
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What If? – Past, Present and Future

I briefly introduce “What If?” in my “Undefined Reality” course.

I like playing “What If?” – it exercises my brain; sometimes gives me a new or creative way to solve a problem; and can also aid in teaching me a new technique or ways to alter an old technique.

Is “What If?” just a game, fantasy or over-active imagination? Or, is it working to stretch beyond our self-induced limitations?

Now, I would like to introduce “What If?” to you.

Again, taking an example from the “Undefined Reality” course – what if interactive ghosts (re: hauntings) are not just entities who haven’t crossed over and are slightly out of sync with the third dimension?

What if there is a thinning of the membrane between the ‘current’ time (as we perceive it) and the past or future time (again, as we perceive it)?

Time is not linear (a straight line); it is more like a spiral (for this demonstration purpose) – which means the past, present and future are a lot closer than we realize.

What if that membrane occasionally thins enough that we can interact with ‘our’ past or future? Or if the past or future can interact with ‘our’ now?

Could this also explain our history’s accurate prophecies? Did the membrane thin enough for those seers to see through the membrane and catch a glimpse into their future?

Okay, your turn readers and bloggers… What if?

Jan JD Toomer


Mway said...

I think that the past can interact with the present through psychic imprints embedded on objects and even on the atmosphere.
As to time being linear, some seem to know the future but on the other hand, when I broke my elbow, had it already happened? Has my death already occurred? A difficult question that I grapple a lot.

Jan Toomer said...

Oh! Good question Michael!

I know when I get future glimpses, they are the possible futures that are in line with "this moment", and can change with just talking about it.

So, if time is spiral, is the past and future already set? Just by you talking about your future, do you change - for example - your future death?

Is the past and future set or fluid? Is the future in a constant state of flux because of our daily choices? If so, then how can anyone predict - with accuracy - the future?

If it is set, then how does free will play into this?

As individuals, are we given certain "set" occurances in our lifetime (determined by our soul plan) such as our birth, major changes/incidents in our life, and our death? All else is open to free will?

Gosh Michael, 'grapple' is right! It makes the mind go around and around. Ha!

Jan JD

lacoyote said...

Hi everyone!
Before my "what if" I would like to ask a "what is"..
What is past, present and future? Could it be that there really isn't any past or future? Perhaps, there is only now.
What if we live every possible outcome, because we exist in parallel realities?
As your vibration raises, your ability to see into other dimensions increases. What if you are seeing what is?
Good topic!