
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Recent and Current Events

Last Saturday, while browsing on YouTube, my new favorite past time, I came across a 15 part video; The National Press Club UFO Conference, which was located in Washington D.C. on November 12, 2007.

In this series of video clips, parts two through thirteen, were testimony from civilian, military, and government people, holding high positions all over the world, to include the United States. Case after case, they presented factual evidence that UFOs do exist. It was moderated by former Arizona governor, Fife Symington. He was one of hundreds that witnessed the 1997 UFO sighting over Phoenix, Nevada, and Sonora, Mexico.

Experts, to include people from our own country, were appalled by the actions that the United States Government takes to cover up UFO activity, saying that Americans couldn’t handle the truth.

This conference was held in hope that our Government might reopen previous cases they have hidden from the world and be truthful about their findings. People from other countries say it is their duty to report accurate information, and to do any less is irresponsible.

Well folks, perhaps, they won’t have a choice.

If you Google October 14, 2008, you will discover that an alien ship, is planning to appear on earth, and will remain here for all to see, for three days. There will be absolutely no doubt that it is real. They are coming in peace, and their first visit is to make their presence known. They ask all light workers to inform as many people as possible, to understand that they are coming to help earth to ascend. This is so cool. However, powers that be are going to try to tell us that they are a threat, when in fact; the powers that be are the threat, if it were possible.

There has to be a shaking up, in order for the new to come forth. If you do your home work, you will clearly see that there are some here in power, that has an agenda, and if they succeed, life will suck for most of us, in a way that is as bizarre as you are probably thinking the space ship coming is. They are coming to help us. They realize we need this intervention.

See it for yourself. Many, unrelated sites are saying the same thing. There are some important instructions to follow to really benefit from this visit. It would be tragic to miss the blessing of one of the greatest events you will ever encounter. You notice, I said “one.” And if it’s a hoax, what have you lost?

Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channeling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channeling the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ for seven years now and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings.

Another site to check out about a major event going on as I write. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is currently running an experiment that causes concern. Take a look at

When I first showed Gene the video of the upcoming October 14, 2008, visitation, he got quiet, and said that is in the same time frame as the CERN kick off. Do you understand what this experiment means?

Is this coincidence? I think not. Pay close attention to what is going on around you. I know my dogs appear to be seeing something and growl at nothing and it’s in and out all night long, barking. Do they know something we don’t know? One is a basset hound, and I have never known her to be restless.

Life that we have all known is gone. This Changing Face of Time is the true reality of where we are and where we are going. It’s that 96.4% empty space {spirit} of the atom. It’s up to each one of us whether we want to go down with the old, until next time, or do we want to embrace our birth right and walk into the higher density dimension and experience harmony and love that are ever lasting? We have paid our dues. Now is the time to decide. Please, make the time, and do your homework. This experience won’t come around again for 26,000 years. And even then, it won’t be this experience.



1 comment:

Jan Toomer said...

Hey lacoyote!

Since CERN has cancelled (or delayed) their experiment - do you think that the much talked about UFO enmasse sightings for Oct. will be rescheduled as well? Do you think the two were connected?