
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The only thing that will bring about change into this new age is that the earth is shaken and that we are shaken. There is absolutely no doubt now, that we are well on our way. It's all according to the Divine plan in the correct and just time.

I was so proud to be an American on Monday, when the 700 dollar bail out was voted down.

It was all the phone calls from the people. It was the people, standing firm against corruption, and demanding justice. The people protesting in the streets, knowing full well, they would probably be arrested unjustly. Yet, they did it any way, to protect our freedom. It was the people that stopped that bill from passing.

We, the people, proved that we are the majority. We will have victory!

There are many people, some with out even realizing it, that are awakening to their true self, They are remembering who they are. There for, it's that kind of action, that we witnessed Monday, when people stand for freedom and light, regardless of the cost, that very powerful things happen.

Remember who you are. Schools out now. Its time to clean out our lockers, and leave all the old behind. We have already shown that we are well trained. We are still here, and ready to go forth with power.

The road is going to get bumpy. There are clever, cunning, powers that be, that are very desperate to try to block this transformation of the dawning of the New Age of Aquarius.

The Universe and our Mother Earth calls each of us to action now. Reject negativity, and fear. Rely on the inner resources and strength, with in each of us, and walk fearlessly in your rightful power. For we are spiritual beings of light, the Gate Keepers, the warriors of light. We chose to be here at this time, as one, united with God , to be of assistance, and welcome the New Age of Aquarius.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Ever been around an infant who is laughing? I have, and I cannot help but to respond to that laughter. It is pure, uninhibited, simplistic and joyous. It radiates throughout their whole being.

My energy becomes light, and I have to laugh with them. My whole being responds to their delightful giggles.

In our hectic, busy lives, we sometimes forget to laugh; and, sadly, it takes a bit more to trigger our “funny bones” as adults, and bring out that deep felt laugh. But, when it does hit, we laugh hard – our sides hurt, our eyes tear up, we gasp for air, and we love it!

There are different degrees of laughter ranging from a soft chuckle to gut busting – and it is all good for us.

When one is laughing, a genuine laugh, it does amazing things to our bodies and to our energy. When someone laughs, their energy field gets a tremendous boost – and the energy around them sparkles and pops, like fireworks.

How about letting more lifting laughter into your life?


Friday, September 26, 2008

Oct 14 Update

I came across a video that can be viewed on YouTube, regarding a time for a mass meditation to welcome the space ship. This meditation is to take place on Oct 14 at 2200 hours, British Standard Time. For us in Arizona, that is 2:00 PM. Anyone interested can see it at:

I would also encourage you to go to the following web site for a full explanation on what this visit is all about. Blossom Goodchild, is the medium that this information from the Light Federation, is channeled through.

A couple things that I might add: Oct 14, is also at the end of Retrograde.

On Oct 14, Nasa has two space shuttles on the launch pad. One, the Space Shuttle "Atlantis" is scheduled to launch that day, and the other is standing by for a rescue mission. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.............

Any comments?

Retrograde Mercury

Well, as most of you know, my mind sees Astrology as a number based system - which means I seem to be unable to retain most everything about it. However, I do remember what Mercury going retrograde means (probably from too many first hand experiences! Ha!).

It means that anything having to do with communications, goes haywire. This includes (but is not limited to): starting new contracts, verbal communication, body language can be misinterpreted, etc. In other words, anything having to do with communicating.

So, please be careful (including driving), listen fully, and have patience.

Mercury goes direct again on October 15th.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Anthony Preman - Magellan Numerology

The article about Anthony Preman has been moved to : - please check it out!

Jan Toomer

Book Review - Understanding Death - E

“Illuminating the Afterlife: Your Soul’s Journey Through the Worlds Beyond.” Cyndi Dale. © 2008, Sounds True, Inc. ISBN 978-1-59179-944-3.

Read this review, and words from the author, here

Jan Toomer

Oct 14, 2008

This is going to be a great event indeed.

We are truly blessed to be alive right now!

New discoveries are unfolding each day, we grow closer to the the Dawn of the New Age. The information is coming so fast, that it's hard to decide what topic to write about.Is it me, or is every one experiencing this? Life just feels different.

When I say that we are truly blessed, it's a double blessing.

First: In the past,and for the most part, we have had to rely on our faith that what we believed is truth.To see a request manifest could take months and even years. That is not the case now. Every word out of your mouth,and every thought is manifesting almost immediately. All the things that we have heard concerning spirituality,is now scientifically, a reality. All we need to do now is own it.

On October 14, we have a chance to see a space ship, that is 2000 miles across,and will remain in our skies for three days, for the whole world to see. IF we want to. It's free will.

I think that it will be absolutely fantastic if we just look up, and there it is. Perhaps, that will be the way it happens. However, the message to us is: Are we ready to see it? How many of us that are aware of this event have told other people about it? We have to collectively, on this earth,state our intent to bring it here. That was the only request. They are coming for us. It's only for validation.

It's possible that it will be visible to only those that ask. It might be a lesson to show what we can manifest as a whole, if we come together and meditate with the intent to see it.

I don't know. There are a couple of links that are worth looking at. I would love to get some feed back on this.

"You Are The Light"

Cool short flick.
Mary Robinson Reynolds - and Make A Difference ( really do some neat work.
Go ahead...check it out.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lightworker's Syndrome

Stressed from energy work? Check out Lightworker's Syndrome archived at:

By: Jan JD Toomer

Book Review - Ghosts - E

"Aaron's Crossing: An Inspiring True Ghost Story", by Linda Alice Dewey. (c) 2006, Hampton Roads Publishing Company. ISBN 1-57174-512-2.

Based on a true story, here is the review of "Aaron's Crossing..."

Jan Toomer

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Time is Now

For those who come to this blog, it's important that you know that there is no such thing as coincidence. Therefore, if you have been drawn here, know that it's because you have a valuable role in helping others to prepare for what is just ahead, as we are transformed and enter fourth dimension reality, the New Age of Aquarius.

I was very fortunate to complete Jan’s metaphysic course in person with her. Through her guidance, I have experienced things long forgotten, or taken for granted, there for overlooked.

It has taken me forever to realize that we are our own unique part of one. Every part is needed to be complete. Every part has its own truth, to stay healthy and productive, and there is not one part any better that the other, nor is there any one part that can replace the other. If we lose any part of who we are, then we are not complete.

Along the way, we hurt parts, break parts, sometimes intentionally. It’s through experience that we learn to overcome, and therefore we become strong. If one part is in trouble, the whole sends energy, i.e., love, to support and uplift that part. This healing is necessary for the whole to be complete.

All we have to do is look within, and feel our truth, know who we are, own our God given birthright and then stand firm in it. Nobody can take that away.

Therefore, we can't die, because all creation is one. Once we know this as truth, we understand that all things work together for good {to those that love God, i.e. the “one” i.e. US}.

Look within, and feel, your truth. Allow love and light to guide you; be in a place of calm peace, no matter how bizarre something may seem.

Keep in mind that we are entering into Fourth Dimension Reality, right now. It is a new way, one that has never happened before. To say that we are blessed, is a gross understatement.

It’s important to stand firm in your truth, and regardless of how bizarre things are going to appear, know that you are protected because of who you are.

There are things happening right now, that are going to try your imagination to the max. They are real, and we have to stay balanced in love and firm in our conviction, because we are going to see unimaginable things and the explanations that are going to be given, will be lies. It’s already happening. However, as Dannion Brinkley says, “we win”.

Knowledge is power. Lack of knowledge, is fear. There is no time for that.



Recent and Current Events

Last Saturday, while browsing on YouTube, my new favorite past time, I came across a 15 part video; The National Press Club UFO Conference, which was located in Washington D.C. on November 12, 2007.

In this series of video clips, parts two through thirteen, were testimony from civilian, military, and government people, holding high positions all over the world, to include the United States. Case after case, they presented factual evidence that UFOs do exist. It was moderated by former Arizona governor, Fife Symington. He was one of hundreds that witnessed the 1997 UFO sighting over Phoenix, Nevada, and Sonora, Mexico.

Experts, to include people from our own country, were appalled by the actions that the United States Government takes to cover up UFO activity, saying that Americans couldn’t handle the truth.

This conference was held in hope that our Government might reopen previous cases they have hidden from the world and be truthful about their findings. People from other countries say it is their duty to report accurate information, and to do any less is irresponsible.

Well folks, perhaps, they won’t have a choice.

If you Google October 14, 2008, you will discover that an alien ship, is planning to appear on earth, and will remain here for all to see, for three days. There will be absolutely no doubt that it is real. They are coming in peace, and their first visit is to make their presence known. They ask all light workers to inform as many people as possible, to understand that they are coming to help earth to ascend. This is so cool. However, powers that be are going to try to tell us that they are a threat, when in fact; the powers that be are the threat, if it were possible.

There has to be a shaking up, in order for the new to come forth. If you do your home work, you will clearly see that there are some here in power, that has an agenda, and if they succeed, life will suck for most of us, in a way that is as bizarre as you are probably thinking the space ship coming is. They are coming to help us. They realize we need this intervention.

See it for yourself. Many, unrelated sites are saying the same thing. There are some important instructions to follow to really benefit from this visit. It would be tragic to miss the blessing of one of the greatest events you will ever encounter. You notice, I said “one.” And if it’s a hoax, what have you lost?

Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channeling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channeling the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ for seven years now and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings.

Another site to check out about a major event going on as I write. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is currently running an experiment that causes concern. Take a look at

When I first showed Gene the video of the upcoming October 14, 2008, visitation, he got quiet, and said that is in the same time frame as the CERN kick off. Do you understand what this experiment means?

Is this coincidence? I think not. Pay close attention to what is going on around you. I know my dogs appear to be seeing something and growl at nothing and it’s in and out all night long, barking. Do they know something we don’t know? One is a basset hound, and I have never known her to be restless.

Life that we have all known is gone. This Changing Face of Time is the true reality of where we are and where we are going. It’s that 96.4% empty space {spirit} of the atom. It’s up to each one of us whether we want to go down with the old, until next time, or do we want to embrace our birth right and walk into the higher density dimension and experience harmony and love that are ever lasting? We have paid our dues. Now is the time to decide. Please, make the time, and do your homework. This experience won’t come around again for 26,000 years. And even then, it won’t be this experience.



Monday, September 15, 2008

Website Changes

I wanted to let you all know that the website - (aka is growing.

"Metaphysical Extras" page has been added - this page is for articles from metaphysical workers, and/or about metaphysical workers. I have requested articles from the metaphysical community for this page. Articles will run about one week on the website, then will be transferred over to this blog and kept here.

The "Metaphysical Extras" also has "Links of Interest", which has been added.

Thank you all for such wonderful support in this! You guys are great!


Saturday, September 13, 2008


Hubby and I took off this morning for a much needed time-in-town break. As we were returning, we saw an awesome sight.

Nine red-tailed hawks were banked together at the water along side our road. As we neared, they all flew off a bit off the road and circled together.

We stopped and watched - absolutely beautiful creatures! And I have never seen so many together in the wild.



Friday, September 12, 2008


I have had trouble trying to post on this site in the past. When you want to comment or post, it will ask you for your user name and password. The are posts that never got on here because it would tell me I had the wrong password or user name. I even went so far as to re-set them to be able to log on.

I finally figured out that when it asks you for your user name, you have to use your email address. This is deceiving.

Chris told me that he too experienced the same thing.

So for all of you that might be having the same problem, don't give up. This is a new blog, and it's starting to get very positive results.

Blogging is a good way to contribute to the whole, and is appreciated. Nothing is stupid. If one person reading can get something they need, then its worth the time to write. It's also good training for the days ahead. We are all going to need each other in a big way.

Sept 12th

Just wanted to touch base after the Sept. 11th anniversary.

Some are still feeling sluggish or down right ditzy and/or unconnected. It isn't over yet. Please be aware that the seven years of anguish, shock, fear, etc. cannot be purged in one day. But, the good news is, the purging has begun.

On top of that, the empaths and others are also feeling the charged energy from hurricane Ike as it nears - as well as feeling the human aspects of fear, uncertainty, etc. connected to Ike's approach.

Some of the "symptoms" are what I mentioned for the purging of the seven year cycle (Sept. 11th seven year anniversary) - along with difficulty staying focused on this here third dimension (sorry, my southern is showing).

Difficulty staying focused means you need to be careful when you are out and about. My child called today to say two of her friends, in two different parts of the state, had car incidents. Neither was harmed, thankfully. This is what can happen when we are not focused.

For me it meant, for at least today, electrical, mechanical and technology and I did not get along. I touched it and it either quit working, conked out, or went haywire. I had to walk away, do something that didn't require me having contact with any of the above mentioned items and let the energies balance back out.

All returned to normal. :-)

So hang in there folks! Keep shielded and focused!

This too shall pass.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


A few nights ago, I was meditating before I went to bed. I wanted to activate DNA and I wanted to activate the crown chakra. I was feeling it from with in, and concentrating until I fell asleep.

I began dreaming that my DNA was being activated, and it was making me very nauseous, and my stomach was cramping. I acknowledged this, but wanted to keep going anyway. This feeling finally woke me up, and I was still sick. It became more intense and I was so dizzy that I had to get up and open the window. When I went back to bed, this activation continued. I was wiped out the next day.

I did chakra work while taking Jan's metaphysical classes, and I never had that kind of a reaction before. So I asked Jan about it. First, she reminded me to be careful of what you ask for. She also said that I was asking for too much at once. Perhaps, she will write the explanation of what happened to me.

It seems like all these kinds of experiences are being magnified right now. Perhaps, we are being activated. Every thought, and every word we speak is creating our reality, and is going to manifest very fast. There is no doubt that we are changing.

What's Your Purpose in Life?

Can you imagine, communicating telepathically, communicating with people that are dead, and talking to them and seeing them right next to you, being able to teleport or travel through time?

Can you imagine living in a world in harmony with every thing and everyone? Living without the fear and stress of how you are to survive, or what natural disaster might threaten you? Or having a career that you love, and having instant positive results that is gratifying?

We are the chosen ones that are here at this time to assist, if you will, the birth of this new age on Mother Earth. We can't do that with old three dimensional knowledge. Realize that there is a cosmic event that is occurring right now that is expanding your awareness. It's time to realize the divine, great, playfully, powerful, spiritual being, with dignity, direction and purpose, that you are. It's time to honor your birth right with dignity, to look with in for direction, and fulfill your purpose in the master plan of this new age.

I know this sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it's not. If you will open your heart in sincerity, and look with in, you will find amazing things begin to happen.

My mom tried to live her life as an example of divine spirituality. She became sick, and we were told by the doctor's that she had very little time left. We sat together and cried because our lives were about to change forever from what we knew. So we cried, and appreciated the time we had and the memories, and then we moved on.

This is where we are now. Its time to move on.

The world that we grew up in is gone. The "American Dream" went out the window after 9/11.

Governments, large corporation CEOs, secrete organizations, religion, and the like, have an agenda. Just about every thing we have been told is a lie to control us through fear. Some will stay in this brain washing mind set, and will continue to live their life based in fear, stress and disease.

God, the creator of this perfect universe, is calling you right now, to take your place. This is your purpose, otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

SEP 11th

Hi all!
Over the last three or four days, I have felt tired, draggy and heavy. I finally tuned in this morning to see what is going on.

It is the 7th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies. For those of you who know me, numbers is NOT my thing. But I do know that there are seven year cycles. What does that mean in relation to this topic? I feel that, USA-wide, it is significant, and possibly will hit hard (emotionally) this year.

The earth and it's inhabitants are going through many changes right now - and, I feel, the significance of the seven year anniversary is that there may be some heavy cleansing about it - hence the tired, draggy, heavy feeling.

My thoughts and prayers for those who gave their lives; for those who lost their lives; for those who lost loved ones; and for the survivors. I ask that healing energy be sent to all at this time.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008


A few months ago, in an email, which I will post a part of at the end of this post, I wrote about things that now, appear to be focused around the year 2012. Since then, it has become a passion to understand what it means to all of us at this time. Many hours of research reveals urgent information that I want to share, as it is the basis of my future posts.

First, if I am understanding this right, I want to explain what 2012 is. I welcome correction from anyone that better understands, as we are all in this together.

The winter solstice in the year 2012 falls on December 21. Actually, scientists are saying it is December 23. It's then that the solstice sun will align with the center of the Milky Way. At the same time, the earth completes a wobble around the axis known as the procession of the equinox. This changes our planet's angular orientation with in the galaxy. This only happens once every 26,000 years. The sun's alignment in the center of the Milky Way is also referred to as the Dark Rift. The Mayans also referred to this Dark Rift as the cave or underworld. A NEW AGE... The age of Aquarius!

A few facts regarding this Dark Rift;
It has only been with in the last five years that scientists have discovered a black hole in the center of our Milky Way. Could this be the same?
Mayan prophecy refers to this Dark Rift as a cave or underworld, and that Kokokun, a great Mayan God, symbolic of the serpent, will return in 2012.

It's also the year of the Dragon according to Chinese astrology. The serpent/ dragon both play a valuable role in 2012. They represent wisdom, enlightenment, power, and rebirth by shedding their skin.

One thing that I think is vitally important. The 13th sign of our zodiac; Ophiuchus. In 2012, Ophiuchus is in the Dark Rift and the sign of Ophiuchus is the serpent. Its also the only star in our constellation that was named after a man. He was known for introducing medicine to the world. Mythology says that he raised a snake from the dead with herbs. The rulers of that day thought they would loose control over the masses if this knowledge were to get out. As a result, he was put to death, and Ophiuchus was named in his honor. I t is also the medical symbol that we still use today. see Ophiuchus, in a previous post on this site.

Think of the implications! What does all this mean to us? Why the urgency? Because we have an opportunity to create this New Age. That's why the angels envy us. We will have all of our powers and abilities restored to us. This is why we must change our perception of what we hold true now.

Every religion, and every culture in our modern day speak of this event.

We must not forget that there were many ancient civilizations that were destroyed because of their selfishness and greed. Experts that study ancient Atlantis say that their advanced technology and power, is equal to where we are today.

There is an order to the Universe and Earth. On our earth, there is a hierarchy. It's an effective connect chain of command.
Mineral Kingdom
Plant Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Human Kingdom
Spiritual Kingdom.... Heaven on Earth

If we destroy any of the Kingdoms under our care, common sense should tell us that we are next.

According to scientists all over the world, we are going to experience a solar flare in 2010 or 2011. This has the ability to shift our North and South Pole. The earth is going to go through major disasters unlike any thing we have ever seen. Not everyone on earth is going to ascend into this new age at this time.

Everything regarding 2012 is scientific. Do your homework. Remember, an atom is 5% mass and 94.6% void, i.e. spirit. Our reality here will never be more than 5% because we are spiritual beings living in a 5% human reality....

The ancient civilizations’ offer us a We were the ancient cavitations. We knew that we were going to be here during this time to get it right. We also knew that we wouldn't remember important facts to warn us to prepare. We knew that tablets and documents would be destroyed, lost or misinterpreted, so we left hieroglyphics and art in our great pyramids to guide us into the New Age. A key to our future is to remember our past. Have we learned our lesson? It will be another 26,000 years before this comes around again.

So now hopefully, you understand why I had to write this. My future postings will be my experiences to share as I open to my intent to ascend. It is our responsibility to prepare the earth for this change. By doing so, we prepare ourselves. I am not going to miss this. Its the greatest event that has ever taken place and we are the chosen people to create it. I feel a reverence that shakes me to my core. We are truly divine.

Now for the email I wrote;

I feel the following needs immediate attention. I first have to offer this back round to validate the message.

The Precession of the Equinoxes is approx 26000 yr cycle....2150 yrs = 1 age

Right now we are living in the age of Pisces. It is the sign of the two fish. It is the age of Jesus, many scriptures in the bible make reference to this. Matt: 14:17 Jesus feeds 5000 people with bread and two fish... The sign of Amaranth.. The Pope's hat, if turned inconvertibly, is a fish head.

Luke 22:10 says "Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a MAN MEET YOU BEARING A PITCHER OF WATER.. follow him into the HOUSE where he entereth in. This scripture is the most relevant of all astrological references in the bible. The MAN bearing the water is AQUARIUS, the water bearer.

You can parallel all the ages of the zodiac to events in history, to include the Bible. This proves the validity of the Bible. There are no coincidences, there for, when taken in its proper context, it would appear that the bible is an important part of our foundation in this universal master plan. . However, every thing is about to change. We are leaving the age of Pisces.

Matt: 28:20 "I will be with you even to the end of the world". This is one of the many mis-translations of the bible. In the King James version it says "I will be with you even to the end of the aeon. The correct translation of aeon means AGE.

Could this also explain why the Mayan Calendar only goes to the year 2012. Is this because it marks the end of an age?

A new thing is coming. The definition of new: of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time; novel: a new concept of the universe.

Perhaps, in the beginning , all of us on this planet came here as immigrants from every galaxy. We have been through every age through reincarnation. We have paid our dues. We have done what we came here to do. We have established ourselves and we have thrived and become one. Now we step into the end of this chapter as one. All of us have interbred and have created our own race of being, which is part of the whole. We came here with everything we needed to build on this creation. Like getting a construction Loan to build a house. They fund and you take draws to fund different phases, but not all at once. So is our DNA. Its activated as we need it. So, when we talk about our founding fathers, past lives etc. I now get it, its been us all along. And we all will see it , everyone that came here to do this, otherwise , it wouldn't be complete. AND what is the one thing that stops us from flying? Fear? As we are activated, wouldn't fear go out the window?

This new way is with in us right now. Additional DNA strings are beginning to be activated. As this happens, we remember more and more. We have all the answers.

On the natural side, Our planet , which is alive and is a part of the whole, just as we are, and is evolving and changing in very subtle ways. People are waking to find they have abilities that are manifesting quickly before their eyes. They speak of things that they have never heard of before. We are gearing up for the new age. Our bodies are changing just as the planet is. Scientists are looking at technology and medical advancement in a whole new way.

Its in each one of us and at a specific time that we agreed to before we came here, each of our abilities or purpose or place in this puzzle, are going to be activated and we are going to respond. Light overcomes dark and when the spirit of light comes to you , there is no choice in the matter, it will prevail. It will like being awakened from a long sleep.

This new age has a much higher vibration .

Its hard to believe that some of us just might live to see it all happen, It might be the 1000 years of peace that the bible speaks about. This would appear to mean that people will realize and know that we are one with each other and the earth.

So, it would appear, to help one another, to encourage each other to trust in ones self and to believe that they have the answers, not to teach per say, and certainly not to teach old ways, but to fellowship with each other, to raise the vibration as a whole and to compare and share ideas on the new ways of doing things. To barter ideas, tools needed to perform miracles for the good of all, because we are all one.

Perhaps, a gathering would be to simply have a fair well celebration to our old way of being? To appreciate the ride we have been on, experience the sadness we should feel because we will miss the "old times" and appreciate them for what we learned through them? But its graduation time. The future is promising. .

The dragon is on its way.

I would like to know if you know anything about this:
I heard that there are lower vibrational entities coming to earth in masses right now. It is supposed to have something to do with the vibration being raised globally. Why would it be just now?

I recently read that the only thing that will bring about change into this new age is that the earth is shaken and that we are shaken. Its already beginning to happen. You have to know to not be afraid. Only of you keep a very open channel, an open mind and no fear, will great insights and revelation come to you. You don't need a guru or go to India for answers, you don't have to do anything except learn to be still, to get in touch in silence, with in yourself. Get rid of all negativity and begin to view life as a challenge, a testing ground of your own inner resources and strength.

Does any of this make any sense?

YouTube - Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold 1of3

Monday, September 8, 2008

As one who trys to pay attention to my inner urgings I find syncronicitys in my life. The latest I was reading a novel which I couldnt read fast enough to verify it was not fiction. Being an inventor (bringing ideas back from other realities) this story was one I could relate to. Stephen Lewis claims to have found a way to measure or identify subtal frequencies related to humans and a way to manipulate those frequencies to achieve a balanced place for one to overcome their imbalances, or heal themselves.
In the mid 80's when I heard about the discovery of super conductors I had the idea that we could now make instruments to record and measure healthy and unhealthy frequencys in the body, if we could do this it should be possible to treat or change those to healthy frequencies. In my reasearch I found a hundred years or so ago we had as much reasearch on treating illness with electricity(frequency) as we had with chemicals (durgs). In the wisdom of our medical professions we dropped our reasearch with frequencies and moved forward with what has become our medical profession. Untill about ten years ago chiropractors were not reconized as medical professionals many still consider them to be quacks. Nicholi Telessa found a way to take electricity out of the static charge in the air so to speak. Men like Westinghouse pulled his funding and set out to discredit him (another quack). Many of us fell in line being obedient sheep following those who were so adept at controling our reality.
As one who asks questions I chose to be a Duck hoping more will give up the reality of the sheep following whoever has the most money, candy, sweets, and power. I chose to rely upon an inner power I BELIEVE WE ALL POSSESS. Sanctuary The Path To Consciousness a novel by Stephen Lweis & Evan Slawson sparks the Duck within. EMC2 and the AIM program is worth checking out. Quack,Quack,Quack.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wounded Warriors Site

I know this is off topic....
Here is a link to Wounded Warriors.

Please check it out for information or to give a donation.


Friday, September 5, 2008


I found this to be interesting about dreams, and I thought I would share it. I seemed to ring true for me.

First, you ask to remember your dream before you go to sleep. You also want to know that you are dreaming, in your dream.

Keep a note book next to your bed, so when you awake, you can write the dream.

Here is the catch.

Write down the dream, but do not pay any attention to what you are writing. Don't try to analyze it in any way.

Make each sentence separate and numbered. Walk away from it for awhile, and when you come back, take it line by line. See where it applies to current events that might be happening in your life at that time.Include any feeling that may have experienced in the dream.

I am thinking that all dreams have to mean something. There is no such thing as coincidence, right?

Parallel Universe

Did you know that the basic structure of all reality is an atom? And, if you were to look inside this atom under an electron micro scope, you would find that 94.6% is empty space. The other 5% is physical reality. The 94.6%, is the spiritual and emotional nature of you. So, what becomes important? I choose the 94.6.

We are spiritual beings, and if we start looking at things from this perspective, we will begin to see clearly, because physical reality will never be more than 5%.

With this in mind, think about multi dimensional reality, or parallel universe, which is the multi verse theory. An example of this would be our cell phone. If I were to give you a cell phone, bury you in the ground, place a statute on top of you , and tell you at 7:00 PM, call this number to a bar on the other side of the planet and ask what the drink special is. Cell phones operate on micro waves that go right through you. They don't care about all the obstacles between you and the location of that bar. How many dimensions did the micro waves travel through to get the drink special? A DVD, or CD is an even better example, because it reads the plastic with light rays and the audio through color generating heat.

If you can imagine, your working with chemicals in a factory. So you wear these gloves, and for eight hours, your focus is on what you are doing with these gloves on. When your eight hours is up, you take off the gloves and go home. When you have the gloves on, your looking at the 5% physical reality. You take off the gloves and you are in the 94.6. We really live in heaven. We never left. We are only hear on a mission, and when we take off the gloves in a few hours, we're out of here.

Neat huh?

These are only a couple examples of the information I learned, {or shall I say remembered} from listening to a lecture by Dannion Brinkley, entitled, "The Changing Face of Time". You can find it on Google Videos.

Dannion Brinkley was struck by lightening in 1975, and was pronounced dead for 28 minutes. He came back to life with extraordinary gifts. He has been featured on Unsolved Mystery's ,and is the author of Saved by the Light and At Peace in the Light as well as his latest, co-authored by his wife, Kathryn, entitled, The Secrets of the Light: Spiritual Strategies to Empower Your Life…Here and in the Hereafter. Dannion’s first best selling book was made into a television motion picture by the Fox Network, in over 30 countries, since 1995. Currently, Kathryn and Dannion are working to develop a movie based on their book, The Secrets of the Light and the opening of the first Brinkley Light Center.

I will continue to write about his topics. His message of light and love, is invaluable as we near the year 2012 .

Check it out, you will be glad you did.

Sacred Desert

I've lived in the Sonora Desert all of my life. It was a play ground for my sisters, my brother, and me. With a few rocks, saguaro ribs, and a little imagination, we would entertain our selves all day. We hiked every inch of the desert for miles, rode horses, and in my brother's case, enjoyed catching rattle snakes in jars. The desert was all we knew, or so we thought.

For the next fifteen years, the desert was to be our school, and experience was our teacher. However, like most kids, I didn't appreciate this precious gift until I was much older.

In the desert, everything is a lesson that will challenge your abilities. It will test you, and force you to look deep with in yourself to find strength and endurance. You learn quickly to pay attention to where you are, and what is going on around you. It demands your respect to survive, as it's a dangerous place, and has no patience for ignorance.

It's a sacred place, and the energy is almost mystical. If you stay still and listen, you will begin to hear the spirit speak to you. This can come in many ways.

There is the obvious, if you take things for granted. The desert doesn't care about ego, and it will make a believer out of you. Animals, scorpions, and venomous snakes blend into the back round and you won't see them unless they want you to. Hopefully, they give you a warning by allowing you to see them.

There are violent lightening storms and flash floods that can be four feet deep, and they appear out of nowhere.

The temperatures in the desert are extreme. It's common to see high temperatures averaging 110 degrees during the day, and at sunset, they may drop 40 degrees. Every year, people that are not prepared are hospitalized from heat strokes.

The Hopi Indians say that man has forgotten the instructions on how to live in the desert. They believe that there is spirit in all things created and that we are all one. The land asks that you take only what you need. There are certain herbs that grow under trees that provide medicines for animals and people. These are communities in nature. Man has lost respect, and allowed greed to rule him. He cuts all the trees, there for, the herbs don't grow and there is no medicine. This is one example that is causing a serious imbalance in nature. The land reacts to this. Harmony must be restored if we are to survive.

Forty years have passed, and I still live in the desert. I now have an appreciation for this magical place. Life is extreme in the desert, and so is spirit and beauty.

The most magnificent burst of reds, oranges, yellows and purple fill the entire western sky at sunset. You experience the splendor of God's creation. The colorful formations of the clouds, will leave you memorized by their messages of healing energies.

The night sky is equally inspiring. The stars are so bright, and so many of them. They offer you a glimpse into their dimension and you experience a heightened awareness that will change your perception of how you see things. There is no other place like it.

To sit on a rock, on the side of a mountain, after a rain is awesome. Everything is so clean and crisp. The colors in the rocks and the wild flowers are vibrant. The sound of Cactus Wrens talking to each other, toads croaking, and most of all, the smell of the mesquite beans. It's sweet fragrance reminds me of home when I was growing up.

It is my sincere desire, that all people open their heart to the understanding that we are all one in spirit with Mother Earth. Her gifts to us are invaluable. As I said above, the land reacts to our intentions. Can you imagine how it would be if our intentions were to give back, out of love and respect ?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Book Review - Visions - E

“Spirit Visions – The Old Ones Speak”, By Dennison and Teddi Tsosie. Copyright 1997. Blue Dolphin Publishing. ISBN 1-57733-002-1.

Read the review of Dennison's book here...

Jan Toomer