
Monday, November 26, 2018

A Walking Stick, Butterfly & Coyote Walked Into…

Sounds like the start of a bad joke, right? But it’s not a joke.

We talked last week about new guides coming onto our teams (Kickin’ and Screamin’) to help us with the newest level of energy we’ll each be working in.

And we are being asked to not forget the other inhabitants on Mother Earth...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, November 19, 2018

Kickin' and Screamin'

I often tell people that no one belongs on a pedestal, myself included. We are all having human experiences, and we all have skills…but we are all human.

This time that we are in is about facing your deepest ______ (whatever) and hopefully healing and releasing it.

But it’s also a time for relationships, and because of our recent energy shifts, we are experiencing a change in our team (which is a relationship) – a changing of the guides. This change is to bring in some higher frequency guidance for our next phase of our Earth journey.

And for me, it was about kickin’ and screamin’…Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, November 12, 2018

It’s Not Your Fault

In a time of accepting responsibility for one’s own action, thoughts and words, I don’t care for someone saying, “It’s not my fault.” But what about when someone says, “It’s not your fault”?


In teaching others who wish to learn or work on receiving messages (via medium abilities, channeling, etc.), one of the finishing tasks is to do a face-to-face reading of, or for me. These can be anywhere from a few words to…whatever.

One person I’d been working with addressed the deep sadness within me (which I’ve touched on in some past articles). And during the reading, I mentioned my frustration in going to places where there are a lot of confused earthbound beings (deceased, but still engaged in the 3D Earth energies), that I readily help those who wish to cross over if they are ready, but the influx is ongoing in those places. Not only that, but not everyone wants to cross over.

“It’s not your fault,” was the reader’s response... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, November 5, 2018

Can An Angel Become Human?

...I didn’t know then that not everyone knew about their team or angels. I thought everyone saw/sensed them, and that they knew and worked with them. I was wrong.

Can An Angel Become Human?

Absolutely not! Oh, and yes...Read More

by Jan Toomer