
Sunday, December 20, 2020

So Much In Our Faces

When I started my first job at a business I was still in high school. I was hired part time at a small local chocolate factory. One of the perks of the job was the employees could eat as much chocolate as they wanted. All the employees had to do was pick their candy, set it aside, then eat in in the break room during their break. Whoa-boy! I love chocolate!

On my first day, after the tour of the factory, I was assigned a mentor for the day. As we stirred the large vat of chocolate, I asked, “How is everyone so skinny here if everyone gets to eat as much as they want?”

She smiled. “Oh, it's easy. You'll see.”

That week I learned about the different candy making stations. Of course, I set aside different candies to try at break.

The following week I was assigned the job of cellophane wrapping and sealing the full candy boxes. I strolled around at break time collecting candies.

At the end of the second week, my name was called over the loudspeaker, with instructions to go to the break room. When I opened the break room door, I saw the room was crowded. As I stepped into the room, everyone started clapping and cheering. My co-workers directed me to a table and asked that I sit.

“What's going on?” I asked.

“You'll see,” one woman answered while another one giggled...Read More

by Jan Toomer



Sunday, November 22, 2020

Is Your Life Covid and Politics?


 Is your life covid and politics? For some, that's what it seems, right? And we know that with both covid-19 and politics, there's a whole lot of uncertainty, misinformation, lies, confusion and fear. Very heavy in the third dimension energy. What a way to live, right?


I believe that, especially during these turbulent times, we need to expand our world above and beyond that unpleasant and heavy 3D stuff.

We've already discussed using this opportunity to go within to discover who “self” really is. But there has to be more, right? Yes!

Since in-person socializing has been “restricted” (sounds easier to take then “banned”, eh?), I recommend getting creative, but be responsible...Read More 

 by Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Getting To Know You



 When I sit down to write, I ask my Team, “What shall we write about today?”

For this article, the answer to that question was, “Getting to know you; getting to know all about you...”; the Rodger's and Hammerstein's song.

I giggled as those two lines kept playing over and over in my head.

So we've been kept in covid quarantine for quite...Read More

by Jan Toomer



Sunday, November 8, 2020

Clean It All Up



 I started back to physical therapy at a new place in the end of September. It'd been about a year since my surgery (and the screw ups from the surgeon and staff), so each week at this new place has brought much healing and progress. But I'm not done yet.

As I work daily, I usually stay positive, but sometimes get frustrated that I'm still at it. Then I remind myself that it took a year of living with the damages incurred from surgery, and undoing those damages and retraining my body are not instantaneous processes. So I get up and do it again, focusing on how much wonderful progress has already occurred.

In the United States, we have been working on ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Waiting with Bated Breath


  I talked with a woman when I went to pick-up my to-go order. We both complained about our state governor and her determination to kill off small businesses with her multitude of “mandates”, many  that frankly defy common sense.

The lady commented on the “Red and blue states”, and how the states of the other color seem to be fairing well with covid.

My reply was, “Red and blue haven't worked out so well. We need other choices, like white or pink...something else.”

On the drive home, my team spoke up. “There are alternatives.”

Yes, there are. But the alternative runners don't have the financial backing to stand up and stand out. So, the public seems to choose between the lesser of two evils.

“There are alternatives,” the team reiterated... Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Undercurrents of Uncertainty



 I'm sure we've all felt it...the undercurrents of uncertainty. Fear of not knowing what's coming in these uncertain times. And the undercurrent is growing.

What does this mean for us? It means humans who are plugged into the drama and are saturated with the fear will feel it growing within and respond accordingly to that fear while feeding any of the overall global uncertainty and fear energy.

Humans who are working to stay disconnected from the fear and drama energy may sense it pushing against their energy field, reminding them to not invite the fear or drama in.

Don't Feed the Fear

My team of guides has addressed...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Energy Update – October 11, 2020



 ~ Energy Drunk & Mercury Retrograde ~

We've so much going on in our physical reality – personally, locally, continent-wise, and the globe. And there's so much going on energetically. To help us, we've been gifted massive amounts of energy coming in; so much so, some may feel energy drunk.

  • Waves of dizziness, feeling loopy or drunk
  • Ringing in one or both ears
  • Tired while we adjust our bodies and energies to the incoming energy
  • Waves of nausea
  • Some foods we used to like may suddenly repulse us
  • Exhaustion with bouts of pinging off the walls. This can express itself with insomnia and a deep down exhaustion
  • Heightened abilities or bouts of heightened abilities. One way this can be felt is an actual spike in one or more physical senses being heightened
  • Fluctuating between 3D (fear, annoyance, paranoia regarding the state of our nation today) and a 4th or 5th D knowing that you're here to hold the Light and knowing all is in Divine Order. This can be exhausting in itself.

On top of all of this, we are in Mercury Retrograde's shadow, with it going Retrograde on the 13th. This means we are already experiencing the tip of Mercury Retrograde's “symptoms”.

My team has given me a heads up to let me know this Mercury Retrograde is going to be strong – perhaps the ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Closer to the Soul You



Like a wound covered with a bandage and it's time to take it off, we're afraid...we're afraid of what it looks like after all that time of healing. Asking ourselves, “What does it...rather, what do I look like?”

We've spent a lot of time and energy healing ourselves and letting go of the past. This past week we began, reluctantly, to remove the bandage. We are working on extracting ourselves from the thick density of the third dimension; kind of like trying to removed gum enmeshed in our hair.

During this time, many are feeling unsure, restless, cranky...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Day in the Life – September 27, 2020



 ~ Of Investigating A Haunted Building ~

The decaying shell of the building shares its memories in my mind, while the breeze whispers the hopes, dreams, fears and torments of bygone times.

The echoes of the past beg to be acknowledged whilst the forgotten shades – some wanting to be remembered and others hoping no one does – wanders the long empty halls; the ghost shadows dancing in and out of our reality.

Cameras and voice recorders catch snippets of their earthbound...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Please Don't Feed the PK Manifestation



 PK – or psychokinesis – is the act of energetically manipulating or moving physical items.

Some examples of PK in the paranormal field can be:

- Objects moving by no physical means or physical disturbances (earthquakes, moving floorboards, heavy trucks driving by causing vibrational movements within the house).  This could be as simple as a a glass slightly moving to something being knocked down or knocked off a wall or shelf; something being thrown or something disappearing (keys are most often reported as having disappeared).

- Knocking sounds – This may be sounds (usually knocking) from within the walls, from outside on the house's exterior walls; or knocking that can't be placed.

- Water faucets turning on or off, or doors/cabinet doors opening or closing.

- Scratches, bruises...Read More

by Jan Toomer


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Be The Best You That You Can Be


 Some of you know we've recently been adopted by a cockatiel. We weren't looking for an animal companion, but the Higher Power apparently thought differently.

We live in the boonies. I mean we are way out in the desert. The cockatiel slammed his body into our picture window, fell to the ground and screamed bloody murder.

I opened the door and asked if he needed to come in. A squawk of acknowledgment preceded him flying in. He stepped up onto my hand, got on my shoulder, snuggled and fell asleep...Read More

by Jan Toomer



Monday, September 7, 2020

I'd Created an Imbalance



  Story Time

The guest channeler told me something along the lines of, “You're going to be offered a seat on the human Council after you leave this human form. It was a surprise for you. Surprise!”

“It's not a surprise. I wrote about that years ago. It's on my blog.”

“No, you didn't know. This was recently decided and they wanted to surprise you.”

Okay, how can it be a surprise if I wrote about it years ago? ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Your Meta Questions – August 30, 2020



 ~ All Roads Lead to Rome ~

Q. I'm a very spiritual person. I work energy, balance my chakras and explore the spiritual side of life.

My partner doesn't get it. It's like we're from two different belief worlds – neither fitting in the other's. Yet we love each other.

Shouldn't my partner and I both be on a spiritual path? Will my partner's lack in this area hold me back?...

...Q. I worry about leaving my partner (spouse, child, family) behind energetically as I progress on my spiritual path. How can I get them/him/her to progress so they're not left behind?

Read More

 by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 23, 2020

News and Views from the Other Side -- August 23, 2020



 ~ Spiritual Roles on Physical Earth ~

We see the struggles you have during this time, and we encourage you to release the fear anytime you feel it trying to creep back into your being or energy.

Though you may not feel it, "see" or sense it, your guides have walked beside you with each step you have taken and will take.

Your team of guides has increased, especially over ... Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Beauty in the Mundane


 I was talking with a dear friend recently who said something along the lines that I should get back into my photography.

“I need to walk to do that,” I responded. Having had surgery on my knee, some complications, followed by working on strengthening my knees and my back, only light walking for now; none of the tromping through the desert yet.

He reminded me that there's plenty of opportunities around my own home.

I gave myself a mental forehead smack. “Did you see... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, August 2, 2020

But Sometimes It’s Difficult

Being able to sense, feel and “see” can sometimes be hard.

I’m not supposed to judge, but sometimes it’s difficult.

It’s hard to not be angry at those who seem to have total disregard for life.

There is joy to be found everywhere, everyday. But sometimes it’s difficult.

Even though we see...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Stolen and Taken Into the Darkness

~ Warning ~
You may find this content disturbing. Read at your own risk.

* * *  

I debated, for a long time, whether or not to write/describe what I’ve felt or “seen” regarding those lost; those stolen and taken into the darkness.

I was wrong to hold back. I write for my blog to help others understand what they may be feeling or experiencing. This had been done so the experiencers didn’t feel alone in their experiences.

So now I’ll share. Though I don't share details, some may find this article to be disturbing.

* * *  

Trapped in a corner of their
own mind – held captive by terror.

I feel them.

I’ve been to someone else’s hell that I hesitate
to leave, because then they’ll be...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 19, 2020

What About Joy?

We’ve spent a lot of time and energy focusing and acknowledging the negativity near and around us, but what about joy?

There is so much love, light, joy, beauty and more positive in our lives, so we should probably spend the majority, if not all of our time recognizing the positive. I’m not talking about putting blinders on and pretending that everything is peachy. I’m talking about highlighting the positive; sending our energy to reinforcing the positive.

Many of us are quick to moan, gripe or complain about anyone or any situation that has treated us – as we see it – poorly or wronged us. But not a lot of people are quick to reinforce the positive. We’ll quickly demand the manager to complain about one of their workers, but what about the workers who go above and beyond in their interaction with us or others?

I make sure I’m quick to acknowledge...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 12, 2020

It's All Under Control

There’s a long stretch of dirt road that transitions, for me, leaving the city behind and arriving home. I was on that stretch headed home.

I get to see a lot of interesting things on my drive: sometimes an Oryx can be seen; cows crossing; the spastic movements of different types of quail as they try to decide if they should run across the road or not…yes...uh, no…yep…definitely not. Argh.

This time I noticed a pickup truck driving towards me (headed to town). Now, out where I live, we become pretty familiar with the regular’s vehicles. This wasn’t one of them.

This truck was moving slowly and had it’s hazard lights flashing.

I moved further over my side of the road and slowed. “Do they need help?” I asked…well, no one. I was alone in my truck.

As they neared, I saw the driver and one passenger.

Closer still, then I could see in their vehicle. The young driver had a death grip on the steering wheel, his face pale but determined and his back ram rod straight.

I smiled. Then looked at the passenger side. What a contrast!...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Energy Update – July 4, 2020

~ Mass Accounting ~

In the past Lightworkers (using as a generic term) had gone through the “theme” of the energy downloads before everyone else so that: (A) Lightworkers have already experienced it so we’ve an idea what others are going to experience and we can help them through it, (B) so we aren’t too overwhelmed with doing our own “housecleaning” and energy adjusting while feeling everyone else experiencing it, and (C) to help each of us understand, know and differentiate our own energy from everyone else’s.

The work we did, and basically the training we’ve had, is what’s helping us today.

There’s a major battle going on…and Lightworkers, if you’ve not felt it before, I’m pretty sure you’re feeling it now.

Anxiety, fear, feeling of abandonment, ears ringing, heart racing, and possibly body aches feeling as though you’ve been holding onto a massive amount of stress.

Where is this coming from?

A small portion is from your own continued purging that is being encouraged by the incoming energies. The rest…well…

Mass Accounting

There is a lot happening behind the scenes, and those who have built their lives and successes on the pain and suffering of others are now scrambling. Many are panicking, feeling isolated...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Bucket O'Fear

Misinformation. Lies mixed in with partial truths mixed in with truths.

I feel that they’re lying, or, They aren’t telling us all of it, your inner voice whispers to you.

It’s no wonder many turn a blind eye to what’s going on.

When we were growing up we were taught to listen to others, not our ourselves. Well, “ourselves” are screaming to be heard now, and some of us aren’t listening.

That doesn’t feel right.

One of the things we talked about before was learning to listen to self; learning to trust self. This was introduced to you, and asked of you, to prepare you for when words and actions of some makes no sense or when words and actions conflict with one another. Listen to your soul voice.

Something’s not right.

Bucket O’Fear

Yep, we’ve each been handed our own ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Book Review - The Truth About Life by Dr. Lilly Koutcho

The Truth About Life: Revelations Never Told Before in the History of Humanity by Dr. Lilly Koutcho, Pharm.D. © 2019 ISBN 9798608253225.

“When we incarnate on Earth, we become to caught up in the ‘game of life’ that we think and believe that we are characters in the game. This is an illusion…” p. 137

Dr. Lilly Koutcho has two master’s degrees – one in neuroscience and another in Business Administration – as well as a doctorate in pharmacy.

Guided by her angelic team, comprised in part of Archangels Gabriel and Uriel, the Christ Consciousness and St. Augustine, she channeled and received information from her team in addition to having received information from intuition and dreams. She also presented her team questions asked by others such as relatives and friends, and her team answered them.

“This is not a book about...Read More

Review by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Drama Royalty Reigns?

~ The Kings and Queens of Drama Are Inviting You To Play ~

Okay, that was a little dramatic, but that seems to be the keyword for the energy coming through right now.

The energy is aiding us in dredging up yet more stuff  that we had pushed within, and is it doing it with a dramatic – and not necessarily welcome – flair. Who knew we could cram so many energetic issues in just one lifetime? Oh, and don’t forget…we’re working on all lifetimes now, too.

Did something unexpected happen recently...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Random Acts of Kindness

We hear plenty about the negative things – things that generate depression or fear. But what about the beautiful things going on? The stuff that speaks to our soul; makes our breath catch; or can bring tears to our eyes because it deeply moved us?

What would happen if we ALL flooded the media and social media with that?

Random acts of kindness are acts done to aid or lift another. I’m not talking about...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Energy Update - May 31, 2020

~ Back To Work ~

I know many people go back to their jobs on Monday, but that’s not what we’re discussing today. It’s back to work on self.

Astrologists have already put out information about the planets Pluto (until Oct. 4th), Venus (until end of June), Jupiter (until Sept. 12th), and Saturn (until Sept. 29th) being Retrograde. We also have Mercury Retrograde June 18-July 12 and Neptune Retrograde June 23 to the end of November.

Oh, and on top of this, after having had a bit of a lull which has ended, we are experiencing solar... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, May 25, 2020

What Do You See?

I connected with my team to do today’s article. Then I disconnected, reconnected and disconnected again. I kept seeing COVID-19 masks on people. I thought I’d not cleared myself. So I centered myself and reconnected.

Hmmm… I was connected. Yep, my guide was showing me the masks. Okay. I sat quietly and listened. My guide asked me (so I ask you), “What do you see?”

“When I look at people wearing masks, I can only...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Last week’s article introduced you and I to a rather cartoonish being named Mathis. He came in to help with that article, and popped in again for this one. He was a bit more serious and communicative this time.

If you looked at the picture of Mathis, you probably dismissed it, but he really did look similar to that. Ridiculous, right?

Mathis’ messages for...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Rummaging in My Memories

I asked my team of guides for a topic to write about, then waited.

In my mind’s eye, I saw a critter. It had long chicken legs, a poofy body, sharp teeth and a twinkle in its eyes. It was orange and brown and reminded me of the Muppet’s™ drummer Animal in the color and texture of its “fur”. It was more comical than scary or weird. His name was “Mathis” and his energy felt similar to that of a friendly, smart and engaging dog. I laughed and said he looked alien.

I next felt a sensation of someone...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, May 4, 2020


The new energy – as in never before experienced by humans on 3D Earth – is ready and waiting for each of us to use to consciously create.

We, as the human race, have a tendency to kind of make things a little more difficult than need be; this is true as well for working with the new energy today. For some, this energy can be very subtle and easily overlooked.

Throughout the years, my blog articles – with the guidance of my team of guides – provided us small steps to get us to today. Steps like:

- Learning how...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Working the New Energy

While we’re in this energetic resting phase, it’s recommended you start thinking about, and creating, what you’d like your new norm to be.

If you want the Earth to be clean, green, healthy and balanced, then you need to create that picture and/or feeling in your mind. Reinforce it. And continue to hold that picture or feeling in your mind.

What about your passion? Have you found that? What would it...Read More

by Jan Toomer

My Soul Sighed

The constant din was just about gone. I’d not even consciously knew it’d been there…until the self-quarantine.

We humans make so much noise. We do with this with our vehicles, running appliances, microwaves, radios, wi-fi’s, etc. And with our busy thoughts and minds; constant self-talk, planning, stressing, and all the other stuff in our previous “normal” daily lives. all going on in our minds which we energetically broadcast…loudly.

As people began to settle in a bit with their self quarantine, the noise decreased.

I felt like I could breathe – really...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Others

I’ve not written much about the Others (those not from Earth – aka alien) before. Why? Perhaps because it can be such a controversial topic or a trigger topic. Perhaps it’s because when I tried sharing my experiences when I was a child, it wasn’t received well at all. Or maybe its because of all of those reasons and then some. Regardless, I’ll share a bit here now. You are welcome to believe – and you’re welcome to not believe. It’s your choice.

There are Others who aren’t human and don’t live on Earth or in...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Our World Has Changed

A lot has transpired since I last posted. Some complained that I’d not posted anything and they really wanted to hear from me about the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus). Others still asked if I’d come down with Covid-19. I did not, but did experience strep throat with some added extras.

One of the biggest questions I’ve been asked is if Covid-19 man-made. It energetically feels like it and its release were not natural. I can also say that it doesn’t matter if it was man-made or not…it’s out and about and we have to deal with it.

Not Write Anything

As I said before, I usually write my articles a few weeks out – but March was different. After the March 8th article, my Team highly encouraged me to not write anything. No matter how I approached it, how I asked, they consistently remained quiet.

“Why don’t you want me to write anything about the coronovirus?”

They replied, “It is now...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Illusion of Time

Our sense of time may be feeling like it’s becoming skewed.

- We may be feeling like, though the days may speed by, the week takes forever.

- Or vice versa; the weeks speed by but it feels like the days drag on.

- What happened a week or two ago may feel like it happened a year – or even lifetime – ago.

- We may experience taking note of the time and what feels like a minute or two later, turns out to be an hour or more that had passed.

These are just a few examples...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Energy Update – March 01, 2020

~ March & Beyond ~

The saying about releasing the old to make room for the new is March’s message.

March’s arrival signifies thawing out, hints of spring, renewal. The new replacing the old.

The energy coming through this month lends to finishing, closing, and/or releasing. This may be in any area, or areas, of our life, personal and business. Relationships, projects or chapters. Decluttering, letting go of bad habits or negative thinking, or saying goodbye (physical deaths in your life, or emotional deaths).

March & Beyond

- An increase in UFO and USO* related information, contact and/or sightings. We’ve already seen an increase, but more information will be released, discovered and presented starting this month. This may be influenced by humans making a major stride in understanding more about quantum physics...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 23, 2020

What is My Life's Purpose?

Our souls crave to express themselves in a positive way while we navigate our Earth life journey.*

What is My Life’s Purpose?

This is a question many of us may ask in some form. This can be in the form of asking it directly; or seeking and searching for….something more. Another form could be flitting from job to job.

What are you supposed to be doing? What is your life’s purpose or your soul plan?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, though there are some one-size-fits-all baselines for us.

 Experience being a human, which includes tactile experiences, emotions, relationships, etc.

 To learn. From learning ...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 16, 2020

United States Begs To Be Healed

I’ve written before on how we’re working on clearing up, healing and releasing our pasts. I’ve touched briefly on clearing up, healing and releasing the past of our country.

I’ve been asked to elaborate on the clearing, healing and releasing the past of the United States of America. What are parts of the past that need healing? The following is my interpretation and view of the energy.

The energy of the United States begs to be healed and released. The more its requests are ignored, the more the imbalances pile up. One way this is presenting is by bringing that unhealed past into our now. Because it’s a country that needs healing, a lot is focused on our government – but make no mistake – it’s the people of the U.S. that are allowing the imbalances remain and grow.

This is in no way a complete list and is generalized. This lists some of the past issues that are “now” issues needing our attention.

  • Creating fear and/or using fear to remove more rights and to make the people compliant to being confined (or denied entry) or other rights being violated... Read More
by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Energy Update – February 9, 2020

~ Know Self ~

Since January 1st, people may have experienced something that they were presented with or confronted with that upset their balance. This may have been because something battered or upset a belief or understanding one had or has.

We’d been previously asked to know Self. Know who you are. Your energy. Your thoughts. Your beliefs. This was preparing us for an onslaught of information and misinformation coming at us at a phenomenal rate. This includes attempts at any possible negative energetic manipulations.

By knowing self, and standing strong in self, this information overload – while possibly a bit...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Your Meta Questions – February 2, 2020

~ Portals ~

Q. What is a portal?

  A portal (aka doorway, wormhole, vortex), for the purposes of this article, is an opening or doorway from another dimension or plane to ours. This, depending on where the other end of the portal is located, can allow earthbounds (ghosts) to travel from one location to another – or – allow beings from “other” places to come here.

Q. I watch several paranormal or ghost shows on TV, and they all seem to find portals located in closets, dark basements, or attics. Why?...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Energy Update - January 26, 2020

~ Soul Whispers ~

The soul whispers may increase now. The drive, urge or desire to seek and find more. Not the material stuff. Your soul wants to do more to express itself.

The soul is not separate from you. It’s not worried much about the physical material. It’s concerned more with what’s in your heart and in your energy.

The soul is the part of you that is Light. The part of you that would like you to not only remember soul love, but to express it.

Soul love is different than what we, as humans, think of as ...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 19, 2020

True Self

Last week I posted the short article I’m Not Real – hoping to have you, the readers, take a closer look at the illusion of self. And I’d like to continue from that article.

If my 3D physical representation body and name associated with it aren’t real…then what part of me is?

My belief is that my true self is the inner energy self. Some may call it the...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, January 12, 2020

I'm Not Real

Energy is everything and everything is energy.

One should understand a bit about this to explore “energy” as how the word is used here metaphysically or spiritually in an energetic sense.

Simplified, everything on Earth is a physical manifestation of energy. It’s earthly solidness depends on how much energy was put into it and how dense it was made. So, physical is a dense form of... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, January 6, 2020

No Magic Binoculars

An accusatory finger pointed at me. “You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?” Spit flew from her mouth as she continued, “Why didn’t you warn me? I might’ve been able to save him!”

Her anger slammed into me followed by unrelenting waves of anguish.

This type of scenario has happened a few times over the years.

I’ve No Magic Binoculars

I don’t have magic binoculars to show me the future. I have been known to have occasional...Read More

by Jan Toomer