
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Animal Totems

I know I talk alot about animal totems. I feel I don't utilize this enough in my life, but should!

Day before we had an exciting morning. Apparently a weasel (aka ferret) had gotten stuck in our patio. Man, what a smell!

Hubby was finally able to chase the poor scared (stinky) thing off the patio. A few hours in the sun, and the patio items no longer stunk.

After things settled a bit, hubby said we needed to read up on ferret and see what message it was bringing to us.

I really like the book "Animal-Speak" by Ted Andrews - and have added "Animal-Wise" by Ted Andrews as well (this one has animals not covered in his first animal book).

Ferret's keynotes are about being quiet, which helps in finding out about the hidden stuff and/or finding a balance between aggressiveness and playfulness. Hmmm.


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