just came in – a small group of star people from varied places who want to share their message.

Their message is: Love.

Not biological love; not romantic love.

Rather expansive unconditional love is being offered to each and every one of us. They ask, if you’re ready, to open your heart and receive this gift of unconditional love to help us to remember that such thing exists – and if we each allow, it can exist in us.

Where there is love, no fear can exist; no matter how many times someone tries to force the fear on us.

~ End ~

* * *

We have felt the energy build-ups of Mother Earth’s earthquakes; the immense pressure build-up before volcanic eruptions. We have felt the FORCE of the storms moving in. And we have felt the surges of energetic downloads from the solar activity.

What we are feeling building now is a bit different and probably...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 21, 2024

What Type of Mediums Are There?



An all white sculpted female head with hair pulled back and eyes serenely closed. There is soft blue and white clouds behind her head and soft white rays of light emitting from her head.

  A medium, to me, is a go-between, meaning that the medium utilizes senses beyond the physical senses to communicate with, and relay information from spirits or earthbounds (ghosts).

It’s the job of the medium to take the received information – which comes in what I call light packets (kind of light envelopes) – open the light packet, translate it into words and share it orally or in written form.

I believe, however, that a medium, if so inclined, is also able to assist earthbounds or ghosts in crossing over (removing them from the Earth energy, also known as “crossing over” or “going into the light”).

There’s also the aspect, again if the medium is so inclined, called Deathwalker, Psychopomp or a Spiritual or Energetic Death Doula. These are the mediums who aid those who are nearing end-of-life by sharing what they’ve learned (from being a medium) about what happens after the physical body ceases functioning (death). For this part, you can get a glimpse of this in the article, “We Do Not Cease to Exist”.

Types of Mediums

A medium can be clairaudient (clear hearing), clairsentient (clear sensing or feeling), claircognizant (clear knowing), and/or clairvoyant (clear seeing). There’s also clairgustance (clear tasting) and clairalience (clear smelling).

Most mediums use one or two “clairs” – I use all of them, though clairalience and clairgustance aren’t used as much for me.

There is also trance or physical mediumship channeling. This is when a spirit or being uses the human medium’s voice, eyes, and/or hands (automatic writing) to communicate directly to the client. For me personally, I am not a fan of sharing my physical body in that manner; I want all aspects of my body to be occupied by me alone.

Some define physical mediumship as one who works with the spirit realms to allow the spirits to physically interact with our realm, such as the spirit making knocking noises or moving or levitating items.

Others yet define physical mediumship as one who is able to physically feel the deceased or being’s pre-death injury, illness, or their death in the medium’s own body, such as with (an extreme) clairsentience.

What Would A Session Look Like?

I can speak for myself only; each person is unique and works their way. Also, each session can be completely different from the last.

When someone comes to me for a consultation, I prefer not knowing any details before their arrival; having said that, most clients, once sitting in front of me (Zoom or phone) will immediately begin sharing why they reached out to me. Their Team (of guides) will direct the session as needed for the client.

An Example

One man came to see me because he felt he was stuck; that life was holding him back. His Team assured me that the client was holding himself back. When I told him this, my words were met with denial. I asked his Team for something that I could say to him to help open him up so we could continue.

I instantly saw, in my mind’s eye (clairvoyance), an elderly woman dressed in a blue 1950’s dress with a matching jacket, matching pill box hat, and matching purse. She stood next to my client, grabbed her purse, swung it and smacked him with it (he didn’t feel it), and said, “Tell my grandson to get his head out of where the sun don’t shine!”

Okay…I held back a giggle...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 7, 2024

What is Truth?


What is truth? And who defines what truth is? Aristotle had a lot to say about truth and falsity.

“To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”. ~ Aristotle, Metaphysics

“…being true or false depends on a combination and separation in judgement.” ~ Aristotle, Metaphysics Book VI, c.4 1027 b 20

"As there are in the mind thoughts which do not involve truth or falsity, and also those which must be either true or false, so it is in speech. For truth and falsity imply combination and separation". ~     Aristotle, De interpretatione, c.1

To me, it sounds like Aristotle was big on truth.

So what is truth?

Well, says: “the quality or being true, genuine, actual, or factual…something that is true as opposed to false.” defined metaphysical truth as: “…the truth of ultimate reality as partly or wholly transcendent of perceived actuality and experience.”

Hmmm…still not answering the question. So now, how about we venture into my world and view on truths?

Force Fed “Truths”

Yep, we’ve been force fed truths in accordance with cultural, societal, religious, and perhaps familial beliefs. We were given a basis, a foundation as to what others gauge as truth.

For example: we have been given a truth that our sky is blue (or grey or brown, depending on where you live). Okay, but who determined what blue is? And what and when did the social consensus agree to a standardized definition of blue?

Granted it does make verbal and written communication easier.

So by a societal agreement the truth is that the sky is blue.

So someone, somewhere and some when created, held and passed on a standardized set of beliefs to be “truths”. These are laws or rules to keep society under control and following the same playbook as it were; for structure.

But, if that’s the case, why do we have so many different truths across ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, January 1, 2024





 I know I say this each year, but dang! It’s January again!

So while I was scoping out the energy to see what’s up, I had to giggle. I was shown a scene of a really big rubber band slingshot with, instead of ammunition or a rock, a silhouette of a person in it.

The slingshot was pulled back tightly and had been held all through this last Mercury Retrograde. Well, Mercury went direct January 1st, and the slingshot was released. The person was jettisoned forward, and as I turned to watch where the person was going, I was blinded by a brilliant and expansive white light, and I heard, “No limits.” Woo-hoo!

So if you’ve been doing the work, you’ve opened up more of the possibilities for YOUR reality. The catch? As always, letting go of the 3D limiting programming.

Now this doesn’t mean the govt’s and others will stop trying to create chaos and strife amongst us, but you have choices of which energy you want to play in.

And this doesn’t mean life will be 100% stress-free or bump-free; after all, we did come here to experience a physical reality.

But, we are also the ones who have worked hard to combine our natural energetic (or spirit) state with the physical…and that hasn’t been an easy thing to do, we we’ve turned the corner in 2023, so now we move forward…into our individually created and driven new reality.

This Year

There’s a lot of predictions of various types out there for 2024 – and we each may carry a piece of the puzzle, so I’ll stick to what I feel or see as of right now.

For 2024, the energy feels, for people...Read More

by Jan Toomer