
Sunday, December 18, 2022





A small group of us were discussing the state of the United States and the world. No, let me rephrase that…we were discussing the state of the 3D United States and 3D world.

In response to some of the theories as well as where 3D things look like they’re going, I said something along the lines of: I knew what I was getting into coming here as Jan. I have to trust in my higher self and my Creator to guide me.

I don’t want to play in the drama, manipulations and fear – and haven’t for years.


Some may think that I have blinders on, or that I have my head buried in the sand. I do not. I am well aware of the hostility, hopelessness, anger, frustration and fear that have been stoked and fed by those we’re supposed to be able to trust for our welfare while in 3D – personally, locally, continent-wide and world-wide. I am very aware of the 3D energy of this town, state, nation and globe.

I do not care to feed – or buy into – any of it. One of my jobs is to hold the highest possible (for me) frequency on Earth to support those working to quit playing the 3D games.

So You’re Part of the Problem

That would be your perception and you’re welcome to see it that way.

I don’t participate in rallies and protests. I don’t get into arguments about politics or religion. Nor do I try to cram my beliefs or views on anyone. If you’re reading this, you’ve chosen to do so. I didn’t plaster it all over my website or social media platforms. I offer, any are welcome to read or not.

But I also don’t sit idle and do nothing. I often work behind the scenes. If you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you read about some of the ways I do this. For example, you may have read “Let the Truth be known; Let the Truth be shown.” This is one way I ask you all to see past the lies and manipulations.

I also work on the Earth as a whole, asking that Light penetrate all darkness, exposing that which hides and scuttles in the shadows to work against the highest and best for humans.

I teach others to trust themselves; to think for themselves and to stand in their own power.

Another Topic

Another topic that has been brought to me over the last few months is “Full Disclosure”... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, December 12, 2022

Energy Update - December 12, 2022




 ~ All Over the Place ~

This energy update is kind of all off the place, or so it seems. Aside from empaths feeling the heavier emotions of others (shield!) during the holiday season, as well as the unsettled energies from earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc., and we’re also dealing with the massive waves of incoming energies to aid us.

These current incoming energies are helping us to work on, of course, healing and releasing our pasts, but also is working on some aspects of our bodies (barring any health issues); bringing us further from 3D constructs, such as linear time; and encouraging us to take care of self.

Self Care

We did come to Earth in this lifetime to work, again, the clear the past. But, we are encouraged to also take time for FUN.

Having fun-breaks really are necessary, especially because of the oftentimes heavy energetic and/or spiritual work we are doing.

I hadn’t realized how tense I’d become these last few weeks; that is until a friend and I met up for lunch and catching up at a local restaurant. I don’t think either of knew what was going to happen. We got a spontaneous major case of the “sillies” and giggles. This went on for about two hours. And. It. Felt. Good! What a wonderful and rejuvenating time with my friend.

Linear Time / 3D Constructs

We are shifting further away from 3D constructs. I’m using linear time as an example here.

Many reports – outside of my own experiences – have come in from people about feeling awkward with, having trouble navigating around, and losing track of, linear time.

As we continue to work to disconnect all aspects of 3D, we may find ourselves perhaps feeling adrift since we are losing touch with the 3D linear time. In other words, another anchor that tied/is tying us to 3D is the 3D constructs, and linear time is a biggie.

Of course, as we continue to interact with the physical realms, linear time is great to keep up in sync for now.

Physical Adjustments

Another thing that’s happening is we are receiving adjustments to our physical bodies. Right now (again, barring any health issues), there are adjustments being made to our:

Eyes – Some may have noticed their eyesight going a bit wonky for a short time and/or perhaps experiencing some sharpening of their vision. Where are these adjustments to our eyes bringing us? Basically, to see Truth.

By this I mean that as we grew, a lot of children were programmed to disregard their Other Sight. This could have been... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Words Have Power



What do politicians, sales people, advertisers, and yes even the clergy (and more) have in common? Words have power and they know it!

Now, I’m not a scientist or behaviorist; I can, however, share my interpretations on energy patterns and energy manipulation.

Energetically, your brain and your energy believe everything you hear, what you read and what you say, as truth. Let me say that again, “…everything you hear, what you read and what you say, as truth.”

This goes beyond the thoughts bouncing around in our heads. The words we read, hear and say, as far as your energy is concerned, is truth. And this is where the manipulation comes into play.

Words can desensitize us; they can move us so we take action; they can set us against one another; they can heal us or... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Demand is on the Rise



  If you are an energy worker – healer, instructor, mentor, etc. – or offer alternative services (such as massage therapy, etc.), you may find that the demand for your services or abilities are on the rise.

I am not a mental or physical health specialist, so can only speak about what I am energetically seeing or experiencing for this topic.

We talked about how those – roughly around the ages 17 to 35-ish fell through the cracks during the last two years and are struggling.

We talked about how many people have been in “idle-mode”.

Now the energies are pushing people forward. The energy – as we discussed last week – is demanding with a heavy energy push that we work to finish releasing the 3D energies.

So now Lightworkers, energy workers, energy healers, alternative services, etc. are seeing that the demand is on the rise for their services, skill sets, and/or abilities.

Why is This Happening?

Because this last energy push was a doozy. Those who have been stuck may now find...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, November 14, 2022

Energy Update – November 14, 2022




 ~ Cranky-Time!  ~  

Cranky here
Cranky there
Cranky, cranky everywhere

Can you guess one of the keywords for this update? *grin* We also have:

- Annoyed
- Short-tempered
- Unsettled
- Agitated
- Prickly
- Grumpy
- and so on

We’re about two weeks in it now, with it really showing itself – in-your-face – last week.

Unfortunately, and fortunately, it’s not leaving anytime soon.

The energies coming through are working – nay, demanding – that we release the 3D energies and our unsettled and/or unresolved past.

So why did I say, “Unfortunately, and fortunately…”?


It’s this push that has us feeling cranky. Well, that and all the stuff going on in the world…that has brought the cranky out. Not full time, mind you, but it may feel like it just springs up, and you may not even understand the trigger for it.

I warned Hubby that this is what we are experiencing – probably for the rest of this year at least – and that we needed to not play in that 3D energy. I suggested he remember it is cranky-time and to adjust himself accordingly so he doesn’t get sucked into, and become part, of the cranky.


This give us an opportunity to step away from it and offer someone else a chance to...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Stand in Two Worlds



Sitting in the hot springs pool on the banks of the Rio Grande, I watched a blue heron standing on the water’s edge. So still. So patient.

Heron’s Message

Heron reminded me that you can be of both (or many) worlds and can obtain and maintain balance, stillness and patience within.

And with heron’s message, I energetically pulled back so I could observe (perhaps with more objectivity?) and ponder (I love that word).

I’ve had to learn patience – both for myself and with others. For me, I’ve always like instant gratification…to see some sort of results immediately.

Hubby, the strategist, is in for the long run to achieve the goal…and dare I say satisfaction of achievement. He has patience.

Patience towards others was a bit harder for me. Having the ability to FarSee (of the statistician ability), I could See where someone was headed and used to try to “help” redirect them…or maybe I was trying to rescue them.

I did eventually learn that I can offer insights, but people usually need to experience things for themselves to learn from it.

Each individual is on their own journey to have their own experiences – regardless if I foresee it becoming a tumultuous leg of their journey. This includes those who choose to stay in 3D.

As we have a foot in two or more dimensions, or worlds, and we continue working on raising our frequency or vibration, others are welcome to work on following suit.

Stand in Two Worlds

I left the hot spring pools and went to play tourist for a bit. I returned to the pools many hours later when dusk had arrived. I saw, perhaps twenty feet further downstream, the heron once again -- or perhaps still -- at the water’s edge.

Another symbolic message heron brings is that transitions in life may require one to stand in two worlds...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Coming Together



  I stood at the sink washing dishes when I had quick flashes of being elsewhere and elsewhen. These flashes showed me, what looked like rapid video clips, in different lifetimes, starting with me being an Asian Martial Artist, practicing.

Then a snapshot of this lifetime, followed by that lifetime, and yet another.

I have had glimpses of past lifetimes* throughout my life, but this time was different. Much more vivid, as well as showing me talents and abilities. Another new aspect is I could FEEL the ability or talent I was seeing.

This is a deeper connection in accessing other lifetimes now, while being in this...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Cursed Dagger and Dragon: Clarima Syd Jones


Cursed Dagger and Dragon: Clarima Syd Jones

by Jan Toomer

A Reader, officially ranked Level IV out of V with the World Paranormal Organization, Clari works part-time with the local police department as a paranormal consultant and currently works, as needed, on the local PD's cold cases with Detective Morris. She also has her own private practice. She's often able to Read the energies connected to a case, person or place and may provide a clue or another perspective to help the case move forward.

But lately things have gotten a little personal. Someone's trying to kill Clari; one person almost succeeded. Clari finds out the Grigori are also after her, and she has no idea why any of this is happening, but she's determined to find out.

Available on Amazon -- Cursed Dagger and Dragon 


Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke in Time



Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke in Time

by Jan Toomer

For many years, I fought the metaphysical aspects of myself. What I wanted was a normal vocation and normal life. I wanted to be an archeologist or child psychologist. I am neither. I was born a multi-talented sensitive who ended up having a stroke and losing touch with some of my abilities. I then had to work to get my abilities back.

I think there were two main obstacles I had to overcome – myself and what society then deemed as normal and acceptable.

A stroke can be a curse or a blessing in disguise, but I had to decide which it was for me. In the process I learned I needed to be true to myself, and to find and nurture my passion.

It wasn’t until around my late thirties that I began to seek what my real passion might be. I searched for three years only to realize I’d been doing it my adult life – doing what I do now.

It took having a stroke to face and overcome those obstacles. Now I work on  being myself – my full self – including my quirks that showed up after the stroke, my metaphysical abilities and all. I’ve done this while working on honoring my physical limitations and those quirks. I’m definitely an ongoing work in progress. I continue to explore “Who am I now?”

I share my experiences and offer some insights from my own journey in hopes that my story may they help you through yours.

Available on Amazon -- Re-Writing My Future


Take Time to Relax



 A single shoe in a dryer and the dryer is turned on. The uneven thumping of the shoe as the drum spins, dropping the shoe again and again.

You cringe each time it thumps. You tighten up because you know it’s going to thump again, but don’t know when. And you can’t wait for it to stop.

That’s the visual I have on how some people have been feeling these last two weeks.

It’s time to take a breather.

Twisted and Tight

I went to my chiropractor appointment and the doctor told me that I was twisted and tight. I said, “Yeah ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 16, 2022

What Is Wrong With Me?



 This is a question I have heard a lot these last three weeks or so.

If you’ve no medical issues (see your Dr. for that) or mental health issues (see a therapist with this) – then I’m pretty confident that answer is “Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you.”

  • Can’t concentrate and/or can’t start or complete a task, especially “expected” tasks.
  • No desire to do “this” or “that”.
  • Drifting
  • Perhaps unable to figure out what you did all day / the day went quickly
  • Not wanting to engage with the mundane.
  • Bouts of not wanting to engage with those not of energetic or spiritual “like-minded” people.

We Are New

Many of us are attempting to fit into the old patterns and old energy. Why? Because that’s what is...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, October 9, 2022

They Need Our Help





Since the 2020 lockdowns, the children and teens/young adults have struggled. I would like to address the teens/young adults, mainly because they have fallen through the proverbial cracks.

About ages 17 through mid-30’s (generalized) are really struggling. A lot of these beautiful souls are energetically expressing hopelessness, having no direction, fear and thoughts with, “What’s the use? Why should I continue and/or try?” These souls in human form are in dire need of balancing and hope. But it’s more than that.

Energetically and spiritually, these young adults have not had a lot of experience with 3D Earth (duality, negative and positive) and are here for the coming 4D and 5D Earths. They are here to bring about the changes to 4 and 5D and they don’t have the past experiences to navigate a rather hostile environment.

This means these younger star children or starseeds are not well-versed in the trauma energy produced on 3D Earth. Their energetic and/or electrical systems are overloading and it is creating meltdowns and chaos within them. They are emotional receivers and boy are they getting bombarded with the general populace’s own roller-coaster emotional overloads. And anxiety, anger and depression energies are through the roof. Some are also trying to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and it needn’t be that way. They need our help. *

If you are a seasoned adult (*grin*), can you remember the transitional time from...Read more

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Holding the Light




I’m still hearing from some people their concerns about all the negativity happening as well as their fears of lack, the fears of unknown, etc.

I understand that the chaos and uncertainty is attempting to be pushed onto and into us and is loud and in our faces.

So let’s look at some possible analogies:

  • The yelling entitled person
  • The persistent fear-mongering
  • The squeaky wheel

The yelling entitled person is someone so full of fear that they try to intimidate and controls others (often fixating on one person). This is (energetic interpretation) due to feeling of not having any control in their lives, or of that someone is having more (more fun, more stuff, better clothes, etc.) than the entitled person (their own perceptions). They are bullies pure and simple.

The persistent fear-mongering from our governments and the media are to maintain the chaos and to create more chaos, all in the name of controlling the masses.

The squeaky wheel is the one who yells the loudest, but is not necessarily the most critical or important at the moment, but everyone listens and tries to appease them to shut them up.

While the bullies, fear-mongers and the squeaky wheels are in-your-face and demanding your attention...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Energy Update - September 11, 2022


  ~ Mind, Body and Energies Are Tired, and More ~


  • Scattered
  • Unfocused
  • Drifting
  • Lethargy / unmotivated
  • Tired – physically as well as tired of 3D stuff
  • Extremely vivid dreams – If you remember your dreams
  • High pitch ringing in ear(s) – downloads
  • Losing/lost interest in engaging in 3D B.S., 3D Earth games, 3D monotony, drama

 I Am So Over It!

We are gaining more distance from the weight and pull of the third dimension. Between pulling away and the increase of energetic downloads, we’re tired and just don’t feel like playing or expending energy in the heavy, chaotic and tumultuous third dimension’s illusion of reality anymore. We are losing (have lost) interest in engaging in the 3D B.S., 3D Earth games, 3D monotony and drama. This is showing up as feelings of being scattered, unfocused, feeling like one is mentally adrift and/or feeling lethargic or unmotivated; again, not wanting to engage with 3D.

We’re also experiencing – for those who remember their dreams – a rather large uptick in experiencing very...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Emotional Toxic Waste Dump Site



There are some people who only contact me when their life gets rough. That is a compliment to me.

Then there are those who will use you as their emotional toxic waste dump site. I know because I had allowed it for years. These types of relationships (and I use the term loosely) are one sided and they usually only call on you when they feel their life has gotten rough, but you get the added extra of them using you without thought of whom they are dumping their emotional toxicity on.

Now, I’m not talking about friends who you enjoy lifting up and they uplift you; where it’s reciprocal.

The types of dumpers are varied. You can have, for example: the users and takers...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, August 22, 2022

Energy Update - August 20, 2022



 ~ Dark Night of the Soul? ~

Keywords and/or “Symptoms”*


  • Either deep sleeping or the extreme opposite – insomnia
  • Exhausted not matter how much sleep you get
  • Hungry – eating more than usual
  • Possible Mandela Effect incidents (usually small incidents)
  • Cranky or irritable
  • Slowing down; doing less
  • Questioning working for the “Man” or “Corp”; it no longer seems to fit you
  • A sense of urgency
  • Soreness

(* If not a medical issue. Please see your physician for any medical concerns.)

Many experienced a lighter, freer, unencumbered feeling for three or four days with the 8/8/22 Lion’s Gate.

It may have felt like we were then kicked out of that comfortable energy, but we really weren’t. We were, however, given an uplift and slight reprieve from all of the heavy load of incoming energies of late. After our slight reprieve, it was then time to move back into those energies – full bore – which included and includes sun activity, such as solar flares, and the planetary energetic influences.

So Much Negativity Out There

This is a complaint I hear often. As we keep adjusting to the energies sent to us to help us on our journey, I would ask that you please remember that negativity, horrors, strife, etc. sells news and the fear-mongering is used to control the masses.

There is equally – if not more – positive going on as well, but the news industry (generalized) doesn’t make more money on the good stuff, so you don’t hear about it as much as the negative stuff. So please don’t focus on the negative and fear-mongering stuff. It does lower your energy and can hold you down.

Why am I bringing this up in an energy update? Because we have/are entering another “Dark Night of the Soul” as we once again are asked to look deep within and heal self; to let go of the unhelpful programming we accepted over our lifetime.

If you’ve had a pretty significant Dark Night of the Soul in the past, you may experience a mini-Dark Night of the Soul. Some may not experience it at all this time around.

If you are experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul, you may experience depression, hopelessness, question “Why am I even here? What’s the use?”, questioning your mere existence on Earth. Please don’t stay in this too long. You can acknowledge that/those thought(s) and release them; not hold onto them and continue to play or stay mired in that muck.

And if you stay stuck, there is absolutely no shame in seeking a therapist to help you through this; they are trained to help when we get stuck.

What’s The Purpose of the Dark Night of the Soul?

If you don’t stay stuck in it, it’s a way to ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

None of Your Business




 I do remember the angst I experienced not only because of being a teen, but a teen with – what I thought of at the time – a horrible huge secret.

I was also a white northern female whose family moved to the South. I hadn’t been raised to see skin color, or to think lesser of any who appeared better, or worse, off than I. In other words, I had a big ole’ target on my back. So we could add in bullying and shunning to the teen experience.

And my secret…which really wasn’t a secret, though I tried...was about my abilities. That’s where the name calling and more shunning came in. I was the “odd” one, or “freak”, etc. I’m sure you get the gist.

I’m not complaining – I’m explaining. As teens through to young adulthood, or longer, we are pressured to conform, to “fit in”, to succeed, to follow the masses. Me? Growing up,  I just wanted to be a wallflower; blending in with the backgrounds and hoping no one noticed me. I think I got pretty good at it eventually.

Anyway, my point being, we were pressured; pushed to not be ourselves. This brought fear about what the others would think of us; we were judged. Many strove to be liked, or like me, just left alone.

And many people brought those fears and insecurities forward well into their adult life; worried about being judged and perhaps judging others not “like” you.

I got over it, but I wish someone had pulled me aside and gave my younger self the message that I bring to the table...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Family Politics and Drama




 I was recently telling someone that Hubby and I don’t do or tolerate family politics and drama – relative or not.

We each have various family units – whether we consciously think of them as that or not – our energy certainly does.

A family can be (but isn’t limited to):

- Nuclear Family
A couple and their dependent children. For me, I include pet, as they are part of the family unit.

- Immediate Family
There are different definitions for Immediate Family and Extended Family. For the purpose of this article, I am defining Immediate Family as including the Nuclear Family, parents and siblings.

- Extended Family
Those who are one household beyond the Nuclear Family (and can include Immediate Family) such as aunts, uncles, grandparents.

Other Families

We also have the following families. You may disagree with my interpretation (and that’s fine), but I think if you look at it objectively and energetically, you’ll probably see it.

- Work/Office Family
- Each In-Person Social Group
- Each Interest Group (hobbies, etc.)
- Each Online Group
- Online Friends

And then we can have:

- Neighborhood Family
- City/Town Family
- State Family
- Country Family

But don’t forget the:

- Actual political association family
- The Human Being Family
- The Inhabitants of Earth Family (including all non-human inhabitants)

And these are just a few of the families we are connected to.

Each family has its own politics. By that I mean each family unit probably has a ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Don't Compromise Your Integrity



 This is another way of saying, “Maintain your boundaries, and don’t let others bulldoze over them.”

Many years ago, I had to alter my life and this included setting up and maintaining some boundaries. I wasn’t doing this to be difficult, I was having health issues that required I take better care of myself.

My doctor instructed me to talk with my family and friends to let them know that there would be days I felt pretty good and days when I wasn’t doing well. And it was on those not so good days I would have to say, “No,” more often.

I sat down with my friend at the time and updated her. Her response? “That’s fine, as long as you never tell me...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, July 17, 2022

Becoming Feral - Part Two




 ~ Part One ~

I turned and ran. I ran away from the Tracker and from the Complex life. In pure survival mode and driven to succeed in gaining freedom, I pushed myself hard.

The Tracker wasn’t trying to hide his pursuit as we both crashed through the terrain. Though I didn’t think he was moving as fast as he could. Maybe playing with his prey before capture?

About 200 yards in front of me, someone dressed in all black stepped out from behind a tree. “Hurry! Come with me! We can help!”

Ugh! Out of the frying pan and into the fire? No way.

My brain became calm and gently guided me to swerve out of the path of this new person.

As I moved behind a massive tree, my brain said, “Picture a safe place in a clearing, near water, far away from both of them. Now, turn sideways and move to that location.”

Some part of me instinctively knew this was possible, so I followed the directions...and ended up in a...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Becoming Feral - Part One




 This is going to be a bit long – but bear with me. I don’t normally share this much, but I hope you feel its was worth it at the end.

* * *

We lived in a self-contained Complex with nothing but trees and mountains around us.

When you walked into my dorm-like room, you would find a small bathroom tucked in on the left. Next to it was my wardrobe and then came a double sized bed. The bed could be latched up against the wall, like a Murphy bed, to make more space. To get from the door to the bed, you walked along the pathway on the right wall.

Not all of the rooms in the Complex were this small, just those for single people. The rooms varied depending on how many people were in the family. More people, bigger living quarters.

We had a large cafeteria that we all used – eating in shifts.

Every adult had a job, and most of the jobs revolved around the maintenance and upkeep of the Complex.

I wasn’t happy, but I wasn’t unhappy either. I felt kind of stale and a bit agitated.

I left my room and headed for the auditorium to find a seat. It was time for our weekly gathering and community updates. I found a seat at the top level, which made it easier to escape when the gathering was done.

The auditorium filled up pretty quickly, and our Commissioner quieted the crowd and began his weekly droning... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 3, 2022

In Love or In Fear



 “You know my track record for getting married. Five times. Five marriages, five divorces. I just need you to tell me if the man I’m seeing now is going to end up another failed marriage.”

I shook my head. “I can’t tell you that. But I can ask you a some questions. These aren’t for you to answer me. They are for you to think about.

“Is this new relationship from a place in love or in fear? What I mean is, when you think of this man, do you think of...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, May 30, 2022

Experiences Between Earth’s Dimensions and Other Dimensions



 For those who know me, you know I’m not a fan of labels / terms or hierarchies. I may use them grudgingly so those I’m speaking (or writing) to have something familiar – a familiar context – to aid in following the concept of which I’m writing/speaking.

One of those labels is “ascending”. I don’t know about you, but for me, that term comes with an air of snobbery or “I’m better than you”. I like using the “raising frequency”, which we each do in our own time as per our soul plan (goals our soul wishes to accomplish during this current lifetime) and daily choices.

Okay, having put that all out there, let’s get to the meat of this article.

A lot more people are Sensing, Seeing, Feeling, Hearing and/or Knowing the presence of Others – those not in a physical form on Earth; usually meaning ghosts (Earthbounds), spirits (those no longer tied to Earth energy, but may visit loved ones who are still in physical form), and for those who believe in: Ascended Masters (Master Ascenders), gods or goddesses, Other place beings (aka “aliens”).

And it’s not just us humans experiencing this. It is long believed cats...Read More

by Jan Toomer



Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Can I Hear Me Now?



  Over the years, we were brought information on:
- Not rescuing others anymore
- Listening to self
- Finding our passion

The energies of the time we’re in is asking us to work on SELF. We have to invest time and energy on self.

Everyone But Me

As most of us were growing up, we were trained by society (schools, parents, etc.) that we had to think of self last, otherwise we were selfish. Everyone else’s needs had to come first. Now we’re being asked to release that programming, and again to work on self.

We aren’t asked to become self-important, narcissistic, or ego maniacs...rather to love, heal and listen to self. Of course, it’s a wee bit different while raising children, and hopefully the children will be raised without what societal “norms” look like today. Personally, I think manners, compassion and empathy are what needs to be taught and/or encouraged to grow. It seems as though a lot of teens and young adults today haven’t learned this.

As we heal ourselves, others around each one of us may want, or strive, to match our frequency, but the choice belongs to each individual. This is why we are told we can no longer rescue people...they must stretch and grown on their own (adults). Each individual is being held responsible for their own actions (or lack of action) and words. On Earth, every positive or negative action has a consequence – positive or negative. It’s okay to aid someone, but not do it for them.

Can I Hear Me Now?

Along with the programming of “everyone else comes ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, May 16, 2022

Merging of Time Lines



  We’ve touched on, over the years, about being able to start tapping into one’s own past and future lifetime’s abilities. Let’s take a bit closer look at that.

Because of where we are now (energetically and/or spiritually), we are experiencing the energetic merging of our times lines (including parallel lives).

What does this mean? Depending on your interest level and your spiritual awareness (there is no right or wrong, or ahead or behind with awareness), as time lines continue to merge, you have more direct access to the other “you” lifetime’s abilities.

In other words – you here-now (using linear time verbiage) will become closer and closer to the other you in other lifetimes. This can manifest as bleed-through memories of other places, times, locations, etc. -- which can be through dreaming, memories, asleep or awake; and it can, as previously mentioned, make your other lifetime abilities easier to tap into.

Other ways it may manifest is to have sudden “Knowings” about something you previously had no knowledge of. For example, waking up one day and having some peripheral knowledge of plants and herbs, or what a struggling tree is in need of. Or perhaps one is suddenly doing psychometry or energy healing. Or one became more connected to their own intuitive self.

Time lines merging has never happened in the human memories of this cycle on Earth. We are no longer confined...Read More

 by Jan Toomer


Sunday, April 24, 2022




 For today’s article, my Team brought “Becoming” to the table to write about. When I asked for more information and clarification, I Heard, “Expanding, Growing, Becoming,” with a sense that we really aren’t fully formed for who we are to be in this lifetime on this version of Earth – not 3D or 4D, but beyond.

Many are feeling, or have felt, a shift within themselves. A growth or an expansion. Becoming.

As we move our focus – our attention – from 3D and drama, we’re able to start paying attention to our own self. With this, we can begin to sense or feel our soul. The next step is to hear, feel, or sense what our soul is asking of self.

Our focus shifts yet again and we find interests; either rediscovering interests from any years ago (and adding a new twist) or new interests arise and aid us to step out of our boxes. This process aids us in our expansion and growth, and is a stepping stone to where our soul wants us to move toward.

While we follow our soul, we may find we drift ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, April 18, 2022

Grand Illusion


As we become more awakened, we realize that we have to work to release the 3D illusions that we’ve held on to for pretty much our whole life as an immersed human. Trouble is, what are the illusions? How do we release them? If we release them, then what? These questions, and others we may pile on top of those questions, is when we may begin to feel a bit panicky.


Let’s start with illusions. EVERYTHING is an illusion.

Have you ever been to, or seen, a movie set? Most buildings are a facade. They only have the front of the building. It’s a movie mask, an illusion, and has nothing backing it up except our willingness to believe it has depth and substance.

Did you get that? “... has nothing backing it up except our willingness to believe it has depth and substance.”

It is our beliefs that keep the facades active. Once you stop believing – or to use the Wizard of Oz example – you pull back the curtain and discover it’s just a grand illusion – then you can move on to discovering what’s real.

But, there’s a catch...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, April 4, 2022

Energy Update - April 4, 2022



  ~ Energy Symptoms ~

The energetic “symptoms”, if you will, for the last two weeks and for all of April, are one or more of the following*:

  • weepy / tearing up / crying easily
  • erratic sleep patterns
  • jittery-ness / anxiety
  • tired / exhaustion
  • feeling displaced or occupied elsewhere
  • comfort foods may no longer bring comfort / digestive upsets
  • low to no tolerance for unhealthy energies such as pettiness, selfishness, unstable behaviors and interactions.
  • headaches, body aches
  • tingling sensations at one or more body location
  • more sensitive to energy
  • thoughts drifting / difficulty staying on task

A lot of these can be attributed to the massive upheaval that’s...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Becoming Master Ascenders



 A group of us were discussing communicating with Ascended Masters. But I called them “Master Ascenders”, and was a bit off kilt because I couldn’t seem to find the phrase, “Ascended Masters”.

We chuckled and moved on with our discussion.

But the words, Master Ascenders, kept pinging in my brain. So, days later, I sat down with my Team and asked why it was stuck on replay in my brain.

“It wasn’t an error,” was my Team’s response.

“Okay...please explain.”

The energy signature (each being has an energetic feel to them that is unique to them) shifted and Someone else...Read More

 Channeled by Jan Toomer





Sunday, March 13, 2022




 To ghost someone is to end all communication and contact with someone, without any explanation, and usually includes ignoring any attempts by the person who had been abruptly cut off; rejection of any kind of contact with ghosted person.

I’ve heard of a lot of cases of being ghosted online, especially on social media sites, but I was surprised to find that not only is ghosting rampant online, but has become rampant in the professional physical world as well. And I’ve experienced it recently.

I was looking to hire a service, so I made a lot of calls, left a lot of voice mails, emailed a lot of companies, etc. and began scheduling people to come out, look, and provide me with an estimate or quote for the job.

Many never returned my calls, inquires or emails. I moved on.

One company provided an outrageous estimate without ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, March 7, 2022

A Healing Movie?


  I’ve never reviewed a movie before, but one movie kind of blew me away.*

We, the human race, are still working on healing and releasing our pasts. So what does that have to do with a movie? Especially since this movie is a family musical cartoon.

This movie, Encanto, is distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and was released in November...Read More

Review by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Just Share



 I sat down, connected with my Team and asked, “What should we write about this week?”

A picture popped into my head, followed by, “Just share.”

Two simple little words. But putting into words what I experienced isn’t so easy. I know, I tried on the weekend with a Zoom group I host.

So I’ll attempt to “just share” via the written word. If this speaks to you...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 13, 2022

How Can There Be An Us Versus Them?



 It’s hard for me to hear those to be considered (by either themselves or by others) to be “spiritual” spouting – usually vehemently – “Us Versus Them” rhetoric or propaganda.

How can there be an Us Versus Them when we’re all in this together?

Fear. That’s how.

Whether it’s our own individual fears, or the accepted gifts of fear from others, it’s all fear.

Having said that, yeah, I consider myself spiritual, and – unfortunately – I also...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Energy Update - January 30, 2022




 ~ Expansiveness ~

This past week, I noticed there had been a rather large jump energetically speaking. It felt like, to me, that something had been removed from my shoulders – a weight that I hadn't realized had been there – and I couldn’t even tell you what it was about.

This made everything around me feel lighter, as well as having a pleasant, calming and loving sense of well being. While I’m enjoying this feeling, curiosity had me asking my team about it.

They shared that not only had this been another energy boost to help us unplug from our past, but we’d also had another mass awakening, so it had shifted the Earth’s energy...making it lighter.

This latest massive energy boost...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Putting the Pieces Together



Have you ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle? You have the finished picture usually on the box top, and you have however many piece puzzle you chose which need assembling.

You look at the each small piece and wonder where it will go – where will it fit? Perhaps you start with the border pieces to get a frame or foundation to start work on the inside of the puzzle, trying to find where all the pieces will go.

But, if you concentrate on the minute portion of the picture that’s on the small jigsaw piece, you’ll not likely figure out where it goes. You’ll need to take into account its coloration and the edges of that one small piece in order to start putting the pieces together...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, January 10, 2022

Rug Pulled Out



Some of you may have discovered that when you became comfortable with your spiritual (or other) belief system, you may have experienced having the proverbial rug pulled out from underneath you. This probably made you pause and consider how that upset your “norm” and figure out if this new info fit with or in you now.

I have a dear friend who tells me that I pulled the rug out from underneath her more than once. And she’s not alone. Even I have it pulled out from underneath me occasionally as well.

This can create anywhere from a head-scratching, “Huh,” to a total downward spiral of ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, January 3, 2022

Leaving Ordinary Behind



“Ordinary” seems to be fading from our vocabulary and with it – possibly – our hopes and dreams for the ordinary future.

But is that a bad thing?

Not necessarily.

In this time of self-creating our futures and healing and releasing our pasts, we may be scared or nervous because what we envisioned for our future may no longer be an option. This may lead to the feelings of being lost, adrift, hopeless, depressed and/or just plain old bleak. Following the masses doesn’t help, and neither does giving over to fear or supporting or even supplicating fear manufacturing.

We’ve previously discussed how our thoughts, actions and words are creating our individual tomorrows. Are the beliefs you continue to maintain still living and locked in the 3D energy? Buying into one or more 3D beliefs keeps anchored into 3D. You know, the dimension of duality, fear, manipulation, mass control, etc.?  Or have you upgraded them to aid you in the 4th and 5th Dimensions?

And what if what we know as “ordinary” in the past is to be...Read More

by Jan Toomer