“Safe as Houses? Ill Health and Electro-stress in the Home”, David Cowan and Rodney Girdlestone, copyright 1995. Gateway Books. ISBN 1-85860-037-5.
Cowan and Girdlestone walks the reader through electromagnetics, how the affect the body, and so much more! Now archived at http://metaphysical-studies.com/blog/?cat=58
Jan Toomer
So that is what is going on! My whole house must be zapped because I haven't felt very inspired for awhile now. How do they suggest you check for such a thing? Is it like a "global warming" thing that we have done to ourselves? I have noticed that when the computer that is in my bed room is left on at night, besides the fact that it heats my room up, my sleep is restless. If I get up and turn it off, every thing returns to normal. Hmmm....
What is the ringing that you hear in your head? Could that also be related?
Boy, you ask some loaded questions! Ha. There are a lot of things they recommend to protect yourself.
Some common entry points are electrical outlets (and devices plugged into them). Try not to sit near or have the items near you. Sometimes this is not very practical. For instance, I have a phone next to me on my nightstand. A big no-no. However, I want the phone there so I can reach it if need be.
Personally I did notice that having a TV in my bedroom really messed me up - even if it wasn't on. TV was banned from the bedrooms.
Hubby used to work with a lot of electrical equipment, and if I went to visit him at work - I would literally vibrate; get sick to my stomach and my head felt like it was buzzing inside (perhaps similar to your ringing?) and I would be very jittery for hours. I no longer visited him at work.
I have found that placing rose quartz, clear quartz or tourmalated (sp?) quartz near my computer center lessens the effects for me.
They cover so much in this book that I could barely make a dent in it here.
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