
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oct 14, 2008

This is going to be a great event indeed.

We are truly blessed to be alive right now!

New discoveries are unfolding each day, we grow closer to the the Dawn of the New Age. The information is coming so fast, that it's hard to decide what topic to write about.Is it me, or is every one experiencing this? Life just feels different.

When I say that we are truly blessed, it's a double blessing.

First: In the past,and for the most part, we have had to rely on our faith that what we believed is truth.To see a request manifest could take months and even years. That is not the case now. Every word out of your mouth,and every thought is manifesting almost immediately. All the things that we have heard concerning spirituality,is now scientifically, a reality. All we need to do now is own it.

On October 14, we have a chance to see a space ship, that is 2000 miles across,and will remain in our skies for three days, for the whole world to see. IF we want to. It's free will.

I think that it will be absolutely fantastic if we just look up, and there it is. Perhaps, that will be the way it happens. However, the message to us is: Are we ready to see it? How many of us that are aware of this event have told other people about it? We have to collectively, on this earth,state our intent to bring it here. That was the only request. They are coming for us. It's only for validation.

It's possible that it will be visible to only those that ask. It might be a lesson to show what we can manifest as a whole, if we come together and meditate with the intent to see it.

I don't know. There are a couple of links that are worth looking at. I would love to get some feed back on this.


Jan Toomer said...

Okay, I watched the video. And then watched another that asked we all get together at 2200 (British time) to send out positive thoughts on 14OCT.

Again, I was amazed at how much info is out there concerning 14OCT08. Boggles the mind!


lacoyote said...

Ya man!
The video on meditating on 14Oct is really the one I intended to add to my post. I got side tracked.... Perhaps, that would be a good post?

Jan Toomer said...

Totally up to you - I have no problems with you delving deeper! :-)