
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Time is Now

For those who come to this blog, it's important that you know that there is no such thing as coincidence. Therefore, if you have been drawn here, know that it's because you have a valuable role in helping others to prepare for what is just ahead, as we are transformed and enter fourth dimension reality, the New Age of Aquarius.

I was very fortunate to complete Jan’s metaphysic course in person with her. Through her guidance, I have experienced things long forgotten, or taken for granted, there for overlooked.

It has taken me forever to realize that we are our own unique part of one. Every part is needed to be complete. Every part has its own truth, to stay healthy and productive, and there is not one part any better that the other, nor is there any one part that can replace the other. If we lose any part of who we are, then we are not complete.

Along the way, we hurt parts, break parts, sometimes intentionally. It’s through experience that we learn to overcome, and therefore we become strong. If one part is in trouble, the whole sends energy, i.e., love, to support and uplift that part. This healing is necessary for the whole to be complete.

All we have to do is look within, and feel our truth, know who we are, own our God given birthright and then stand firm in it. Nobody can take that away.

Therefore, we can't die, because all creation is one. Once we know this as truth, we understand that all things work together for good {to those that love God, i.e. the “one” i.e. US}.

Look within, and feel, your truth. Allow love and light to guide you; be in a place of calm peace, no matter how bizarre something may seem.

Keep in mind that we are entering into Fourth Dimension Reality, right now. It is a new way, one that has never happened before. To say that we are blessed, is a gross understatement.

It’s important to stand firm in your truth, and regardless of how bizarre things are going to appear, know that you are protected because of who you are.

There are things happening right now, that are going to try your imagination to the max. They are real, and we have to stay balanced in love and firm in our conviction, because we are going to see unimaginable things and the explanations that are going to be given, will be lies. It’s already happening. However, as Dannion Brinkley says, “we win”.

Knowledge is power. Lack of knowledge, is fear. There is no time for that.



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