
Monday, September 8, 2008

As one who trys to pay attention to my inner urgings I find syncronicitys in my life. The latest I was reading a novel which I couldnt read fast enough to verify it was not fiction. Being an inventor (bringing ideas back from other realities) this story was one I could relate to. Stephen Lewis claims to have found a way to measure or identify subtal frequencies related to humans and a way to manipulate those frequencies to achieve a balanced place for one to overcome their imbalances, or heal themselves.
In the mid 80's when I heard about the discovery of super conductors I had the idea that we could now make instruments to record and measure healthy and unhealthy frequencys in the body, if we could do this it should be possible to treat or change those to healthy frequencies. In my reasearch I found a hundred years or so ago we had as much reasearch on treating illness with electricity(frequency) as we had with chemicals (durgs). In the wisdom of our medical professions we dropped our reasearch with frequencies and moved forward with what has become our medical profession. Untill about ten years ago chiropractors were not reconized as medical professionals many still consider them to be quacks. Nicholi Telessa found a way to take electricity out of the static charge in the air so to speak. Men like Westinghouse pulled his funding and set out to discredit him (another quack). Many of us fell in line being obedient sheep following those who were so adept at controling our reality.
As one who asks questions I chose to be a Duck hoping more will give up the reality of the sheep following whoever has the most money, candy, sweets, and power. I chose to rely upon an inner power I BELIEVE WE ALL POSSESS. Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness a novel by Stephen Lweis & Evan Slawson sparks the Duck within. EMC2 and the AIM program is worth checking out. Quack,Quack,Quack.


Jan Toomer said...

I looked into this, and have a question. Is this similar to radionics?

Jan Toomer said...

Sorry, let me clarify - I looked into EMC2 and Aims - and that is what my question was about.