
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Personal Journey

I will be gone next week (this was the week of Nov 10th-16th) – so there will be no new article on November 12th. I will however, be back in time for a new article on November 19th.

But I do want to begin my article now – like a teaser bit – before I hit the road. I will start it off with a bit of background on me – and let you know that this may be an ongoing article with progress reports.

The next article will have a connection to what follows below. This is not a ‘pity-party’ or ‘pity me’ article. That is not my intention. I will provide you some facts, to the best of my knowledge, and will take it from there.

Many years ago, doctors overseas forced me to take two medicines that I shouldn’t have had. I do claim some responsibility here – I should have more strongly demanded alternatives – but was put in a position of being threatened to be removed from my family (no, it wasn’t a psychological issue) if I didn’t do as they said. Yes, they blackmailed me into taking the meds.

One was cortisone for severe asthma. I had been on and off cortisone since I was seven years old. Cortisone cannot be taken for more than seven years or it can destroy the liver; bloat the body; royally mess with hormones; and the list goes on. I stood up for myself, and was threatened with blackmail tactics if I didn’t get, and stay on, cortisone.

Second was another drug for a reaction I had – and again, was threatened to be removed from my family if I did not follow their orders and take this stuff.

Well, this stuff did a lot of damage to me. I had a mini-stroke and was unconscious for two weeks. A doctor recently told me that they call that a ‘coma’. Go figure.

When I came out of it, the response from the then-doctors was along the lines of “Well, you’re walking and talking now – so quit worrying about it.”

My body ballooned, my skin turned yellow, and I began dying. However, that wasn’t as bad as having lost most of my long term memory; had no short term memory; a near-photographic memory gone; and I lost my ‘I’ve had these since birth’ metaphysical abilities. And I developed a severe (to me) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, targeted at meeting new-to-me doctors.

I struggled many years when my husband found someone that finally could and would help me. A wonderful naturopathic doctor began me on my journey of healing.

I began re-training my brain to regain a more permanent short term memory – as well as trying to re-develop my lost abilities - and that was a long, scary road.

Some long term memories have returned – some spontaneously; some aided by a childhood friend. But, there still remains large gaps in my memory – and it makes me wonder what else I used to know, but have forgotten.

Most of my abilities returned – an interesting experience in itself, which I discuss in my course “Undefined Reality”.

And I have now met a doctor that believes he knows of a non-evasive way to rebalance my brain – and possibly return that which was lost.

Jan JD Toomer


lacoyote said...

I wonder what the reason is behind this experience you had to go through. And how has if affected other aspects of your life? What comes to mind is that when we decide to come to this earth plane, we also have things to over come? Also, I believe that when we have something important, as you do, there is also something that doesn't want you to complete it and will try to stop it. What do you think?

Jan Toomer said...

I have learned (and believe) that everything we go through teaches us - and the knowledge/experience we gain will one day be needed to assist someone else going through something similar.
I absolutely agree that we each come into a life with much to do, learn and teach.
As for something trying to stop us when we strive to heal, correct or re-balance...absolutely! And it's usually yourself! We, as humans, are great self-sabatogers! We have in been this state (or condition, etc.) for so long that we - ourselves - fear the change. The brain/body says "No! We have been this way for so long - it mustn't change! We must not leave our comfort zone!" and away we go.
Take quitting smoking - the more you desire to quit - you may find your self smoking more. Panic, unease, and self-sabatoge.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), I believe, gave this a more positive label of reversed polarity. You say you want it better, but your body (subconscious, etc) fights it.
And yes, I also believe that as one grows spiritually, they will be tested as well.