
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Beginnings - Part One

I am back and have had an amazing healing journey – some of which I will share with you all.

Before I go any further – please note that I am NOT a medical professional, an expert nor a facilitator. I am, in my own words, visualizations and impressions, reporting to you MY experience.

I cannot tell you that these results are typical (I do not know) – nor that you will perceive, react, or experience as I did; each individual is unique.

I arrived in Silver City New Mexico on Tuesday. Nervous and excited, I was met by Leesa Haire, one of the facilitators and owners of the Heartsong Center For Integrative Wellness. Though he was involved, I did not meet with the other owner/facilitator, Dr. Haire, until Sunday, my last day there.

It was time to begin my Brain State Conditioning ™. We began with the assessment.

Leesa had me fill out two questionnaires/surveys online. This was followed by a mapping session – which consisted of Leesa placing electrodes on my head, and instructed me to close my eyes; partially open my eyes; and then was given a simple task (such as reading)- each for one minute. She would then reposition the electrodes and repeat the process.

This lasted about two hours or so (though it didn’t seem long at all!) and was to map the brain activity for the forthcoming sessions. After the assessment, the results were reviewed and a course of action was planned for the following sessions.

A session, which lasts approximately 1 ½ hours, consists of about seven designs per session.

A design is about an eight to sixteen minute segment where you listen to musical tones/sounds.

Each design has specified electrode placement (to monitor the brain’s responses), and each design works on specified ‘hot spots’ (my term here).

All of which, the client is comfortably ensconced in anti-gravity chair (way comfy!).

The procedure is created to help rebalance the brain.

For me, the assessment revealed that the part of my brain that was supposed to be active during a working phase, wasn’t; and the part of my brain that was supposed to be active during quiet phases, wasn’t. It was backwards.

Some symptoms of this reversal are: the inability, or a hardship, in making decisions; difficulty in focusing; and becoming overwhelmed.

And one the common causes? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Now, before you go into heavy denial – my understanding, energy-wise, is that any trauma – long or short term – can cause imbalanced patterns within the brain.

Again, energy-wise and my perception – we all experience this in some degree; therefore (in my personal opinion), we can all benefit from Brain State Conditioning ™.

End of Part One. Next week, I will present some of my journal entries from this re-balancing; which will include how my mind perceived the process and the changes that ensued.

By Jan Toomer

Book Review - Being Psychic - E

"Second Sight", Judith Orloff, M.D. (C) 1996, Warner Books Inc. ISBN 0-446-67335-8.

Judith Orloff's book is about being psychic.... read more review here

Jan Toomer

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I have to wonder if free will might be either slightly over-rated or misunderstood. If the reason is choice, then what is the choice? What exactly is free will?
· It has been assumed by most of us, that we learn from our mistakes, or that without the valley’s we would never see the peaks. Or, without free will, we would all be robots, and we wouldn’t have a mind of our own. Why not? Why do we have to suffer in order to grow? Where did that come from?
· There has not been a civilization on this earth so far that has not fallen. Why is that? Why it is that mankind as a whole has not learned from past mistakes? How is mankind any different today? If it weren’t for a divine intervention of the new age, where would we be?
· The Hopi Indians say that mankind has forgotten how to live on Mother Earth. If we don’t stop, the very things that we abuse from our lack of respect will indeed destroy us. It would appear that we are doing a fine job. Look where our intelligence has taken us.
It makes me have to wonder what our creator had in mind when he gave us free will. I am not knocking it; I’m trying to understand it, because logic would tell us that we are missing a key ingredient.
I have been writing about animals. In a book by Jamie Sams & David Carson, who wrote MEDICINE CARDS, they say that animals can teach us to live in harmony with all of God's creation and Mother Earth. When you think about it, each animal lives in perfect obedience to a specific purpose within their own kind. Each has a lesson to teach us and if we paid attention, our mind, body and spirit would be healed.
I believe that the animal kingdom is one key, and is important to our survival, and how we ascend to forth dimensional reality. If we look at a few basic characteristics of animals;
· They sure don't need man to survive, in fact, it's mans interference that puts them at risk.
· They are born with keen instinct, and they know their place and are gracious for it.
· They are telepathic, and communicate with better understanding than we do.
· They see into other dimensions of reality.
· In their natural state, they are balanced, without fear.
Can you imagine what life would be like if we used our freewill to our greatest advantage by appreciating all the many things that are here on this earth and teach us to live in harmony? Everything we need is right in front of us, if we have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear.
As we get closer to the new age of Aquarius, more and more people are beginning to wake up. Everything I read suggests a life of harmony that is based on unconditional love for each other. No more suffering for the masses and everyone knows that we are one. I believe that mindset can accomplish far greater things than mankind has demonstrated so far.
I have always thought that truth parallels truth. I am looking for the parallel regarding freewill. Maybe, freewill is not present when we are one? Maybe, it’s one of life’s mysteries?
Does anyone have any thoughts?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Personal Journey

I will be gone next week (this was the week of Nov 10th-16th) – so there will be no new article on November 12th. I will however, be back in time for a new article on November 19th.

But I do want to begin my article now – like a teaser bit – before I hit the road. I will start it off with a bit of background on me – and let you know that this may be an ongoing article with progress reports.

The next article will have a connection to what follows below. This is not a ‘pity-party’ or ‘pity me’ article. That is not my intention. I will provide you some facts, to the best of my knowledge, and will take it from there.

Many years ago, doctors overseas forced me to take two medicines that I shouldn’t have had. I do claim some responsibility here – I should have more strongly demanded alternatives – but was put in a position of being threatened to be removed from my family (no, it wasn’t a psychological issue) if I didn’t do as they said. Yes, they blackmailed me into taking the meds.

One was cortisone for severe asthma. I had been on and off cortisone since I was seven years old. Cortisone cannot be taken for more than seven years or it can destroy the liver; bloat the body; royally mess with hormones; and the list goes on. I stood up for myself, and was threatened with blackmail tactics if I didn’t get, and stay on, cortisone.

Second was another drug for a reaction I had – and again, was threatened to be removed from my family if I did not follow their orders and take this stuff.

Well, this stuff did a lot of damage to me. I had a mini-stroke and was unconscious for two weeks. A doctor recently told me that they call that a ‘coma’. Go figure.

When I came out of it, the response from the then-doctors was along the lines of “Well, you’re walking and talking now – so quit worrying about it.”

My body ballooned, my skin turned yellow, and I began dying. However, that wasn’t as bad as having lost most of my long term memory; had no short term memory; a near-photographic memory gone; and I lost my ‘I’ve had these since birth’ metaphysical abilities. And I developed a severe (to me) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, targeted at meeting new-to-me doctors.

I struggled many years when my husband found someone that finally could and would help me. A wonderful naturopathic doctor began me on my journey of healing.

I began re-training my brain to regain a more permanent short term memory – as well as trying to re-develop my lost abilities - and that was a long, scary road.

Some long term memories have returned – some spontaneously; some aided by a childhood friend. But, there still remains large gaps in my memory – and it makes me wonder what else I used to know, but have forgotten.

Most of my abilities returned – an interesting experience in itself, which I discuss in my course “Undefined Reality”.

And I have now met a doctor that believes he knows of a non-evasive way to rebalance my brain – and possibly return that which was lost.

Jan JD Toomer

Book Review - Remote Viewing - E

“The Ultimate Time Machine: A Remote Viewer’s Perception of Time, and Predictions for the New Millenium”, Joseph McMoneagle. © 1998. Hampton Roads Pub. ISBN 1-57174-102-X.

McMoneagle talks a bit about STARGATE - and much more!
Jan Toomer

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hi all,

I wanted to post a quick note to say hi, and to apologize for not being here too much lately.

I see that there are some new people onboard, and I want to welcome them and say that I am looking forward to reading and responding to some interesting topics.

I am trying to be obedient to a voice telling me to write. I can't say that it is a book, e-book or possibly its only a test. None the less, I am at the end of my final draft. What happens next, I don't know. Is it good? Sure it is. If nothing else, its a learning experience for me. If it isn't any good, I guess we can blame the voice in my head. I will be glad when it's finished.

I am looking forward to blogging with all of you.


Monday, November 10, 2008


Hi All!
As I clean the house and prepare to leave in the morning, I - as usual - forgot to shield the dogs from me. These little girls know when something is up - leaving behind their normally gentle, patient questions - I got bombarded so hard today! Ever heard two little dogs yelling in your head at a very fast pace, "Where we going? Are we going? Is someone coming here? Are you leaving us? What about lunch? Can I go potty before we leave? I am hungry. Where are we going? Is it time to go?"

And on, and on, and on.

Overwhelmed and trying to drown them out, I finally yelled, "You are going to drive me to suckin' nuts!" You see, for those of you who have heard me say "that sucks peanut butter - the crunchy kind" - this went way beyond suckin' peanut butter - this was straight to the peanuts! Argh!

So, I took them outside - we all cleared our heads - and then I explained to them the deal of what was going on (should've started with that, eh? Ha!)

Now they are conked out on the couch - no longer worried about me preparing to leave.
Go figure....

Have a good week everyone!

Jan JD Toomer

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What If? – Past, Present and Future

I briefly introduce “What If?” in my “Undefined Reality” course.

I like playing “What If?” – it exercises my brain; sometimes gives me a new or creative way to solve a problem; and can also aid in teaching me a new technique or ways to alter an old technique.

Is “What If?” just a game, fantasy or over-active imagination? Or, is it working to stretch beyond our self-induced limitations?

Now, I would like to introduce “What If?” to you.

Again, taking an example from the “Undefined Reality” course – what if interactive ghosts (re: hauntings) are not just entities who haven’t crossed over and are slightly out of sync with the third dimension?

What if there is a thinning of the membrane between the ‘current’ time (as we perceive it) and the past or future time (again, as we perceive it)?

Time is not linear (a straight line); it is more like a spiral (for this demonstration purpose) – which means the past, present and future are a lot closer than we realize.

What if that membrane occasionally thins enough that we can interact with ‘our’ past or future? Or if the past or future can interact with ‘our’ now?

Could this also explain our history’s accurate prophecies? Did the membrane thin enough for those seers to see through the membrane and catch a glimpse into their future?

Okay, your turn readers and bloggers… What if?

Jan JD Toomer

Book Review - Reincarnation - E

"Many Lives, Many Masters”, Brian L. Weiss, M.D.(c) 1988. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-671-65786-0.

Dr. Weiss learns about reincarnation - read the review here

Jan Toomer