
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Real Life Story of 'Pay It Forward'!

'Mystery Couple Starts "Magical" Chain Reaction' - really neat story of pay it forward!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

'Supernatural and Spiritual Experience Research'

'Supernatural and Spiritual Experience Research' by Dr. Irene Blinston, PhD.

Dr. Blinston is looking for people who have had metaphysical/paranormal/spiritual experiences before they reached the age of twenty - to do a questionnaire about their experiences - for her research. See more here:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


'Manifesting' - Intricate rituals no longer needed for manifestation.

Jan Toomer

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

'Sunrise, Day One!' by Dorothy Kendall Slemmer

New Book Review - ‘Sunrise, Day One!’ by Dorothy Kendall Slemmer. © 2009, BookSurge Publishing. ISBN 1-4392-3425-6.

Jan Toomer

'Time To Draw the Line - Setting Personal Boundaries'

'Time to Draw the Line - Setting Personal Boundaries' - continues on from 'Pardon Me...Your Past is Showing'. Clearing up our past, and setting boundaries is what many are faced with now, and are having to deal with it.

Jan Toomer

Monday, August 10, 2009

Classes In Las Cruces, NM

Hi All!
It's that time again. I am offering my Undefined Reality classes at DACC in Las Cruces.

The 'Basic Undefined Reality' class begins August 20th (you must have completed this class to take the 'Undefined Reality' class - which is offered the week following the completion of the 8-20 'Basic Undefined Reality' class). Class sizes are limited: must have at least four people to have the class, and it is limited to ten people total.

You can sign up at DACC Community Education at 2345 Nevada or call 575-527-7527.

Am looking forward to seeing you there! :-)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

'Sacred Place & Panic Attack' by Liz Cook

'Sacred Place & Panic Attack' by Liz Cook. Trip to a recently discovered cache of petroglyphs.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

'Relationship Healing...Peaceful Endings'

New blog post: 'Relationship Healing...Peaceful Endings'. Work on healing and forgiveness. Healing doesn't always happen face-to-face.

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cops & Cats

A message brought by synchronicity.

Jan Toomer

Multi-Tasking In My Sleep

'Multi-Tasking In My Sleep', by Liz Cook- metaphysical learning while you sleep.

By Liz Cook

Time To Wake Up

'Time to Wake Up' by Liz Cook. Are you on auto pilot? About preparing for 2012.

By Liz Cook

Monday, June 15, 2009

June's Challenge

June's Challenge is out! I challenge you to try these exercises in creating and experiencing!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do Metaphysicians Grieve?

This question was asked of me following my daughter's death. Click to read on about my answer.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

What about rebellious teens?

New post by Liz Cook: "What about rebellious teens?"
Check it out and share your thoughts.

Friday, May 15, 2009

'Becoming Invisible'

New article: 'Becoming Invisible' by Liz Cook.

Thanks Liz

Classes offered in Las Cruces at DACC

Basic Undefined Reality (aka The Basics Course) and Undefined Reality are being offered at the Las Cruces Dona Ana Community College. Info here

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


'Validation' starring TJ Thyne and Vicki Davis. Approx. 17 minutes long - and I loved it! Light and inspirational. Enjoy.

Unexpected Lesson in Gratitude

'Unexpected Lesson in Gratitude' by Jan Toomer.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mercury Retrograde Again, Folks!

Yep, that's right - Mercury is retrograde until May 30th.

Be careful with contracts and patient with communications and electronics/mechanical stuff.

Oh, and laugh!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009


Another shift began two days are you handling it?

Jan Toomer

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Book Review - Clairvoyance - E

“My Passport Says Clairvoyant” by M.B. Dykshoorn (as told by Russell H. Felton). © 1974. Hawthorn Books, Inc. ISBN 0-8015-5285-6.

Really interesting story of one man's ability.

Jan Toomer

Meditation vs Visualization?

Is there a difference between the two? A personal interpretation:

Jan Toomer

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bob Olson About Psychics & Mediums

Bob Olson, a former private investigator and paranormal skeptic - turned his investigations to psychics and mediums - and is a skeptic no longer.

See Bob Olson's investigation into psychic & mediums

and his Best Psychics & Mediums Directory

Interesting reading...

Jan Toomer

Friday, April 3, 2009

Elissa's April 2009 Newsletter

Elissa's Newsletter is out! Psychic Insights; Personal Guidance and Psychic Insights for Astrological Signs.

Jan Toomer

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Book Review - Devas and Nature Spirits

“Behaving As If The God in All Life Mattered” by Machaelle Small Wright - see the review here:

Jan Toomer


New article posted - 'Exposed' - about letting the real you shine through!

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Book Excerpt - "Undefined Reality"

Free podcast -

Another excerpt from the course workbook, "Undefined Reality" by Jan Toomer - from the chapter on reincarnation.

Jan Toomer

Grounding Exercise 2

Free podcast.

An alternate grounding exercise:

Jan Toomer

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Unseen Guidance: Delays, Detours & Cancellations

Unseen Guidance: Delays, Detours & Cancellations

An article on life's delays, detours, etc.

Jan Toomer

Book Review - Ghosts - E

Book review archived:

“Don’t Call Them Ghosts: The Spirit Children of Fontaine Manse” by Kathleen McConnell.

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

'Amazing Grace'

I don't think you've ever heard it this way - outstanding!

(Sorry - the link has been disabled... and is no longer available).
Jan Toomer

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Observing #2 - Do Not Disturb

Metaphysical mini-article - "Obeserving #2 - Do Not Disturb":

Jan Toomer

Monday, March 2, 2009

Elissa's March 2009 Newsletter

Elissa Heyman's March '09 newsletter (predictions, divinations, etc) is out!

Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sylvia Browne's END of DAYS

I just finished reading Sylvia Browne's END of DAYS, Predictions and Prophecies.

I owe and apology to Sylvia Browne for not giving her the respect that she deserves. Honestly, I never really got into her writings, but then, I don't think that I ever read any of her books cover to cover. I am very sorry.

I read END OF DAYS cover to cover in one day. I found it to be fascinating and very informative. For those that want to understand the prophecies about the "End of Time" but don't care to do the extensive research on the subject, this book promises to bring you up to speed.

Sylvia summarizes the biographies of the prophets of the past regarding "end of time". She offers the facts with out prejudice in an interesting way that keeps it interesting and allows the reader to completely decide for yourself how it all fits into the complete picture. At the end of the book, she offers her spin on things that was also interesting. She takes out the doom and gloom, and you get of feeling of knowing that she may be on to something. She says that knowledge is power, and we have the choice to create a wonderful future, one that we can only imagine and hope for now.

All and all, I found it to be a very good read and I look forward to reading more of her books. Again, to Sylvia, thank you for sharing with the world, and thank you for showing me to not be so quick to judge.


Jan Toomer

I want to publicly state my deep appreciation, love and gratitude for a lady that has truly devoted her life to service to others, Jan Toomer.

Her life is a reflection of who she is and what she stands for. She is a gifted teacher, a caring mentor, a very close friend to me, and now, the editor and publisher of my first ebook.

In a time that people are desperately searching to make sense in this seemingly world gone mad, I feel it is important to mention that her abilities are genuine and, her desire to share her knowledge is sincere.

I am blessed to know you. My life is richer because of you. I sincerely thank you for you, and I love you.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Shielding Exercise

Here is a Shielding Exercise. This is recommended before you do any energy work, meditation or visualization.

Jan Toomer

Step Meditation

Here is a meditation exercise - it is recommended that you do the shielding exercise first.

Jan Toomer

Grounding Exercise 1

Here is a grounding exercise (podcast) - grounding is recommended after any energy work, meditation or visualization exercises.

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

'An Unconventional Journey on Finding My Lost Dog' by Liz Cook

"An Unconventional Journey on Finding My Lost Dog" by Liz Cook.

Free E-book.

Liz has graciously allowed her story to be available, for free, to readers. Find out more, and then click to read, here:

Thank you Liz!

Jan Toomer


Article on empaths - a connection between mental illness and empathy? Be real!

Jan Toomer

Book Review - NDE - E

'My Descent Into Death' by Howard Storm.

Book review on Storm's NDE, trip to the 'gateway of hell', and return.

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Age of Aquarius

Check it out - the Age of Aquarius is almost here!
Jude Currivan wrote: "The Aquarian alignment 14th February 2009"

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Book Review - Alternate Explanation of Psychic Phenomena - E

A light book review on G. D. Wasserman's, “Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomena"

Jan Toomer

Wondrous Times? Indeed!

Short article on metaphysical abilities today...

Jan Toomer

Monday, February 9, 2009

Something New

Hi All!

I am trying my hand at a baby form of podcasting....(I guess it's called that! Ha).
I have posted one for shielding on my web. Please check it out and let me know how it went and what you think. I am a newbie at this! :-) So be honest, but gently so... Ha.

Jan Toomer

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"Introductory guide to inner Knowing"

Silver's newest post:

New at Awakened Perspectives: An introductory guide to inner Knowing

I really liked this posting!

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Book Review - Psychic Warfare - E

A light review on W. Adam Mandelbaum's “The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex”.

Jan Toomer

Aaron Potts writes about Ho'oponopono

'Do You Ho’oponopono?' By Aaron M. Potts

Jan Toomer

Monday, January 26, 2009


Okay, you know I don't really want to load up the blog with games, but here's one more! A friend sent it to me today. If you click on the ball, it will change colors.

Jan Toomer

New Category

New category in the metaphysical studies blog:
Poetry and Prose from the Past

In the past, I would write down insights, dreams and visions in poetry and prose form....

Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Interested in puzzles? Try this one! :-)

Jan Toomer

'Carrots, Eggs or Coffee?

A look at options to handle life's adversities. Which are you?

Jan Toomer

Friday, January 23, 2009

"My Stroke of Insight" - Jill Bolte Taylor

Scientist Jill Bolte Taylor talks about her stroke and talks about the brain. Fascinating and has metaphysical slant. See, 'My stroke of insight'

Jan Toomer


"Giovanni Sollima - Sogno ad Occhi Aperti (Daydream) PART 1"

Pretty cool video - he is musically talented - and the video interesting/surreal... May want to check it out...

Jan Toomer

Silenced Desert

I woke up this morning to 42 degrees (F) outside - absolutely no winds - and a thick dense fog.

The desert is temporarily silenced.....

making one feel isolated, alone

and as though visiting a surreal place.

Kind of like "Twilight Zone".

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Metaphysical Classes

I have begun teaching 'Undefined Reality' at the local community college.

I have been blessed with a great group of people, and anticipate having a wonderful time with them!

Jan Toomer

Book Review - Leadership - E

A review on "Tribes" by S. Godin

Jan Toomer

Metaphysical Circle

A small peek at the 'circle' from January 9th.....

Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Abraham-Esther&Jerry Hicks

You talked about teleportation and when these things will begin. They already have, as these things have always been available to all of us. And I agree with you Jan, that the thing that stops us is our blocks, i.e. beliefs. Our perception {same thing} restricts us from expanding.

I listened to Abraham-Hicks, Power of Emotions series.

In summary, the Law of Attraction will respond to what we ask. Often, we are not really paying attention to what we are asking. That which we get has to match our vibration within, good or bad.
So, if we are pure source, and when our physical consciousness matches the vibration of your higher self, it is then that we merge all that we are, all that we have ever been with pure source. Then, our vibration matches all things and we can recieve them. Could this be what the trinity is? What blew me away, when I finally got it was, when our vibration matches up with our higher self, all we are now, and have been {because we are expanding} , source vibrations becomes us now. Wow.

She compares it to floating down stream. All that we want is down stream. However, if our vibration doesn't match all that is, then we can't see it.

At the end, she made a statement that I would like to quote.

"Wanting and belief are life giving, Wanting and doubt are horrible"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mercury is Retrograde...

Hi all!

Just a reminder that good ole Mercury has gone retro.

Some calendars say it is retro until Jan. 31, some say until Feb. 2. Either way - watch new contracts, communications (be VERY specific!), and communication-related gadgets....

Happy Retro!

Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Psychic Reading from Elissa Heyman

I had a reading from Elissa Heyman - you can read about my experience here:

Jan Toomer

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Yet Another Brain State Tech Experience

And yet another Brain State Tech. experience - this by a reporter/journalist

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Jan called me one day to tell me that she was going to attend these sessions to have her brain balanced. After I stopped laughing, she explained to me that this was a new technology that was seeing excellent results in dealing with post traumatic stress symptoms, addiction, ADD, and various other kinds of disorders. I talked to her at the end of her sessions, and she told me that I really had to experience this for myself. I could feel the passion behind her words as she spoke to me, and I knew I had to go. It was like a divine intervention, and the next day, I contacted Brain State.

On December 9th, I began the ten sessions at Brain State Technologies, in Scottsdale, Arizona. I can’t begin to express in words how truly awesome my experience was while attending my sessions, and continues to be. I would like to share my experience because I truly believe that this new technology is one example of the wonderful and miraculous services that will be common to see in our future.

The process is called Brain State Conditioning. It is a non-invasive way of balancing and conditioning the brain and is based on Quantum Physics. You begin by having an assessment of your brain function, that is manifested in electromagnetic energy. They determine this by placing intellectrodes at different points on your head. You have two sessions a day for five days. A computer programs brain exercises that are tailored to you, and it balances you.

I contacted them by email at first. I explained my background to them and wanted to know if I would be a good candidate for the process. My first clue that was a yes, was the anxiety I felt while writing to them. By the time I finished writing the email, I felt sick, and couldn't even proof read it before sending. When they responded to me, and I read what I had written, I was embarrassed. I had sentences unfinished and my thoughts skipped around horribly. The days leading up to begin were just as bad. I could give every excuse in the book why I needed to cancel. Thankfully, my commitment offered no options, and I was going.

I won't go into a day by day detail of my experience because it's important to understand that your experience is very subtle. It is also important to say that every ones experience is unique to them. Before we began, they talked with me and we reviewed my goals. One was that I had lost my son some thirty years ago and I had memory blocks. They told me that through my sessions, there may be very emotional issues that may arise. That never happened. After the fact, I realized that because of my expectations of what I thought it would be, I could have missed it.About half way into my sessions, I began to have intense pain and burning in my left foot.With each session it got stronger. They tried elevating my legs, and still, it continued. My graph was showing that I was close to a break through, but it was very deep seated. They told me to do strenuous exercise during the lunch break to see if that would help to release this energy. When I returned, I felt a pop in my head and suddenly, the pain went away. I was frozen about anything regarding my son, in fact, I couldn't even look at his picture, it was too painful. After that session, I was reunited with him. It was beautiful. That was what I needed for completion. All the other things that went on over the past thirty years that blocked me, didn't matter to me anymore.

Another example would be my driving forty miles one way, twice a day, in heavy stop and go traffic. It makes me angry because I am impatient, and I have been in two accidents while I have been in those conditions. Not once, did it even effect me. I was calm.

I returned home to a house full of company, eight people, all males, and me. Most of the men I know, don't know how to cook or do anything in the house. The next day, I went riding with a friend on our quads, and I had an accident and broke my ankle. Four days before Christmas, and not ready for Christmas, I had to be off my feet completely. I was stressed. As the days went by, I was beginning to think that my sessions were reversing. In addition to that, they say that you should not drink any alcohol for three weeks after your sessions. I did. Then, a few days later, I got a phone call that normally would put me over the edge. I handled it calmly, I felt no animosity, and I gave sound advice from my heart.

There are many examples like these, and to anyone that would like to know more, I would be happy to share them. What I am seeing now, is that many of my blocks within, that were not allowing me to experience the meaning of love and appreciation for so many things have been removed. There are so many revelations, if you will, about spiritual things that I am becoming everyday now. I am beginning to get it for the first time. I sleep at night and awake feeling good and I look forward to the day to see what each day offers in a divine way. Its awesome.

I would highly recommend to everyone to do Brain State. It's kind of a jump start to a new way of looking at things. When you look at things in a different way, your whole life changes and every thing around you changes.It is a feeling of knowing and you feel it to your core. The law of Attraction.

Crystal Singing Bowls

Neat videos on Crystal Singing Bowls - beautiful tones

Jan Toomer

Thursday, January 1, 2009