Did you know that the basic structure of all reality is an atom? And, if you were to look inside this atom under an electron micro scope, you would find that 94.6% is empty space. The other 5% is physical reality. The 94.6%, is the spiritual and emotional nature of you. So, what becomes important? I choose the 94.6.
We are spiritual beings, and if we start looking at things from this perspective, we will begin to see clearly, because physical reality will never be more than 5%.
With this in mind, think about multi dimensional reality, or parallel universe, which is the multi verse theory. An example of this would be our cell phone. If I were to give you a cell phone, bury you in the ground, place a statute on top of you , and tell you at 7:00 PM, call this number to a bar on the other side of the planet and ask what the drink special is. Cell phones operate on micro waves that go right through you. They don't care about all the obstacles between you and the location of that bar. How many dimensions did the micro waves travel through to get the drink special? A DVD, or CD is an even better example, because it reads the plastic with light rays and the audio through color generating heat.
If you can imagine, your working with chemicals in a factory. So you wear these gloves, and for eight hours, your focus is on what you are doing with these gloves on. When your eight hours is up, you take off the gloves and go home. When you have the gloves on, your looking at the 5% physical reality. You take off the gloves and you are in the 94.6. We really live in heaven. We never left. We are only hear on a mission, and when we take off the gloves in a few hours, we're out of here.
Neat huh?
These are only a couple examples of the information I learned, {or shall I say remembered} from listening to a lecture by Dannion Brinkley, entitled, "The Changing Face of Time". You can find it on Google Videos.
Dannion Brinkley was struck by lightening in 1975, and was pronounced dead for 28 minutes. He came back to life with extraordinary gifts. He has been featured on Unsolved Mystery's ,and is the author of Saved by the Light and At Peace in the Light as well as his latest, co-authored by his wife, Kathryn, entitled, The Secrets of the Light: Spiritual Strategies to Empower Your Life…Here and in the Hereafter. Dannion’s first best selling book was made into a television motion picture by the Fox Network, in over 30 countries, since 1995. Currently, Kathryn and Dannion are working to develop a movie based on their book, The Secrets of the Light and the opening of the first Brinkley Light Center.
I will continue to write about his topics. His message of light and love, is invaluable as we near the year 2012 .
Check it out, you will be glad you did.
I forgot to leave an important link.
Go to Google Video and search for Dannion Brinkley, "The Changing Face of Time"
I would love to hear comments on this.
This video will not play. Others of his will, but could not get this one going.
Well, that was weird. As I was typing the last entry, the video began playing.... So I guess you have to wait a bit for this one to load!
Very interesting video! He (Dannion) is an entering speaker - and to live through three death experiences, wow!
Thanks for sharing this!
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