
Friday, September 12, 2008

Sept 12th

Just wanted to touch base after the Sept. 11th anniversary.

Some are still feeling sluggish or down right ditzy and/or unconnected. It isn't over yet. Please be aware that the seven years of anguish, shock, fear, etc. cannot be purged in one day. But, the good news is, the purging has begun.

On top of that, the empaths and others are also feeling the charged energy from hurricane Ike as it nears - as well as feeling the human aspects of fear, uncertainty, etc. connected to Ike's approach.

Some of the "symptoms" are what I mentioned for the purging of the seven year cycle (Sept. 11th seven year anniversary) - along with difficulty staying focused on this here third dimension (sorry, my southern is showing).

Difficulty staying focused means you need to be careful when you are out and about. My child called today to say two of her friends, in two different parts of the state, had car incidents. Neither was harmed, thankfully. This is what can happen when we are not focused.

For me it meant, for at least today, electrical, mechanical and technology and I did not get along. I touched it and it either quit working, conked out, or went haywire. I had to walk away, do something that didn't require me having contact with any of the above mentioned items and let the energies balance back out.

All returned to normal. :-)

So hang in there folks! Keep shielded and focused!

This too shall pass.



lacoyote said...

I am staying put for now.
I am finding out that we really need to choose our battles. My brother in law was in a mood to debate last night. For three and a half hours. He is a retired software engineer and very smart and very skeptical. Boy!I love him and I know he didn't mean any harm, however, I could feel the energy being zapped right out of me. After three more hours today, we agreed to disagree. In love.
Here is one for ya all though..
Gene went into town the other day. He went to four different stores, and set off the alarms in every one of them when he went in and when he came out. What's that about?

Jan Toomer said...

Energy surging! Gotta love it!

This happens to Lightworkers when then are either (A) overly energized, (B) stressed or (C) have spent a lot of time working "up there" and not a whole lot of time "down here". Usually is temporary and shielding can help lessen this experience.

Is he glowing in the dark too? :-)