
Monday, September 29, 2008


Ever been around an infant who is laughing? I have, and I cannot help but to respond to that laughter. It is pure, uninhibited, simplistic and joyous. It radiates throughout their whole being.

My energy becomes light, and I have to laugh with them. My whole being responds to their delightful giggles.

In our hectic, busy lives, we sometimes forget to laugh; and, sadly, it takes a bit more to trigger our “funny bones” as adults, and bring out that deep felt laugh. But, when it does hit, we laugh hard – our sides hurt, our eyes tear up, we gasp for air, and we love it!

There are different degrees of laughter ranging from a soft chuckle to gut busting – and it is all good for us.

When one is laughing, a genuine laugh, it does amazing things to our bodies and to our energy. When someone laughs, their energy field gets a tremendous boost – and the energy around them sparkles and pops, like fireworks.

How about letting more lifting laughter into your life?


1 comment:

lacoyote said...

You are absolutely right!
I would like to take this time to remind everyone that we are living in this 5% illusion and 96.4% reality...
So why the grim faces?
Is there something that I don't know?
Do we need to gather our critters and run? Where?
XO to all