Mid-week last week brought an interesting…event, if that’s the right word. There was a shift of energy – energy full of love, hope and support. What’s interesting is…wait; I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me back up.
Several months ago, my deceased daughter who is on my Team, kept telling me that I needed to spend more time with some others on my Team. I laughed and told her that I spend so much time with her because she’s always right there, usually in my face.
After she told me this, I had a picnic for my whole Team – kind of like a family reunion.
A little a month ago, my daughter’s presence and energy was gone. Having had experiences with other deceased family members, I know that they sometimes go off for more training for whatever they are working on in their soul work, so I didn’t think too much about it.
Some others have mentioned feeling a void or ... Read More
by Jan Toomer
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