
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Energy Update – March 10, 2022


Scrabble letter tiles on a table with a light gold tablecloth. A green letter stand reads Update.

    ~ Changes ~   

The keywords for now are (these are not necessarily bad things):

  • Changes
  • Upheavals
  • Shifting
  • Decision-making
  • Path creating
  • Patience

The energies right now are pointing towards changes both human and Mother Earth.

It’s human nature to (generally) not like things to change, but, to quote John Maxwell, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” Without change, things become stagnant and perhaps unhealthy. Having said that, some changes may come that are decidedly not healthy. This is where your spiritual teaching comes in. What’s the real purpose? What’s the truth of this? And asking these without judgement or fear.

We can also ask and seek and answer for these questions: What good can we do to shift things to a healthier way? What good can we get out of this and make it beneficial to us? How can we be the voice of clear thinking and speaking?

One the things I’ve talked about before is how it’s not the hard things we go through that creates imbalances or what some term “karma”; rather, it’s the way we handle it. If we handle things with hate, anger, judgement, go into and remain in victim-mode, etc., then we create an imbalance in us. If we rise above it, we can act (instead of react) with clear vision and thoughts.

I feel (as of right now) that from April 6th to around June 6th, we will be in the energy of upheavals, changes, and shifting. These may require us to move into decision-making mode and create new paths. And coming together to help one another – not go into “us versus them”. And we are being asked to stand tall, stay out of fear, and expand our Heart Center.

We got this.

Now, the way my insights sometimes works, the upheaval or change may be a casual blip in one’s life. This has happened to me many times where my Team asks me to be ready for a major change. Well, to me, I felt like I blinked and missed it; but to the other side, it was a monumental pivotal moment on my path. shrugs

The other energy coming through this week is so similar to Mercury Retrograde that I thought I missed the start date of Mercury Retrograde. I did not, but the energy is definitely Mercury Retrograde-like. We have communication glitches: including electronic, written and verbal communication. We also have one step forward – two steps back feeling; agitation and/or frustration, and all the other joys of Mercury Retrograde without having Mercury Retrograde (which goes Retrograde starting April 1st). This started last week and will go through this coming week. So, patience please.

Even though I gave time frames and/or dates, please know that we are truly in a time of changes that are not going to stop at the end of this week or the end of June; changes will be going on as we move forward.

And if it helps any, no matter what kind of changes we’ll be experiencing, I am excited. I feel like, “Finally!"



by Jan Toomer




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