
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mass Exodus Response Team

Mass Exodus Response Team

"My condolences to those whose lives were lost in this tragedy and to those whose lives were changed by the loss of loved ones.

This article:
- Talks about death and may be disturbing to some.
- Is in response to many Lightworkers experiences before, during and after the recent plane crash. Because we are becoming more sensitive to energy, and energy fluctuations, many may have had a more intense experience this time.

My apologies to any who may feel offended, or that I am being insensitive – that is not my intent. I also know that all are whole and well, even though they are no longer on the physical level."

 by Jan Toomer

Monday, March 23, 2015

What is My Soul’s Purpose?

What is My Soul’s Purpose?

"...many of us asked ourselves, or asked others, “What is my soul purpose?”, “Why am I here?”, or “I know I’m here for SOMETHING, but can’t figure out what it is.” With this may come the feeling of being stuck or stagnant.

I was one of those…"

by Jan Toomer

Friday, March 20, 2015

Energy Update – March 20, 2015

Energy Update – March 20, 2015

"Today is a busy day – and the incoming energies are pretty potent.

Some of what people are experiencing today MAY be:..."

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Energy Update - March 17, 2015

Energy Update - March 17, 2015

"And Here We Go!

The weird energy is definitely on the rise.

I went to town yesterday to pick up a..."

by Jan Toomer

Monday, March 16, 2015

Ascending is Individualized

Ascending is Individualized

How can we, humans, and Mother Earth raise our frequencies to get to the fifth dimension when we still appear to be involved with an environment that has anger, manipulation, killing, etc.?

Earth is, and has been, the “school of hard knocks”. Earth has been one of the hardest learning planets. It is the planet of duality. Love and hate. Dark and light. Compassion and bigotry and racism. Life and death."

by Jan Toomer

Monday, March 9, 2015

Odd Energy Lately

Odd Energy Lately

"You may have noticed that no article was put out last week, and many know that I often write articles in advance (except for the Energy Updates). This mean that not only did I not write an article for last Monday, but haven’t written for at least two weeks.

There has been some odd energy lately."

by Jan Toomer