
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The 12 or 13 Chakras

The second topic is chakras. Most people are familiar with the widely accepted seven major chakras of the human body. Please remember, these are only theories – it does not mean I am right, nor does it mean the others are right. You have to decide for yourself.

Many years ago, I ‘saw’ thirteen chakras – and was poo-pooed when I tried to bring up the topic.

My friend told me she heard about twelve chakras, so I excitedly Goolged “12 chakras”, and was sorely disappointed by what I found.

So I Googled thirteen chakras, and again, not quite what I was looking for. The closest I found was at the link below:

The rest were very disappointing.
So, I will describe what most presented for the thirteen chakras followed by what I ‘see”. This, however, does NOT mean I am right!

Using a piano/keyboard as an example: the white keys (whole notes) represent the MAJOR chakras, while the black keys represent minor chakras.
What I saw in “google-land” was predominantly people identifying the twelve or thirteen chakras as: the seven major chakras (white keys) and then, using the half notes (black keys), filled in the other 5 or 6 chakras within the major (white keys) chakras.

Now to describe what I ‘see’.
The seven major accepted chakras, plus:
A peach colored chakra between the knees.

Another chakra at the base of the feet (no color here, but it does have the same vibration/feel as Mother Earth).

The other four chakras (as I see them when I am working on my chakras) progress, further and further, in distance beyond the crown chakra. Again, I have no colors associated with these other four chakras.

My friend believes she may have found the explanation of the other five chakras (based on a twelve chakra system). She found a description at “Bringers of the Dawn:
Teachings from the Pleiadians, Pt. 4”, YouTube link

Here they describe the 8th chakra as “realm of activity” and approx. one foot above the head; 9th as a “connection to the grid work” and located approx. above the earth; 10th a connection to the “solar system”; 11th connection to “galactic system”; and the 12th “anchored in the universe”.

I cannot say that I agree with the Pleaiadian channeling – but, again, it does not mean I am right! I am however, offering it up to you.



lacoyote said...

Here is something I found today.The 13th Chakra is attached to your aura and can not be activated until the other 12 are. The 13th Chakra allows you to see into the fifth and sixth dimensions.

I tend to lean towards a connection to the strands of DNA. Could it be possible?

Jan Toomer said...

I finally was able to sit and watch the link you provided. I like the binary code/computer comparison he used - easy comparison and understandable.

I have never really delved into the "human altered - DNA altered" stuff - though what I have read, seen, etc. was interesting - and I don't discount it.

There is so much out there that we don't have a firm grasp yet (which is half the fun - kind of like being mini-detectives, eh?) - so all possibilities remain open.

There is also the fact that soooo many have discussed, written about, youtubed, etc. about altered DNA that it makes you wonder even more....