A medium, to me, is a go-between, meaning that the medium utilizes senses beyond the physical senses to communicate with, and relay information from spirits or earthbounds (ghosts).
It’s the job of the medium to take the received information – which comes in what I call light packets (kind of light envelopes) – open the light packet, translate it into words and share it orally or in written form.
I believe, however, that a medium, if so inclined, is also able to assist earthbounds or ghosts in crossing over (removing them from the Earth energy, also known as “crossing over” or “going into the light”).
There’s also the aspect, again if the medium is so inclined, called Deathwalker, Psychopomp or a Spiritual or Energetic Death Doula. These are the mediums who aid those who are nearing end-of-life by sharing what they’ve learned (from being a medium) about what happens after the physical body ceases functioning (death). For this part, you can get a glimpse of this in the article, “We Do Not Cease to Exist”.
Types of Mediums
A medium can be clairaudient (clear hearing), clairsentient (clear sensing or feeling), claircognizant (clear knowing), and/or clairvoyant (clear seeing). There’s also clairgustance (clear tasting) and clairalience (clear smelling).
Most mediums use one or two “clairs” – I use all of them, though clairalience and clairgustance aren’t used as much for me.
There is also trance or physical mediumship channeling. This is when a spirit or being uses the human medium’s voice, eyes, and/or hands (automatic writing) to communicate directly to the client. For me personally, I am not a fan of sharing my physical body in that manner; I want all aspects of my body to be occupied by me alone.
Some define physical mediumship as one who works with the spirit realms to allow the spirits to physically interact with our realm, such as the spirit making knocking noises or moving or levitating items.
Others yet define physical mediumship as one who is able to physically feel the deceased or being’s pre-death injury, illness, or their death in the medium’s own body, such as with (an extreme) clairsentience.
What Would A Session Look Like?
I can speak for myself only; each person is unique and works their way. Also, each session can be completely different from the last.
When someone comes to me for a consultation, I prefer not knowing any details before their arrival; having said that, most clients, once sitting in front of me (Zoom or phone) will immediately begin sharing why they reached out to me. Their Team (of guides) will direct the session as needed for the client.
An Example
One man came to see me because he felt he was stuck; that life was holding him back. His Team assured me that the client was holding himself back. When I told him this, my words were met with denial. I asked his Team for something that I could say to him to help open him up so we could continue.
I instantly saw, in my mind’s eye (clairvoyance), an elderly woman dressed in a blue 1950’s dress with a matching jacket, matching pill box hat, and matching purse. She stood next to my client, grabbed her purse, swung it and smacked him with it (he didn’t feel it), and said, “Tell my grandson to get his head out of where the sun don’t shine!”
Okay…I held back a giggle...Read More
by Jan Toomer