
Sunday, September 24, 2023

Not All Poltergeist-Like Activity is Caused by a Ghost



 Not all paranormal poltergeist-like activity is caused by a ghost; there may be something else going on.

There are different “feels” of a house or home. I don’t mean how one decorated their home. What I’m talking about is the mood of the actual structure.

There are also different ways a home or house can “feel” wonderful or unpleasant. Today we’ll look at egregores (thought forms) first and then a house’s mood.

An egregore is a non-physical entity that can be created by one or more people, and sustained by a group of people’s beliefs, thoughts and/or fears, usually (but not always) created unintentionally.

Displaced Energy Egregore

One example (simplified) may be poltergeist activity triggered by a living human’s unresolved (usually negative) emotions that the human has displaced. This displaced energy starts off resonating through one’s home. The displaced energy can build up and eventually create a thought form and/or poltergeist-like activity. If the egregore continues to be fed by people’s thoughts, fears, beliefs and/or imagination – also known as collective energy – the egregore may begin to build a type of consciousness or begin to think. It knows to seek more energy to feed itself. Since it is created from displaced energy, it cannot create its own; it needs to seek energy to maintain itself.

As an egregore “grows”, it may assume a black mist and/or a black blob or shadow-person form.

Group Consensus Thought

This is another way an egregore can be created ... Read More

by Jan Toomer



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