
Monday, June 19, 2023

I’m Not Worthy


  So many people on the planet Earth have this thought or feel this deep within.

“I’m not worthy of success/money/happiness.”

But I’m here to call, “B.S.!” This feeling or thought is nothing more than programming you accepted/received as you navigated early in this life. It’s a programming that I’m asking each of you to stop believing in; stop feeding that falsehood.

Each and every one of us are worthy!

I understand, it’s easier said than done.

There was a saying my mother used on me: “I believe in it, just not in you.” It didn’t matter if we were talking about my abilities, whether energetic abilities or music abilities; my success or happiness, etc., she worked to negate my worth, and I accepted it in my youth.

She had told me that I was so flawed that she couldn’t see how anyone could ever be my friend.


A “Gift”?

Perhaps the one or ones who worked to tear down your self-worth were ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 11, 2023




 Violet Flame of Transmutation

Many energy workers had learned about the Violet Flame of Transmutation; sometimes called “sacred fire of transformation” or “violet flame of transformation”. The Violet Flame of Transmutation is said to be brought to us by St. Germain.

Remember, energy itself is neither positive nor negative until assigned a polarity through intention, thoughts, actions or words, and its assigned polarity can be reversed or neutralized.

Violet Flame of Transmutation is used to transform the unbalanced and/or negative energies removed from a being or location; to neutralize the energies so as to not affect anyone else.

Violet Flame of Transmutation is often used by energy healers for their clients.

Some healers transform the energy on their own, such as what’s done in the Shielding exercise.

So what we just discussed are some of the names and uses of the Violet Flame of Transmutation, but did you know that some people transmute energies without conscious thought? These are natural Transmuters.

A Transmuter is able to ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, June 5, 2023

Energy Update – June 5, 2023



 ~ Feeling More ~  

So much has been occurring with the energy downloads. Many have been:

  • feeling exhausted (a common place for the ongoing energy upgrades/downloads we’ve been experiencing for a few years now)
  • weepy or teary; easily “moved”
  • digestive upsets or unease
  • experiencing time exponentially speeding up or losing “touch” with time
  • having bizarre and/or very vivid dreams
  • thinking of someone you’ve not thought of in a very long time
  • experiencing increased energy sensitivity
  • communicating with one’s Team is easier, clearer and/or louder
  • having a feeling of being “more”
  • more able to interact with 3D without being drawn into the drama; standing more firmly in, and maintaining control of,  your own energy

We are experiencing some or all of the above as we continue to take in more energy assistance and downloads from Other Beings, the sun activity, and our Teams and Higher Self.

I ask that you remember that, as far as the 3D is concerned, the higher frequency we become (detaching from 3D and increasing frequency within 4D), the negative aspects of 3D also increase (equal opposites). This can be seen and felt in increased bizarre behavior, violence, feeling of lack, fears, etc. in those who are not able or do not wish to leave 3D yet. To stay in the 3D energy is a choice, and we shouldn’t judge others’ decisions. We have no idea what the next person has set up to experience on this Earth school.

Our path is to continue to adjust to the incoming energies (yes, I too am tired), but we got this. This is what we ... Read More

by Jan Toomer