
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What's Your Purpose in Life?

Can you imagine, communicating telepathically, communicating with people that are dead, and talking to them and seeing them right next to you, being able to teleport or travel through time?

Can you imagine living in a world in harmony with every thing and everyone? Living without the fear and stress of how you are to survive, or what natural disaster might threaten you? Or having a career that you love, and having instant positive results that is gratifying?

We are the chosen ones that are here at this time to assist, if you will, the birth of this new age on Mother Earth. We can't do that with old three dimensional knowledge. Realize that there is a cosmic event that is occurring right now that is expanding your awareness. It's time to realize the divine, great, playfully, powerful, spiritual being, with dignity, direction and purpose, that you are. It's time to honor your birth right with dignity, to look with in for direction, and fulfill your purpose in the master plan of this new age.

I know this sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it's not. If you will open your heart in sincerity, and look with in, you will find amazing things begin to happen.

My mom tried to live her life as an example of divine spirituality. She became sick, and we were told by the doctor's that she had very little time left. We sat together and cried because our lives were about to change forever from what we knew. So we cried, and appreciated the time we had and the memories, and then we moved on.

This is where we are now. Its time to move on.

The world that we grew up in is gone. The "American Dream" went out the window after 9/11.

Governments, large corporation CEOs, secrete organizations, religion, and the like, have an agenda. Just about every thing we have been told is a lie to control us through fear. Some will stay in this brain washing mind set, and will continue to live their life based in fear, stress and disease.

God, the creator of this perfect universe, is calling you right now, to take your place. This is your purpose, otherwise, you wouldn't be here.


suzy said...

Your Angels must have been talking to mine! The way the Angels put it is that we're walking around in clothes too small, outgrown and out of style. We continue to wear these because that's what we're used to. We assume that what we have is all we'll get while living in a body. When in fact what we'll get is what we visualize, and then surrender that picture to the Divine while expecting it to happen. What might currently seem sci fi, will become everyday happenstance. It's a matter of consciousness.

Jan Toomer said...

Welcome Suzy!

I am not 'lacoyote' (the author of "What's Your Purpose in Life?") - just wanted to comment on your entry.

I agree with that it is a matter of consciousness and/or perception.


lacoyote said...

Welcome Suzy, and thank you for your comment. I am glad to hear that I am not crazy!

I feel a fire inside and I am excited. The more doom and gloom I see on TV or in life, shows its getting closer. My first response is to ask, why aren't we acting yet? I have never been known for patience..
You are very correct.. "It's a matter of consciousness.

You said that its like we are wearing clothing too tight, and that we are used to it.

To me, that is the problem. We need to break away from these comfort zones. It's when we finally break through that things begin to really start happening.
Would you agree?
