
Monday, May 30, 2022

Experiences Between Earth’s Dimensions and Other Dimensions



 For those who know me, you know I’m not a fan of labels / terms or hierarchies. I may use them grudgingly so those I’m speaking (or writing) to have something familiar – a familiar context – to aid in following the concept of which I’m writing/speaking.

One of those labels is “ascending”. I don’t know about you, but for me, that term comes with an air of snobbery or “I’m better than you”. I like using the “raising frequency”, which we each do in our own time as per our soul plan (goals our soul wishes to accomplish during this current lifetime) and daily choices.

Okay, having put that all out there, let’s get to the meat of this article.

A lot more people are Sensing, Seeing, Feeling, Hearing and/or Knowing the presence of Others – those not in a physical form on Earth; usually meaning ghosts (Earthbounds), spirits (those no longer tied to Earth energy, but may visit loved ones who are still in physical form), and for those who believe in: Ascended Masters (Master Ascenders), gods or goddesses, Other place beings (aka “aliens”).

And it’s not just us humans experiencing this. It is long believed cats...Read More

by Jan Toomer



Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Can I Hear Me Now?



  Over the years, we were brought information on:
- Not rescuing others anymore
- Listening to self
- Finding our passion

The energies of the time we’re in is asking us to work on SELF. We have to invest time and energy on self.

Everyone But Me

As most of us were growing up, we were trained by society (schools, parents, etc.) that we had to think of self last, otherwise we were selfish. Everyone else’s needs had to come first. Now we’re being asked to release that programming, and again to work on self.

We aren’t asked to become self-important, narcissistic, or ego maniacs...rather to love, heal and listen to self. Of course, it’s a wee bit different while raising children, and hopefully the children will be raised without what societal “norms” look like today. Personally, I think manners, compassion and empathy are what needs to be taught and/or encouraged to grow. It seems as though a lot of teens and young adults today haven’t learned this.

As we heal ourselves, others around each one of us may want, or strive, to match our frequency, but the choice belongs to each individual. This is why we are told we can no longer rescue people...they must stretch and grown on their own (adults). Each individual is being held responsible for their own actions (or lack of action) and words. On Earth, every positive or negative action has a consequence – positive or negative. It’s okay to aid someone, but not do it for them.

Can I Hear Me Now?

Along with the programming of “everyone else comes ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, May 16, 2022

Merging of Time Lines



  We’ve touched on, over the years, about being able to start tapping into one’s own past and future lifetime’s abilities. Let’s take a bit closer look at that.

Because of where we are now (energetically and/or spiritually), we are experiencing the energetic merging of our times lines (including parallel lives).

What does this mean? Depending on your interest level and your spiritual awareness (there is no right or wrong, or ahead or behind with awareness), as time lines continue to merge, you have more direct access to the other “you” lifetime’s abilities.

In other words – you here-now (using linear time verbiage) will become closer and closer to the other you in other lifetimes. This can manifest as bleed-through memories of other places, times, locations, etc. -- which can be through dreaming, memories, asleep or awake; and it can, as previously mentioned, make your other lifetime abilities easier to tap into.

Other ways it may manifest is to have sudden “Knowings” about something you previously had no knowledge of. For example, waking up one day and having some peripheral knowledge of plants and herbs, or what a struggling tree is in need of. Or perhaps one is suddenly doing psychometry or energy healing. Or one became more connected to their own intuitive self.

Time lines merging has never happened in the human memories of this cycle on Earth. We are no longer confined...Read More

 by Jan Toomer