Spiritual faith may be, in my reality, different than religious faith. Or maybe not. I ask you come at this article from your own belief system.
When you recommend to someone to “have faith”, it may bring the conversation to a screeching halt. The person may say, “What has G-d ever done for me?”, or, “How can you have faith in something or someone you can’t even see or quantify?”
Faith, according to Google: 1) complete trust or confidence in someone or something. 2) strong belief in G-d or in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
How, indeed? I personally cannot prove to someone that love exists. I can prove that wind exists if it’s a windy day. But then again, it’s not my job to prove anything to anyone. I can, however, provide a way to perhaps present a different view or perspective.
I’d ask, “Who DO you trust?”
In the past, I’ve received a rather aggressive ... Read More
by Jan Toomer
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