
Sunday, August 25, 2019

News & Views – August 25, 2019

News & Views from the Other Side

Q & A’s With the Other Side

Q. Home come some of the beings on the Other Side don’t have a sense of humor?

Q. You’ve (the Higher Selves, the Other Side, etc.) been providing us some great information, but there’s a lot of, “we recommend you do this,” or “we don’t recommend you do that.” What about being human? What about the fun stuff or the lighter side of being Lightworkers?

Q. Why has it been so difficult lately to see beyond, or above the negative stuff happening?

Read More for answers.

Channeled by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hold the Light

Many may find themselves caught in a dichotomy between outrage and peace within concerning the state our country is in.


We may fluctuate between compassion, understanding and allowance to anger, frustration and incredulity.

Allowance doesn’t mean turning a blind-eye, nor does it mean letting someone walk all over you or over others.

The energetic art of allowance, to me, is to ...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 11, 2019

What Can We Accomplish Together?

We are still in the time of clearing up the past. Many have done hard work in healing and releasing their personal past – but we still have work to do on healing our bloodline, our ancestry, our lineage. How can I be so sure? Reading and watching social media and local newspapers.

One of our multitude of jobs we accepted for being in this time, in this lifetime, is to heal and clear our own family bloodline and ancestry. No more perpetuating the trauma energies.

Don’t get me wrong. The atrocities of man against man were and are horrific, and should not be forgotten. But neither should they be stoked and kept afire.

The troubled energies from those abused, terrorized, tortured and killed, since the beginning of third dimensional living as humans, is crying out to be healed.

The being who may still be trapped in the lower energy of anger, anguish and hatred, unable to cross over because of their pain from their lives and their deaths that are unanswered for, are what we are supposed to heal and release…for them and the generations that followed.

They need healing...Read More

By Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 4, 2019

We Do Not Cease to Exist

The frail older woman’s voice quivered, not from her advanced age, but rather her fear, as she told me, “I’ve wanted to die for well over fifteen years now, but I’m afraid.”

“You’re afraid of dying?” I asked.

“No. I’m afraid that I’ll have to see my husband again, and I don’t want to.”

My brows crinkled in confusion. “Why are you...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Saturday, August 3, 2019

August 2019's Reality Undefined Newsletter

The free August 2019's Reality Undefined Newsletter is out!

If you want it emailed to you, the sign up is available on the right hand column on the blog. Please note: You must click to receive emails to receive the newsletter -- it is an emailed newsletter.
