
Friday, October 17, 2008


Well guys, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Our country and our leaders are falling by the way side. It's getting harder just to maintain. It seems to be affecting all of us now.

By the way, I find it encouraging, because it's like the pushing just before the baby comes. Or is it?

I have read about many small communities that are now bartering among them selves. They are preparing.

I'm not doing anything. Just watching and wondering, and waiting for a revelation to come to me, as to what to do.

What are some of the things that you are thinking?

1 comment:

Jan Toomer said...

Ouch - "hell in a hand basket"? Again, ouch!

Growing pains can suck! People handle this in many different ways - one way it so watch, wonder and wait. Others will start gathering people and supplies. Yet others will try to organize a way to get the politicians to really listen to the people and not follow their own agendas.

It is very hard to decide what to do. Fear based feelings can create more turmoil - yet, sitting and doing nothing can create frustration. I am afraid to say that are no easy answers.

I am, however, (as many of you have heard me say - probably repeatedly - grin) that we are each where we are supposed to be at this moment. Take a deep breath, and trust your higher self and the Powers That Be.

I know, putting faith in the unseen is a mighty hard thing to do sometimes. I agree. But I try very hard to stick with it.

And communicating with others (as long as you try not to get sucked into a panic-mode) also helps.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Lacoyote!