
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Stand in Two Worlds



Sitting in the hot springs pool on the banks of the Rio Grande, I watched a blue heron standing on the water’s edge. So still. So patient.

Heron’s Message

Heron reminded me that you can be of both (or many) worlds and can obtain and maintain balance, stillness and patience within.

And with heron’s message, I energetically pulled back so I could observe (perhaps with more objectivity?) and ponder (I love that word).

I’ve had to learn patience – both for myself and with others. For me, I’ve always like instant gratification…to see some sort of results immediately.

Hubby, the strategist, is in for the long run to achieve the goal…and dare I say satisfaction of achievement. He has patience.

Patience towards others was a bit harder for me. Having the ability to FarSee (of the statistician ability), I could See where someone was headed and used to try to “help” redirect them…or maybe I was trying to rescue them.

I did eventually learn that I can offer insights, but people usually need to experience things for themselves to learn from it.

Each individual is on their own journey to have their own experiences – regardless if I foresee it becoming a tumultuous leg of their journey. This includes those who choose to stay in 3D.

As we have a foot in two or more dimensions, or worlds, and we continue working on raising our frequency or vibration, others are welcome to work on following suit.

Stand in Two Worlds

I left the hot spring pools and went to play tourist for a bit. I returned to the pools many hours later when dusk had arrived. I saw, perhaps twenty feet further downstream, the heron once again -- or perhaps still -- at the water’s edge.

Another symbolic message heron brings is that transitions in life may require one to stand in two worlds...Read More

by Jan Toomer

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