
Friday, September 26, 2008

Oct 14 Update

I came across a video that can be viewed on YouTube, regarding a time for a mass meditation to welcome the space ship. This meditation is to take place on Oct 14 at 2200 hours, British Standard Time. For us in Arizona, that is 2:00 PM. Anyone interested can see it at:

I would also encourage you to go to the following web site for a full explanation on what this visit is all about. Blossom Goodchild, is the medium that this information from the Light Federation, is channeled through.

A couple things that I might add: Oct 14, is also at the end of Retrograde.

On Oct 14, Nasa has two space shuttles on the launch pad. One, the Space Shuttle "Atlantis" is scheduled to launch that day, and the other is standing by for a rescue mission. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.............

Any comments?


Jan Toomer said...

Well, 14 days to go! What do you think lacoyote? Anyone else?
I know the market dropping has a lot of people scared - and energies are really out of whack all around right now....
Yep, 14 more days....


lacoyote said...

Very true, However, this is no surprise really. Now, comes the test. I don't mean this lightly, as 90% of our money is in stocks...
We will all be fine. Much better than if we bought into the bail out.
Oct 14? I am watching like every one else. Reasons for everything eh?