
Sunday, July 25, 2021



We are in some unusual times and having never-experienced-in-our-lifetime happenings.

Once such thing is the shortage of people to work in restaurants, stores, hospitals, clinics, and just about any business of service. One side affect to these employment shortages means more pressure is put on those working. This in turn has the possibility to bring about burnout. And energy workers are not exempt from burnout.

I'm not downplaying or lessening anyone's business, art, skill, talent or ability. I am, though, going to use energy workers (aka alternative health care services) as an example.

When the lock down was about 8-10 months in, the alternative practitioners became ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Next Step


 We've been manifesting for our individual realities for quite a while – some even doing so consciously. This is the next step – to manifest consciously as we go along.

If you're having troubles with this concept, one way to look at it is...there is no tomorrow. The whole thing of linear time being an illusion aside, since we're in our “creating my reality” with our thoughts, actions and words, what we do, think and say today (aka now) is creating our individual “tomorrow”.

If you're dreading your tomorrow, you are mandating that you want stuff to...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

It's the Journey



 As a lot of us are working to find our balance once again, I too am exploring, resting, and “tasting” to see what flavors I want in my life and how to present beneficial articles. Rest assured, most – if not all – will continue to be metaphysical, spiritual and/or paranormal in nature.

I touched in with my Team and asked about what we were writing about for this article. Instead of an idea, I was given along the lines of, “No longer writing about the steps to move forward.”

“Okay, why?” I asked.

They said that the steps have been repeated – especially since 2012 to this past April-ish – on my website. They remain available for those just starting they journey with the steps, and for those who wish to refresh.

I asked, “So what will be the focus of the articles now?'

“On what's next.”

Well, that narrows it down. Yep, I was a bit snarky about their reply.

I do know that I'll continue to touch on “themes” brought to my attention by you all. But beyond that? I'm excited to see where... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Needs Versus Wants



 As we step further in to creating our own reality and our own tomorrow, we may come across needs versus wants.

Needs – in my mind – are what is necessary for survival of the human self. This can be food, water, shelter, clothes, companionship, love, creativity, etc.

Wants – again, in my mind – is anything that is not needed for survival. Stuff we adorn our walls, shelves, rooms, and self with; the keyword being “stuff”. Excess or extra.

When I was younger I knew I needed the basics for...Read More

by Jan Toomer