
Friday, September 26, 2008

Retrograde Mercury

Well, as most of you know, my mind sees Astrology as a number based system - which means I seem to be unable to retain most everything about it. However, I do remember what Mercury going retrograde means (probably from too many first hand experiences! Ha!).

It means that anything having to do with communications, goes haywire. This includes (but is not limited to): starting new contracts, verbal communication, body language can be misinterpreted, etc. In other words, anything having to do with communicating.

So, please be careful (including driving), listen fully, and have patience.

Mercury goes direct again on October 15th.


1 comment:

lacoyote said...

I have a funny story to share. Last year,at this time, Retrograde was in Scorpio, my sister's birth sign. So, I called her and told her to have a heads up. She says ok, and goes about her day. That day, her truck breaks down at work. Her husband comes to get her and they drop it off at the shop. She picks the truck up the next day and it breaks down again. On her way home, she calls me and asks how long Retrograde lasts.

This year Retrograde is in Libra. So, again I say, heads up to those that have Libra as a prominent sign in their charts.

It should also be interesting to see how this will affect the Oct 14th visitation.
