
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Book Review - Reincarnation - E

"Many Lives, Many Masters”, Brian L. Weiss, M.D.(c) 1988. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-671-65786-0.

Dr. Weiss learns about reincarnation - read the review here

Jan Toomer


Mway said...

I read this book some time ago and completely agree with your review. I attended a John Edward event last year and he also recommends the book. I think Dr. Weiss was a special guest when John Edward's "Crossing Over" was still on the air.

Jan Toomer said...

I would love to hear Weiss speak - unfortunately, cruises and/or week long seminars (where he will be speaking), are out of the question right now.
As for John Edwards (Love that guy!) - I believe his show is back on (at least on satellite TV) - been watching him on the weekends. I was so excited when Crossing Over initially came out - he explained how some receive information accurately and in a very easy to understand way. Edwards is another that I would like to see/hear in person.
