Hubby and I took off this morning for a much needed time-in-town break. As we were returning, we saw an awesome sight.
Nine red-tailed hawks were banked together at the water along side our road. As we neared, they all flew off a bit off the road and circled together.
We stopped and watched - absolutely beautiful creatures! And I have never seen so many together in the wild.
That cool! (I've been so busy the past few weeks I haven't commented.) The last week of August, I and many others, saw the most beautiful sight in the sun setting sky. The sunset was terrific but in the east there were these amazing blue rays stretching across the sky. It was kindof like a mirror simultanious sunset. What's up with this?
A lot of people are seeing strange things in the sky right now. It's to lesson the shock for the biggie event on 10/14/08.
Some people reported the formation of a snow cone in the mid day sky in Florida. This was a confirmation being channeled about the first actual proof of UFO's.
Check it out. Also, check out my latest blog. Jan is posting it for me. I asked her to proof it,as it is the most bizarre yet. Ha.
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