
Sunday, November 23, 2008


I have to wonder if free will might be either slightly over-rated or misunderstood. If the reason is choice, then what is the choice? What exactly is free will?
· It has been assumed by most of us, that we learn from our mistakes, or that without the valley’s we would never see the peaks. Or, without free will, we would all be robots, and we wouldn’t have a mind of our own. Why not? Why do we have to suffer in order to grow? Where did that come from?
· There has not been a civilization on this earth so far that has not fallen. Why is that? Why it is that mankind as a whole has not learned from past mistakes? How is mankind any different today? If it weren’t for a divine intervention of the new age, where would we be?
· The Hopi Indians say that mankind has forgotten how to live on Mother Earth. If we don’t stop, the very things that we abuse from our lack of respect will indeed destroy us. It would appear that we are doing a fine job. Look where our intelligence has taken us.
It makes me have to wonder what our creator had in mind when he gave us free will. I am not knocking it; I’m trying to understand it, because logic would tell us that we are missing a key ingredient.
I have been writing about animals. In a book by Jamie Sams & David Carson, who wrote MEDICINE CARDS, they say that animals can teach us to live in harmony with all of God's creation and Mother Earth. When you think about it, each animal lives in perfect obedience to a specific purpose within their own kind. Each has a lesson to teach us and if we paid attention, our mind, body and spirit would be healed.
I believe that the animal kingdom is one key, and is important to our survival, and how we ascend to forth dimensional reality. If we look at a few basic characteristics of animals;
· They sure don't need man to survive, in fact, it's mans interference that puts them at risk.
· They are born with keen instinct, and they know their place and are gracious for it.
· They are telepathic, and communicate with better understanding than we do.
· They see into other dimensions of reality.
· In their natural state, they are balanced, without fear.
Can you imagine what life would be like if we used our freewill to our greatest advantage by appreciating all the many things that are here on this earth and teach us to live in harmony? Everything we need is right in front of us, if we have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear.
As we get closer to the new age of Aquarius, more and more people are beginning to wake up. Everything I read suggests a life of harmony that is based on unconditional love for each other. No more suffering for the masses and everyone knows that we are one. I believe that mindset can accomplish far greater things than mankind has demonstrated so far.
I have always thought that truth parallels truth. I am looking for the parallel regarding freewill. Maybe, freewill is not present when we are one? Maybe, it’s one of life’s mysteries?
Does anyone have any thoughts?


Jan Toomer said...

Wow Lacoyote! Some heavy thinking going on! (smile)
I would venture to say that most do learn from their mistakes - maybe not the first time they make it - but usually one catches on.
Several personal thoughts come to mind with this first bullet - if it's given to us on a silver platter, is it always appreciated? Do we learn/develop from it? Do we appreciate something we had handed to us instead of working for it?
We choose our life lessons beforehand - let me say that again - WE choose our life lessons beforehand. WE each chose which stuff we would test make ourselves grow.

Second bullet -
Perhaps because we have not learned to become cohesive. We've not become cohesive as a town; a a state; a nation; a world; as beings (to include all that have life forces).
We still see ourselves as separate entities instead of part of the one whole.

I agree that animals have "gotten it" - while we, thinking we are the top species, the best, etc., we are really still struggling to "get it". I think this brings us back to not be cohesive.

Perhaps, since we are on this earth in physical form - and have yet to learn to 'be one' - we cannot know yet if freewill is present with cohesion. Hmm...

Jan Toomer

JLE said...

Do animals 'have it' because they don't have mankind's definition of free will? They live on instinct, obeying natures laws as it pertains to them. One bear does not depend on another bear unless it is her offspring... and then only for a time. Animals can and do teach us wonderful lessons of nature, yet they are not the complete answer. Who is to say that animals don't also 'choose' their lessons before birth as well? There is a difference between life forms, or is there? Are not we all connected, animal, mineral, vegetable and microbe? When ones (as a group) lessons are learned do they not disappear from the earth? Does it matter? Isn't free will here to help us figure everything out? (Either the easy way or the less often forgotten hard way).

Jan Toomer said...

I cannot answer on most of this, JLE (and would love to hear what others think) - but do know that the animals which are in our lives had chosen, as we did, to share their life with us - just as we planned time with those around us.