
Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Devil Has My Name



 I was awakened by a man talking to me.

“The Devil has my name.”

“Um...what? Who are you? Do you know what time it is?” I scrubbed my face in frustration. Sometimes the deceased or ghosts forget that the physical body needs sleep.

“The Devil has my name,” he repeated.

“I don't get it. What does that even mean?”

I felt his energy shift as he prepared to tell me his story...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Dark Side of Self



Why have I been writing so much about abuse, civil and human rights, narcissism and self doubt? Because we are working on healing and releasing the past, both for ourselves and Earth. Not only are we supposed to be working on that, but we are also working on bringing peace and balance to our whole self. This means no more ignoring the dark side of self.

Now this doesn't mean feeding the negative or dark side of self, but it does mean acknowledging that part of yourself.

We live on the physical planet of Earth. Three Dimensional Earth is the hard school or knocks. Earth is the planet of duality: yin yang; negative positive; dark light; fear love.

In these unprecedented times, all of the negative traits of... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Letter To My Father



 Many know of my past struggles with my mother and how I used Ho'oponopono to heal the imbalanced energy – not only within myself, but also my energy to and towards my mother.

This past year I received pictures and other Jan-related items that my mother had kept. In the items was a letter I'd written to my father and sent in a packet , though my resume and a brief on my family was missing.

I did have hopes back then when I wrote it and mailed it to Dad, but, as shared in my book Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke in Time, it appeared to have been intercepted by my mother. She replied rather aggressively to the letter I sent to Dad.

As I re-read these, I realize I hadn't been triggered. I really did heal...Read More

by Jan Toomer