Metaphysical #91
Greatest Show On Earth - I Didn't Want To Be Here - PT-6 Final
We wrap it up with a chat about our soul, energy, authenticity, and passion.
Greatest Show On Earth - I Didn't Want To Be Here - PT-6 Final
We wrap it up with a chat about our soul, energy, authenticity, and passion.
I know I’ve been MIA on my site for a while. I’d been focusing on videos for TT and YT to – I guess I would say – provide a more personal experience.
I’m sure you know about TikTok. This was one in a chain of shifts that has occurred in just in the last week.
Even though my Team recommended I not do energy updates anymore, I felt the need (my oppositional defiance in action, I suppose *grin*) to address what many have been feeling these last few days.
In short, the energy is crazy right now. Whew! For today, January 21, 2025, there will be six planets in alignment: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus and Saturn.
I am not an astrologist or astronomer, so perhaps research what these planets and their alignments may mean to you personally.
I can only share that the energy of these planets, for me, combined with the extreme Schumann Resonance, means a somewhat aggressive energetic push to deep clean and release whatever we are or were still holding onto and trying to drag forward into an energy and space that cannot and will not support it. It’s time to release it.
We are also experiencing some energetic shifts because of the changing of the guard, so-to-speak. I will not discuss politics, but I can say that we all may be feeling the heightened emotions of the U.S. citizens and others in our country, as well as feeling the rest of the world’s heightened emotions towards the U.S.
There was also the 170 million U.S. Tiktok users who became “Tiktok refugees”; the stand the masses took to protest “you will not silence our voices”, and the increased distrust of the Meta family.
In other words, I don’t believe there will be any “surface” untouched by the purging and cleansing energies pushing through right now.
Though some truths have been shoved in our faces, then were then downplayed, censored and/or removed so as to not empower the masses. Pfft.
More truths will be revealed. My Team keeps repeating, “This is what you all have been preparing for. Discernment is important. Stand in your truth; not in the illusions or negative energies.”
This means that some truths that will be revealed may be repugnant; some may sound somewhat like excerpts from horror and/or science fiction movies; some may sound fantastical, etc.
Please use discernment and trust your true inner self, aka Higher Self. Stay out of fear.
I have said over my lifetime that I’d rather be hurt by the truth than killed by lies.
The truths to be revealed may be very uncomfortable and/or very exciting, depending on your personal views. Again, stand in your truth and stay out of fear.
I don’t know (for sure) what all of the truths are that will be revealed, and how, but I know I want the slate cleaned, and a new healthy societal relationship to begin.
As we clean our slates (purge) personally, nation-wide and world-wide, I have a weird mix of feeling sadness and relief.
It’s kind of like when you’ve been in a long term abusive and/or narcissistic relationship for the majority of your life and you suddenly feel the shift to give you the strength to stand up and say, “No more!” There’s a sense of relief as well as grief. Even though the relationship had been unhealthy, it was the only one you knew and you held a kernel of hope for it. You also lived in fear because of the hostile relationship, so it is now a type of death (purging the toxic relationship) as you move away from it.
And relief because you can finally let go of the unsupported hope you’d carried for so long, and can step forward and explore the “new”.
I’m in waiting mode right now – on pause – while I wait for the nation to go through its stages of grief…hopefully peacefully…so we can move on to re-empowering us, the people…the humans who have been enslaved by a corrupt government for most, if not all, of our lives here in the United States.
For example: As I understand it, the US flag we use today was actually the war time flag. The war time flag was designated to be our official flag in I believe 1959; and it’s said that the war time flag is reported to be the flag of the incorporated government of the U.S. Have you ever seen the peace time flag? Was anyone taught about this in school? I haven’t seen it flying in my lifetime so far.
It’s time the people are heard. It’s time for truths. It’s time for us, the people. It’s time for peace.
Stand in our truth. Stand together. Support our people. Some people will be okay; some will struggle. Don’t turn against one another; we really need each other.
Please move forward in peace and solidarity for the human race.
It’s our time. Let’s do it right and without anger, hate and violence.
Greatest Show On Earth-I Didn't Want To Be Here PT-5
Continuing with perspectives, laughter, changing energy and gratitude.