
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Energy Update - October 15, 2023



  ~ Prickly – Argumentative ~   

Wow! The energies we just traversed the last 14 days had been intense. Headaches, insomnia/exhaustion, digestive issues, crying / weeping / teary-eyed, as well as reminiscing the past again.

But this coming week is going to be a bit bumpy again. Though Mercury doesn’t go Retrograde again until December 13, 2023, we are certainly in its sights. We are experiencing the energies of Mercury as though it were Retrograde. To read about what those “symptoms” look like, please visit Mercury Retrograde…it’s pretty much what we’re going through now.

The keywords and phrases for this week are lean towards:

- agitation, prickly

- argumentative or looking for a fight

- “I’m right; you’re wrong” energy and attitudes

- verbally bashing others because they’re not blindly following the “script” being provided to them

- being a lemming*

In other words, the energies will be poking the proverbial bear...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 8, 2023

These Great Times



 Okay, I know a lot seems to have kind of gone sideways; I get that.

Well, yeah, we’re feeling pretty tired.

Sure, it appears that world has gone bonkers.

Yeah, it sometimes feels like we’re living in the old lawless west where it’s a free-for-all.

Isn’t it great?

No, I haven’t lost it…well, I’m pretty sure I haven’t lost it. grin

Remember, we chose to be here during this time to help the planet raise its vibration or frequency. Let’s take a look at these great times.


It may seem like total and aggressive chaos, but it’s...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 1, 2023

It’s Not Your Decision – It’s Their Decision



 A few years ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He spoke at length with his doctor and then he dug into and researched alternatives. He decided on Immunotherapy (a form of chemotherapy).

As he was well into his treatments, someone asked me, “How could you let your husband do chemo?” Let? Really?

It’s simple, it was not my decision. Let me say that again. Not. My. Decision.

I expected my husband to research options and make an informed decision, and that is exactly what he did.

I have no right to tell my husband, or any other person, what they should or should not do to THEIR body. I’m not living in it. Period.


“Lucy” shared an experience with me where an energy healer shamed Lucy for considering surgery for her chronic spinal problems and pain. She told Lucy that Lucy didn’t try Reiki enough; didn’t believe enough. Lucy wanted to explain and share every western medicine and alternative action that she tried.

I want to be perfectly clear here: Lucy did not owe that energy worker, or anyone else, any explanation or reason as to why she was considering surgery. It is no one else’s da*n business. Period.

Lucy lives in...Read More

by Jan Toomer