(I am going to split these two up and enter them as two separate entries.)
My friend recommended that I Google this word - Ophiuchus - and found it is the thirteenth zodiac sign (or sun sign). During my Google-ing, I ran across the “YouTube” entry, “Lost Books of Nostradamus 2012 and Ophiuchus”. It was an interesting video (three parts) of the History Channel’s presentation – which explained that Nostradamus’ lost book consisted of paintings depicting the “end of the world” scenario/prediction, and included Ophiuchus’ role in this.
I am not a big fan of “doom and gloom”, so my point is not the end of the world; rather, it is what role Ophiuchus plays in the alignments and how it affects the human population.
If you decide to look into this, please share your thoughts/ideas on it.
Could it be.........
The 13 Chakra, the Precession of the Equinoxes...approx 26000 yr cycle, ending our current age of Pisces in 2012 and the missing DNA strands that were altered in humans to control us, and Ophiuchus are all linked and in fact are going to restore the DNA strands in humans?
Scientists have discovered a black hole in the center of our Milky Way called the Dark Rift. Ophiuchus is right there.
According to Wikipedia
The most recent interpretation is that the figure represents the healer Asclepius, who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another healing herbs. To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius' care, Zeus killed him with a bolt of lightning, but later placed his image in the heavens to honor his good works.
Doesn't this seem relevant and sound familiar to lost DNA being altered? And, are some calling Ophiuchus the black hole in the Milky Way? Isn't a black hole a portal into other dimensions? Is is coincidence that all this is coming together now?
Really neat thoughts here! And I don't have any firm answers for your questions.....I do know that none of this is "coincidence"! ....grin...
What do others have to say on this?
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